OCTOBER 31, 2006 ISSUE |

Welcome To The New Look
Of The Valley East Today
Weekly Online News Magazine |
Publisher of the Valley East Today Community Web Site and
Weekly Online News Magazine, I want to once again take this opportunity
to sincerely thank you for your support of this publication
during the past year.
We hope you enjoy the stories and feature articles that are
being sent to you every Tuesday and assure you that we will
continue to work extremely hard to recognize the
accomplishments and achievements of the people who are making
a difference in this great community. It is our goal to keep
you informed about what it going on in Valley East.
Several weeks ago we introduced a new organizational format
for the Online News Magazine in order to make it easier for
you to find articles that are of particular interest to you
instead of merely mixing all of the articles helter-skelter
over four pages. Our decision to divide the publication into eight
difference sections has been well received, judging from the
comments we have been receiving. The new format enables you to
go directly to the section that is of most interest to you and
then read the rest of the publication at your
A lot of people are pleased that we will be leaving the feature articles and
stories on the site for the entire month. With most of our new features
appearing on this FRONT PAGE, you can simply go to the Feature
Story Section to find all of the stories and articles that
have been published in any given month.
We have made many of the changes due to the fact that a
number of our readers have
indicated that there have been times when their email servers
"block" or "bounce" the Valley East Today
publication, or it gets accidentally deleted and they thus miss the edition. By keeping all of
the stories together for the entire month, you will not miss a
thing if you have problems with your email provider.
Valley East Today
Continues to Grow In Popularity With Local Residents!
Now Top Site on Google Search Engine |
Valley East Today Community Web Site was created over three years ago to
commemorate our Centennial Year. It was originally intended to become a web
site where we could accumulate stories and information showcasing the
accomplishments and achievements of local residents who were making a
difference in the community.
On November 29, 2005, we launched the Valley East Today Online Weekly
News Magazine, which is published every Tuesday and emailed out to a list of
subscribers that has grown to over 2500. In
addition, we estimate that anywhere from 10,000 to 20,000 different people
actually receive some or all of the Weekly News Magazine as articles and
links are forwarded to addresses around the world.
give you some idea of just how massive this web site has become, when you
type in the search words, VALLEY EAST, on Google, Valley East Today comes up
as the first entry out of 98,000,000 others. This has tremendous
implications for the future of this great community. When people are
considering where to settle in the City of Greater Sudbury, they now have a
web site that captures most of the positive elements of Valley East, and
more importantly, provides a comprehensive insight into the PEOPLE who form
this community. And we all know that regardless of where you live, it is the

Elizabeth Centre Residents Have A
Great Time During Octoberfest Pie Baking Contest |
This year’s Elizabeth Centre Octoberfest Day featured a special
pie-eating contest that proved to be very popular with the residents of the
After tasting fifteen different pies, the judges selected Germaine Laurin’s raspberry pie as the winner of the first place prize. Germaine,
who is shown seated in front of the group, baked the pie with the help of a
family member, Linda Perreault. Others in the photo included: Henri Fortin,
seated on the far left, Dan Draper, Administrator of the Centre; Louise
Portelance; Vicki Vincent, 2nd place winner with an apple pie;
Andre Rivest; Sonya Hearty, 3rd place winner with another applie
pie; and Ron Dupuis.
Dan Draper, Louise Portelance, Andre Rivest, Ron Dupuis and Henri
Fortin were the judges of the contest. They had a taste of each of the
fifteen pies and then rated them on a scale of one to five. Following the
prize presentations, the residents enjoyed eating the rest of the pies as a
fitting conclusion to their barbecue lunch.
The Elizabeth Centre is
located on
Main Street
in Val Caron and
is home to 128 low- to total-care residents.
Click on the link below to see more photos from the 2006 Elizabeth Centre
For more photos
Masciangelo, owner of Masciangelo Motors is proud of his Vehicle
Locate Program which has matched so many customers with vehicles
that they have been searching for all over the province of Ontario
and beyond. You can read about Masciangelo Motors in the Business
Section of Valley East Today or you can go directly to the
corporate web site at:
Conveniently located at 1440 Falconbridge Road in Sudbury.
Call (705) 521-9999 for more information |
2915 R.C (Army)
C.C. Irish Regiment of Canada Sell Poppies To Assist Capreol Legion |
Members of the 2915 R.C (Army) C.C. Irish Regiment of
Canada were in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre on Saturday, October 28,
2006 selling poppies to the general public in honour of Canadians who fought
and/or died for our country.
Shown above at one of the entrances are, from the left: Officer Cadet Kim
Gardner; Warrant Officer Karie Belisle; and Private Miranda Bourgeois. They
were part of a contingent that included eleven cadets and two officers.
Warrant Officer Belisle was just recently promoted from the rank of
Company Sergeant Major and remains the ranking cadet in Capreol. A resident of Hanmer,
Warrant Officer Belisle has been with the
"Capreol Cadets" for the past four years. She is a Grade 12
student at Confederation Secondary School. She feels that being a member
of the Cadets has definitely helped her in a great many ways and she
thoroughly enjoys getting out in the community and helping organizations
like the Capreol Legion.
