the time to remember a loved one this holiday season by Adding an
Ornament to the Tree of Remembrance |

Loretta Tompkins, Revenue Development Chair of Palliative
Caregivers Sudbury/Manitoulin, on the far right, and Jeannette Carriere,
Coordinator of the Warmhearts fundraising project, are shown with five of
the volunteers who have been spending time at the Hanmer Valley Shopping
Centre helping people “remember their loved ones” who have passed
The volunteers
shown in the photo with Jeannette and Loretta, are: (standing from left to
right) Marina Lamoureux, Dennis Mount and Esther Tardif. Seated are Jean
Manuel and Noella Poitras.
know how difficult it can be for families during this time of year.
We encourage them to take the time to remember their loved ones
this holiday season by hanging an ornament on our Tree of Remembrance, ”
Maryann Lepage, Executive Director.
are sometimes all we have left after the death of a loved one.
The thought of forgetting their face, their ways, their likes and
dislikes make us hold on to our grief long after they are gone.
As memories begin to fade, we need to find ways to bring memories
of our loved ones into the holiday traditions.
Warmhearts Pallliative
Caregivers Sudbury/Manitoulin can help you celebrate the life of your
loved ones. Purchase a snowflake, write the name of your loved one on it
and hang it on our tree for all to see.
This will help keep memories alive through the holiday season!
The community is invited to purchase an ornament and write in the
book of memories, from now until December 23rd.
For the convenience of people living in
and Capreol, one of the three trees in the area is located at the Hanmer
Valley Shopping Centre. You can make the Tree of Remembrance a part of
your holiday tradition. Ornaments are $5.00 each and all monies raised
from this initiative go to Warmhearts
Palliative Caregivers Sudbury/Manitoulin to support individuals and
families facing end of life challenges.
In the following photo,
Val Mazzuca, owner of the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre is shown adding
several ornaments to the tree in remembrance of family members who are no
longer with us today.

Knights of Columbus #5005 Deliver
142 Christmas Food Hampers to Needy Families |

The Co-Chairs of the Christmas Food Hamper Committee, shown
in the photo below, have nothing but praise for the hard working
volunteers who helped fill 142 wonderful Christmas Hampers for needy
families in Valley East. The hampers were delivered on Saturday, December
19, 2009. "It takes a lot of work to sort out the food, vouchers and
gifts so that each family receives about $200 worth of donations,"
Fern Gascon, shown on the right in the photo below along with Dorice
Menard explained. "We receive the food from the generosity of the
entire community with schools and organizations collecting supplies during
the fall and then giving it to us to distribute."
Any surplus food is sent over to the Good Neighbours Food Bank in
Hanmer so that they can better serve their regular clients. The Knights of
Columbus have been responsible for the Christmas Food Hamper delivery
since about 2004 and each year the need has been increasing. "We
started out delivering about 85 hampers and now we are up to 142,"
Gascon declared. |

Charities Being Challenged By Recession |
The global recession and the depressed economy is causing major
problems for many local charities. Mary Lou Bolger, on the right,
Treasurer of the Kin Club of Valley East and Melinda Serre, a placement
student with the John Howard Society are shown during one of the dozens of
hours they spent volunteering their time selling fireworks for the Canada
Day celebrations. This is one of the major fundraisers of the Kin Club and
this year sales were expected to be off significantly because of the poor
economic conditions that prevail this summer.
drop in revenue from fund-raising is being felt by most major fund-raising
organizations, with reports of as much as a 35% drop off because of the
economy. Mary Lou explains, “It is understandable that the amount of
money available for donations would be less this year than at other times.
But the unfortunate thing is that as the economy gets worse, the
individual requests for assistance from groups like the Kin Club increase.
More and more people are finding it hard to cope financially, so they turn
to groups like ours for support. But our resources and the resources of
all charities are being depleted faster than they can be replaced, so we
know we are heading for some very challenging times.
summer and fall will be particularly difficult for many needy families in
the area, so local residents are urged to give what they can to
organizations that are trying to help out.
New Leash On Life - Pets Are Looking For Foster Parents |

In the year 2000 a few animals
lovers got to together and formed a small association called Pet Save.
They were a committed group of people who appreciated the value of animals
in their lives and just wanted to help a few dogs in need of a second
chance. Originally Pet Save only rescued dogs but by 2002, recognizing
that this was a community with a severe cat overpopulation problem, they
began to take in stray cats. Operating on the principle that all life is
precious, Pet Save was proud to be the only no kill shelter operating in
the community.
By the year 2003 the
group became a registered charity and has grown to over 200 volunteers,
saving over 2500 cats, dogs, bunnies and even a few pot belly pigs along
the way.
Today, Jill Pessot,
Director and one of the Founders of Pet Save, continues to follow her
passion and as a result, Pet Save is growing in leaps and bounds. Over
1200 cats and dogs are rescued and distributed annually, with the numbers
expected to increase tremendously in the next few years. Jill believes
that every person has something to offer a homeless or orphaned animal and
one person at a time can make a difference!
The group’s mission is to rescue abandoned, abused and neglected
dogs and cats throughout
Northern Ontario
and ensure that every pet
receives "A New Leash on Life".
In order to accomplish
their goals and objectives, Pet Save is in need of volunteers and foster
parents who are willing to take in a rescued pet for a short period of
time until the organization finds a permanent home for the animal. Pet
Save is also in need of financial assistance, so any donations would be
welcome. The vet bills to treat many of the rescued and abused animals is
quite significant. All help is appreciated.
For more information you can phone (705) 692-3319 or go to the web
site at www.petsave.ca
Annual Yellow Brick Road Is A Huge Success For Kin Club of Valley
East |

The Kin Club of Valley East held a
Yellow Brick Road
fund raiser to raise awareness and money for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation on
Saturday, April 18, 2009
at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre.
Coordinator, Manon
Bolger, shown 2nd from the right in the photo, is a Service
Director with the District C.F. Foundation as well as a member of the Kin
Club of Valley East. In addition to Manon, District C.F. &
Service Director Randy Cruickshank from
and Deputy Governor Kathy Alexander from
came up to spend the day with the group and help out.
According to Manon
the event turned out to be huge success. Three tables were set up in
the mall, one for the selling of the foot prints, one with Cystic Fibrosis
awareness materials and one representing the Kinsmen & Kinette Clubs
as the District Membership Director with information on the organization.
The one day event
raised $817.92 for Cystic Fibrosis with the sale of the foot prints and
silent auction.
The picture for the
silent action, which is shown in the group photo, was donated to us by ALL
INK located in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre and the winner was Jean
Proulx of Kapuskasing!
Manon expressed
appreciation to everyone who supported the event, “We want to extend a
very special thank you to Bob Kirwan, the management and staff of the
Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre and all who purchased a footprint on our
yellow brick road helping us to get "one step" closer to finding
a cure for Cystic Fibrosis.”
and Natasha Trottier are shown in the photo below planning their foot
prints on the floor in the mall.

Club of
Valley East
Sells Canadian Hockey Book To
Raise Funds |

Kin Club of Valley East has
joined forces with other Kin Canada clubs across
sell an exclusive hockey book that will benefit local community charities
and Cystic Fibrosis research.
Three of the members of
the Kin Club are shown in the photo spending time at the Hanmer Valley
Shopping Centre one Saturday afternoon selling the books. From the left
are Les Mayer, Jeanine Bolger, and Paula Mayer.
The book is called
Greatest Moments in Canada Hockey History and it is a soft cover
commemorative book that recounts Canada’s 50 all-time greatest hockey
games and its unforgettable heroes throughout the country’s storied
hockey history in NHL, junior’s, women’s and Olympic competition. The
Kin Club of Valley East hopes to sell the 144-page book to members of the
community over the next few weeks.
The book includes about 125 unforgettable photos, as well as feature
stories on Conn Smythe, Foster Hewitt, Jean Beliveau, Rocket Richard, the
birthplace of hockey, the early years of the National Hockey League
and the Toronto Maple Leafs-Montreal Canadiens rivalry.
"With the purchase of this book, you not only helping Kin
Canada raise funds for LOCAL community charities but also to fund research
and treatment programs for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CCFF)”
Please contact the Kin
Club of Valley East to get yours today the cost is $20.00 with $5.00 going
to C.F. and $5.00 to local charities.
You can phone the Kin Club at 969-0387
or e-mail kinclub@persona.ca or jbolger778@hotmail.com
The Community Safer Is One Phone Call Away” |

The Sudbury Rainbow Crime Stoppers is a non-profit community
program involving the co-operative efforts of the police, the community
and the media. Crime Stoppers is based on the simple principle that for
every crime committed, someone other than the criminal has information
that would solve the crime.
Setting up public displays in local shopping centres is one of the
methods Crime Stoppers employs to make people more aware of their mission.
Three members of the Sudbury Rainbow Crime Stoppers recently set up at the
Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre. In the photo we have: Paul Berardi,
Director; Deborah Rousseau, Office & Event Coordinator; and Seann
Kirkby, Volunteer.
“Crime Stoppers takes calls from people who want to report a
crime and wish to remain totally anonymous,” explained Deborah. “You
never have to identify yourself or appear in court. We issue you an
identity number for further reference and we never contact you. You
contact us. We just use your information to help us solve the crime. All
of our calls are taken by a police officer and our phone system does not
allow us to use caller ID or to track your call. Your identity is even
kept confidential if you earn a reward of anywhere from $50 to $2000 for
your information if it leads to an arrest in any serious crime or recovery
of drugs or stolen property.”
All of the money raised for Crime Stoppers comes from donations or
fund-raising, so if you are interested in helping this organization you
are encouraged to contact Deborah at 675-8477 or visit their web site at www.sudburycrimestoppers.com.
You can even submit tips online.
In the last ten years Sudbury Rainbow Crime Stoppers has received
over 34,000 calls and given out over $400,000 in rewards. A total of
almost 3000 arrests have been made resulting in over 5000 charges. To give
you an idea of the impact of Crime Stoppers, during those ten years over
75 weapons and over $10 million in property has been recovered. Incredible
as it may sound, over $31 million in drugs have also been seized as a
result of the calls made to the Sudbury Rainbow Crime Stoppers. This is
one initiative that works in the fight to reduce crime, and it is just one
phone call away.
For Humanity Receives $10,708 From Eva Lanctot Realty Family Fun Day |
When the Sudbury Chapter of Habitat For Humanity opened up
their first house in 1996, it marked the beginning of a new era for
families who were struggling to find decent living accommodations. On
June 27, 2008
, the 4th home will be dedicated on
Velma Street
in Val Caron, and will provide a home and a brighter future for a single
mother and her three children.
The future also looks
bright for Habitat For Humanity thanks to people like Eva Lanctot who
continue to go out of their way to support charitable causes in our
On May 24, Eva Lanctot
sponsored a Family Fun Day at the Knights of Columbus centre in Hanmer
which raised a total of $10,708 for Habitat For Humanity. In the photo she
is shown presenting the cheque to representatives of the organization.
From the left we have, Roger Tessier (Faith Chair), Louise Tessier (Family
Selection Chair); Eva Lanctot; Lise Reault (Executive Officer); and Jack
Lanctot (Chair of the Habitat for Humanity Sudbury District).
Lanctot Realty is one of the most successful real estate companies in the
region, but success wasn’t handed to Eva on a silver platter. “When my
husband and I came to
in 1961 we had 4 kids, no place to live, no job and no prospects. We even
received help from places like the Telethon and the Salvation Army. We
bought our first home in 1962 in the Valley for $2700 and I spent 20 years
working as a bus driver before I got into real estate. Now, I’m helping
kids I drove as a bus driver buy their homes.”
Eva Lanctot has always
believed that “What you give is what you get!” and so for her, the
opportunity to help an organization like Habitat for Humanity is something
she does without hesitation.
Lanctot was inducted into the Valley East Sports Hall of Fame in 2000 and
continues to be one of the most avid supporters of minor sports and
cultural activities involving children. The success of the First Annual
Charity Concert for Habitat for Humanity is just another indication of how
the town continues to embrace Eva Lanctot and everything she does for the
people of
Valley East
Alison Boyd is shown in the photo receiving one of the famous
“Eva Hugs” from Eva Lanctot during the special family fun day and
Charity Concert. Alison’s mother, Edie is shown in the background
looking on. “This town has been very good to me and my children,” Eva
explained when asked why she takes such great joy in sponsoring events
such as the Family Fun Day. “For me, there is nothing I like better than
doing something that will help make children happy. It’s all about the
Citizens On Patrol Definitely Making A Difference In Their Community |
and Linda Goddard have been members of the Capreol Citizens on Patrol for
over three years. During that time they have become part of a group of
approximately 25 concerned citizens who have been the “eyes and ears”
of the police.
“We have definitely
noticed a big improvement in the number of crimes committed in our town
since the C.O.P. program was introduced,” explained John.
on Patrol is a community crime prevention initiative involving specially
trained volunteers who conduct mobile observations of neighbourhoods with
a mandate to detect suspicious, disruptive, and criminal behaviour. The
mission of the C.O.P. program is to “build safer communities by
mobilizing citizens throughout
to participate in a community-based crime prevention initiative in
cooperation with local law enforcement.”
who wish to become a volunteer with Citizens on Patrol may apply online at
They must be a minimum of 18 years old and pass a police background check.
Once the application is processed, successful persons are contacted for
interviews and must complete one full day of specialized training.
who is interested in learning more about the program is asked to contact
the coordinator at 675-9171, Ext. 2335.
