Valley East Today Community Web Site has been created for one
Valley East Today is a "Living History" of
this rapidly growing community which is becoming quickly
recognized as one of the preferred regions of the City of
Greater Sudbury. As this web site grows, "one story at a
time", it will help develop an image and an identity that
everyone will come to know and accept as Valley East. At this time I am extending an invitation to the entire
community to join with me in this project.
Valley East Today is the "Window To Our Community"
and we will embrace information technology as our
communication vehicle. Valley East Today will continue to grow into a dynamic, ever-expanding web site,
expanding one story at a time. It will become a "Living History" of the
community that will slowly build and help develop an image and an identity that
everyone will come to know and accept as Valley East.
 | When people want to know about Valley East, they will turn to the Valley
East Today Community Web Site.
 | And when they want to find out about the goods and
services that are available through local businesses, they
will turn to Valley East Today. |
I encourage you to use this page as a
"springboard" to a vast network of web sites and web
pages filled with information of interest about the people,
places and events that are shaping our history and moving us
forward into a great future. Make sure you pay attention to
the goods and services that are being provided by the business
community of Valley East. They are the ones who are devoting
their lives to meet the needs of you and your family.
Welcome To Valley East Today!
Robert Kirwan
Valley East Today
Community Web Site & Newsletter |