Captain Norm Duffy oversees the operations of the Capreol Cadets and he
feels that, "This definitely is something that every kid should try, but
it is not for everyone." He continued to explain, "The goal of
the Irish Regiment of Canada is to produce better citizens, promote
physical fitness, and give young people insight into the Canadian Armed
Forces. It helps boys and girls develop self-confidence, poise, and a
sense of respect for their fellow man and for authority. Many people say
that you don't belong to Cadets; you are adopted by Cadets.
and Ron Pedneault of Fantastic Floors in Val Caron, welcome all
local shoppers to drop by and see their fine selection of flooring
products. You can also call (705) 897-3567 or visit their web site
www.fantasticfloors.ca |
PERE DENIS SAVIGNAC, on the left front of the photo, enjoys a hearty
spaghetti dinner with some of the parishioners of PAROISSE STE-MARGUERITE-D'YOUVILLE
during the Annual Chevaliers de Colomb Spaghetti Dinner which was held on
Sunday, October 29, 2006. Sitting beside PERE SAVIGNAC is long-time Montreal
Canadian's fan, Pat Labelle. He and PERE SAVIGNAC had some great debates
during the dinner since PERE SAVIGNAC is a die-hard fan of the Toronto Maple
Leafs. Beside Pat is Ghislaine Deschesne who was staying out of the hockey
debate. This is always a popular event for the parish and
as usual close to 500 people took advantage of the excellent dinner
opportunity. |
PAROISSE STE-MARGUERITE-D'YOUVILLE is situated in Val Therese, on Highway 69
North. The parish serves over 600 families from Val Therese, Val Caron and
McCrea Heights.
In addition to the Spaghetti Dinner, the Chevaliers de Colomb #10602 also
sponsors a Sunday Brunch on the first Sunday of every month. The next Sunday
Brunch will be held on November 5 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Adults are
only $5; children between the ages of 5 and 13, $3; and children under the
age of five free. The Sunday Brunch is open to everyone in the community, so
drop in if you happen to be in the neighbourhood. |
Roger Chevrier Will Be Back In The
Mall On November 4 With His Finger-Style Guitar Music |
Roger Chevrier has returned for another year of playing his unique
finger-style guitar music at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre. Roger will
be at the mall on the first Saturday every month from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
at the Centre Court sitting area.
His next session will be on
Saturday, November 4, 2006.
Shoppers are always welcome to stop by to take a break and listen to this
relaxing music. If you have a guitar at home or if you love this kind of
music, pick up an information pamphlet and find out how you can become
involved in this wonderful part of the music industry. Roger is hoping to
find enough guitar playing enthusiasts in the area to form a small club
which may be able to meet once in a while to share some music and perhaps
perform as a group in the mall.
You can catch Roger on the Laurentian University Radio Station at CKLU
96.7FM every Tuesday and Sunday. On Tuesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Roger is
host of the show, "My Picking Parlour", while on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 12
noon the show is called "Sitting Back Picking".
If you would like to talk to Roger about guitar music or about forming a
local club, call him at 969-1110 or email him at:
CLUB AGE d'OR DE LA VALLEE Hosts Monthly Luncheon For Special Guests
From Community Living Greater Sudbury |
luncheon every Monday for its members and the general public. Usually it is
only a place to socialize and enjoy lunch with family and friends. For only
$5 you get a bowl of soup, a hot meal, coffee and dessert.
On the last monday of every month, guests from
Community Living Greater Sudbury are invited to attend the lunch and the
group is treated to live entertainment. On Monday, October 30, 2006, about
100 people gathered for lunch, including over 20 clients from Our Friendship
Centre in Lively and Our Place in Blezard Valley.
In the photo above, Rollande Charette, on
the left, is getting bowls of soup filled on her tray to be served to her
group. Rollande is from Our Friendship Centre in Lively. Theresa Forget is
dishing out the soup. |
Euchre Tournament Takes Place Every
Monday Afternoon At LE
Every Monday afternoon beginning at 12:25 p.m. anywhere from 24 to 32 people
gather for an afternoon of friendly competition in the form of euchre. Sue
Carr, on the left above, is the Coordinator of the Euchre Tournaments. She
is seated with Gerry Lee and Paul Legault. The entry fee is $4 per person,
which includes a chance to win lunch the following Monday. You can also
enter a 50/50 draw for only $2.00. The group plays a "Progressive Style
Tournament" where everybody is on their own and points are accumulated
during the afternoon. It is a great pastime which ends at approximately 3
The play is open to the general public, so if you are interested in
playing euchre on Monday afternoons, just drop in and see Sue next Monday. |
Memories From Monique Grenon |
We thank Monique Grenon of Hanmer for sharing some of these old photos
that she uncovered from one of her albums. See if you can spot some of
your old friends (or ancestors). Click on the link below for more photos.
Canadian Tire & Mark's Work
Wearhouse Open Their Doors on October 26, 2006 at 12 Noon |
Canadian Tire and Mark's Work Wearhouse opened their doors officially for
the first time at 12 noon on Thursday, October 26, 2006. There was very
little fan-fare and no advance advertising. But by the end of the afternoon
the parking lot was full as curious shoppers stopped by to see what they
have been waiting many years to come. Traffic was brisk all weekend long.
The Grand Opening of the Centre is scheduled for Thursday, November 16,
2006. |
You Can Have Access To All Of The Stories and Articles That Were
Published in Previous Issues Past Of The Weekly Online
News Magazine
Robert Kirwan: Publisher of Valley East Today |
It gives us great
pleasure to maintain a complete archive of previous issues of the
Valley East Today Online News Magazine. We understand that there are
times when you may have missed a week or would like to return to look
over a previous article. Hopefully you will find this archive section
useful and will share it with your friends. Everyone associated with
Valley East Today is quite proud of the "Living History" we
are creating and we know that it is providing a great deal of pleasure
and enjoyment for people in the community. Thank you for spending some
time with us today. If you have any comments, please do not hesitate
to contact me at: