The lines move quickly during lunch time. |
Mary Sawyer, on the left, along with Gerry Lee and Jake
Neufeld enjoy the company of others who have gathered for the delicious
lunch. |
As you can see from the photo, the hall was packed full
with people seeking an afternoon of comraderie and conversation. |
Chris Jones, Michael Hobson, and Jamie Dumais, from Our
Friendship Centre in Lively, ham it up for the camera. |
Danielle Gervais, Coordinator of the Centre and Michelle
Cote, Instructor of the Computer Program, wait their turn in line for lunch. |
Gilles Coutu provided the Kareoke entertainment for the
afternoon. |
Support Workers from Our Place in Blezard Valley, included:
Michelle Tryon, Jody Matthews and Rollande Charette. |
Tracy Perih, on the left, and Cathy Oja, are support
workers from Our Friendship Centre in Lively. |
Once the music started Chris Jones (in the middle of the
photo) and his friends danced the afternoon away. Below, you can see the
guests enjoying their meal. |