Our Lady of
Peace Ladies Christmas Basket
Violet Mazzuca, on the
left, and her sister, Lenore D'Appalonia, will once again be in the Hanmer
Valley Shopping Centre selling tickets on a chance to win beautiful gift
baskets which will be drawn during the Annual Christmas Tea & Bazaar
at Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church in Capreol.
The Tea & Bazaar
will be held on Sunday, November 5, 2006 from 12 noon to 3 p.m.
The winners of the
baskets in 2005 were Ray Laferierre, Joey Frawley and Daniel Courtemanche.
The funds raised will be
put to good use in the Parish.
The Ladies Auxiliary of Chevaliers du
Columb / Knights of Columbus Council #5005 Selling Tickets On A Major
Raffle In March |
Lizette Gascon, President of the Ladies Auxiliary (Council 5005) of the
Knights of Columbus Council 5005 receives a helping hand from her husband as
she took her shift selling tickets on the major raffle which will be drawn
on March 25, 2007 at 4 p.m. at the main hall on Emily Street. First Prize is
$500; Second Prize is $200, and; Third Prize is $100. Tickets are being sold
for $1 each or 6 for $5. The proceeds will be used for charitable purposes
by the Council 5005. Shown below during their turn at the table are Alice
Savoie, on the left, and Diane Desjardins.
Groceries For A Year Presented By
Desjardins' Food Basics As Part of Valley East Minor Baseball
Sponsorship |
Garry Shyminsky, on the left, and Ken Desjardins, owner
of Desjardins' Food Basics in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre,
congratulate Patty Crites, the winner of the Valley East Minor Baseball
"Win Groceries for a Year" contest which was drawn on September
16, 2006. The Valley East Vipers Baseball teams would like to thank Ken
Desjardins and Desjardins' Food Basics for all the help and support this
past baseball season.
Many Local Residents Would Like To
See A Leash-Free Dog Park Established In Valley East |
One thing you notice very soon when you visit Valley East
is that the dog population is very high. However, according to one
long-time dog owner, Darlene Ranger, despite the fact that there seems to
be a lot of places in the community where you can bring your dog to run
and play, especially in wooded areas on the outskirts of town, there just
isn't any place where you can bring your dog and teach him/her to
socialize with other dogs.
"What we need is a nice large, fenced-in park where you can bring
your dog and just let it run loose and play with other dogs,"
explained Darlene. "Some of the big cities have them set up already
and they are proving very popular. You can have a place to dispense water
for your pet, a covered shelter to keep out of the sun and rain, and
places to dispose of droppings that owners will be responsible for picking
parks are relatively easy to set up once you find a suitable piece of
land. The area is fenced in so that dogs can't run loose. There are access
gates and plenty of signage around the facility. The park would be open
seven days a week from dawn to dusk. Once it is open, it can generally
become self-sufficient as dog walking groups take on the responsibility of
fund-raising to come up with money to cover most of the expenses.
Owners will always be responsible to follow the "stoop and
scoop" bylaws so this would be a fairly clean park.
Darlene Ranger and other dog lovers in the area are looking forward to
the day when dogs like Sarge (left) and Baxter can be taken to a park
where they can run loose and play with their "friends".
If you have any thoughts or opinions about the possible establishment
of a leash-free dog park in Valley East, please send an email through the
link to the side... |

Roger Chevrier Returns For Another
Year of Finger Style Guitar Playing At The Mall |

Roger Chevrier has returned for another year of playing his
unique finger-style guitar music at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre.
Roger will be at the mall on the first Saturday every month from 1:00 p.m.
to 2:30 p.m. at the Centre Court sitting area. Shoppers are always welcome
to stop by to take a break and listen to this relaxing music. If you have
a guitar at home or if you love this kind of music, pick up an information
pamphlet and find out how you can become involved in this wonderful part
of the music industry. Roger is hoping to find enough guitar playing
enthusiasts in the area to form a small club which may be able to meet
once in a while to share some music and perhaps perform as a group in the
mall. You can catch Roger on the Laurentian University Radio Station at
CKLU 96.7FM every Tuesday and Sunday. On Tuesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Roger is host of the show, "My Picking Parlour", while on Sundays from 10
a.m. to 12 noon the show is called "Sitting Back Picking".
If you would like to talk to Roger about guitar music or about forming a
local club, call him at 969-1110 or email him at:
roger-chevrier@sympatico.ca |
Beavers, Cubs And Scouts
Distribute Apples To Residents of Valley East During Annual
Lynn Lachance, a Cub Leader with the 1st Valley East Scouts, is shown with
her 8-year old daughter, Roxanne, during the Annual Apple Day fund-raising
drive held in Valley East on Saturday, October 7, 2006. Roxanne attends
Grade 3 at Ecole St. Joseph on St. Anthony Street and has been a member of
the organization for 3 years. Roxanne's brother, Andre, is also a Cub. He
was selling apples in another section of the mall at the time the photo was
Lynn speaks very highly of the 1st Valley East Scouting group and feels
it provides an excellent experience for young children. This year there are
36 young boys and girls registered in the organization. There are 15 Beavers
(aged 5 to 8); 15 Cubs (aged 8 to 11); and 6 Scouts (over 11 years of age).
The Beavers and Cubs meet every Wednesday evening at St. Anne School in
Hanmer, while the Scouts meet every Tuesday at the same place. Other
activities and outings take place on weekends during the year which runs
from September to May.
Christianson, shown in the photo to the right, Scout Leader with the 1st Valley East Scouts, holds up a
display board that was used at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre during
registrations which were held in September.
This marked the first time that the scouts have used the mall for
registrations and Debbra was pleased with the response.
"We gained nine new members while we were in the mall, so it was
very worthwhile for us to be there," she explained.
If anyone is still interested in joining this great organization, you can
call Debbra at 969-7095 or Olivia Lobbon at 222-8878.
Halloween Decorations Popping Up
All Over The Neighbourhood Demonstrate the "Spirit of Valley
You can tell it is getting closer and closer to Halloween as you drive
around the subdivisions of Valley East and notice the yard decorations
popping up in the front yards. We congratulate the Chaput's of Hanmer for
demonstrating their community spirit in a very visible manner.
Stephanie Henley Wins $1500 In Gift
Certificates Only Days Before Her Wedding |
Stephanie Henley, shown with her one-year old son,
Benjamin, receives a surprise "wedding gift" from Robert Kirwan,
Director of Marketing and Public Relations for the Hanmer Valley Shopping
Centre. Stephanie is the winner of the September Customer Appreciation
Draw which includes over $1500 of gift certificates and prizes from the
merchants of the mall. For Stephanie and her husband, Josh, the
certificates will come in handy during the next month. The couple have
just recently moved back to Hanmer and were married on Saturday, October
7, 2006. We congratulate Stephanie and Josh and wish them many happy years
in Valley East, the place where Josh was born and raised. |