
The Valley East Youth Centre |
433 Centennial Drive, Hanmer, Ontario
Across from the Centennial Arena
(705) 969-5188 |
Opening of
Centre Signals A New Beginning
For Local Teens

The Valley East Youth Centre, located directly across from the Centennial
Arena in Hanmer, held an Open House on
January 27, 2009
that signaled a new beginning for
young people in the community.
The highlight of the
evening was the ribbon cutting ceremony shown in the photo. On the left,
Volunteer Coordinator, Patricia Caine, and on the far right, Sue Beaudry,
representing the Club Optimist de la Vallee, held the ribbon while the two
guests of honour officially opened the newly renovated centre. City of
Sudbury Mayor
, John Rodrigez, on
the right, assisted Roy Goden,
Past Governor of the Northeastern Ontario Club Optimist to usher in a new
era for the Valley East Youth Centre. Golden had made the trip up from
just for this occasion.
We’ve really done a
lot to improve the image of the Youth Centre,” Patricia declared.
“Visit the web site and look at the pictures. I’m sure you will be
impressed with how wonderful it looks today.”
Caine pointed out that
many families, struggling to maintain all of their family commitments, are
faced with the challenges of balancing responsibilities having to do with
work, their children, and making time for aging grandparents. Youth
centres support families and communities by providing safe, supervised
places and responding to youth when they need help. These centres assist
youth in making positive relationships and healthy lifestyles. The teen
years is a time for becoming more independent, getting that first job, and
doing community service volunteer work. Youth centres strive to teach
these essential skills in order to build better futures.
The open house was
attended by dozens of adults and youth from the community and every single
one of them marveled at the tremendous improvements in the facility.
The Youth Centre is
open Tuesdays to Fridays from
5 p.m.
9 p.m.
There are two supervisors on duty at all times and there is plenty for
youth to do while they are at the centre.
The next major event
for the Youth Centre is a Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Teen Dance on
Friday, February 13, 2009
11 p.m.
at the Centennial Arena. Tickets are $8 in advance or $10 at the door.
If you want more
information about the Valley East Youth Centre or if you would like to
make some kind of donation, just contact Patricia Caine at 969-4834 or
call the Youth Centre at 969-5188. You can also visit the web site at www.valleyeastyouthcentre.ca
Tuesdays to Fridays |
5 p.m. to 9 p.m. |


Patricia Caine |
Susan Johnston |