Habitat for Humanity Receives
Generous Donation For Project |
Lanctot, Chair of the Habitat for Humanity Sudbury District
and Lise Rheault, Executive Officer, on the far right,
gratefully accept a $5000 donation from Lori Moggy, centre,
Account Manager with Genworth Financial Canada for
Northern Ontario
. Lori, who is also
the fund-raising chair for Habitat for Humanity, was pleased
that her company recognized the importance of supporting such
a worthwhile organization.
Habitat for
Humanity Sudbury District builds homes with volunteer labour
and as much donated or cost-reduced material as possible. Fund
raising takes place to help offset expenses of materials,
services and land when they are not available through
donations. Financial support is received from individuals,
corporations, service groups and the faith community. That is
where companies like Genworth Financial Canada are so valuable
to the cause.
payments from current homeowners are retained by the
affiliate, which holds the mortgages to fund future projects.
to Jack Lanctot, “We consider this a hand up, not a hand
out.” In other
words, habitat houses are sold to families, not given to them
free of charge. In addition, families help to build their own
home. By building homes at low cost, requiring very little or
no down payment, and not charging interest on the mortgage,
Habitat for Humanity is able to provide an opportunity or a
"hand up" to buy a home for families that would not
otherwise qualify for a conventional mortgage.
The Habitat
for Humanity Sudbury District also operates a ReStore at
250 Frood Road
. There are over 50
such stores across
“These stores
are the primary resource for fundraising for our home
builds,” stated Lori. “Whether you are repairing your home
or rental property, building a cottage or hunt camp, you are
encouraged to visit the restore for the widest selection of
used building material at the best price in
. Shopping at the
ReStore not only saves you money, but also helps Habitat for
Humanity build homes for the less fortunate in our
There are
many benefits to shopping at the ReStore. For example, when
you shop at the ReStore you save money that can certainly be
put to good use today. You are also helping the environment by
using some recycled materials that otherwise might end up in a
landfill site. Finally, you are helping your community since
the proceeds from the ReStore help Habitat for Humanity build
homes for low income families.
The cheque
presentation was made at the site of the “Richer Build” on
Velma Street
which is the 4th
new build for Habitat for Humanity Sudbury District. For more
information about the organization call 688-8808.
Sudbury Action Centre For Youth
Mother’s Day Basket Raises Funds For Important Summer
Projects |
Linette Filippini, Youth Program Facilitator for the
Sudbury Action Centre for Youth has spent several days in the
Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre with members of her organization
selling raffle tickets on a Mother’s Day gift basket. The
money raised will be used to help pay for a summer initiative
for the youth.
The Sudbury Action Centre For Youth is a non profit,
charitable organization that has been providing essential
services to at risk youth for the past 20 years. The group has
been recognized both locally and nationally for its
contribution toward the prevention and treatment of substance
abuse, homelessness, and employment. The Peer Mentoring
Program teaches youth how to help other youth in our community
and encourages them to get involved in community development.
The harm reduction program received the Donner Canadian
Foundation Award for Excellence in the treatment &
Prevention of substance abuse. The Employment Program assists
people who have a difficult time finding and keeping full time
employment by offering help with job search and opportunities
for casual labour day jobs.
The Action
Centre For Youth provides a drop in where youth are able to
gather for support, socialization, and recreation. Youth have
access to crisis intervention, counselling and referral
services, as well as support groups that help them deal with
such issues as anger and addiction. Through a developed
partnership with N-Swakamok Native Friendship Centre, they
were able to offer additional supports and a warm meal in the
evenings from
Currently, the program is going stronger than ever with youth
records being broken almost monthly.
This agency
has built a solid reputation in the community for the
innovative, creative, and flexible ways in which it delivers
services to at risk youth. Their ability to work with the
community to identify local needs, map resources, and share
expertise, space, and assets to meet these needs is
extraordinary. In the interest of the youth, this agency has
always ensured that the services provided were unique. The
Centre is a safe haven for vulnerable youth, and we provide a
triage of human services at the street level. The Centre
routinely refers youth and their families to existing services
and in turn receives regular referrals from community
For more
information about the Sudbury Action Centre for Youth, you can
visit their web site at www.sacy.ca
or call 673-4396.
Valley East
Community Theatre Raises Funds and Awareness Of Grass Roots Cultural
Needs |
Sandra Desjardins, Secretary of the
Valley East Community Theatre Group, puts the finishing touches to the
Annual Valentine's Penny Table at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre. Each
year at this time the group organizes a huge penny table sale to help
raise much-needed funds for the theatre group and generate renewed
interest among residents interested in the development of the arts and
cultural sector of the community. Shown examining the array of prizes is
Marcel Legault, a trustee with the French Catholic School Board and
someone who has always had an interest in the development of young
artistic talent.
The topic of arts and culture is expected to reach a peak some time
this spring when City Council is presented with a proposal to build a $75
million performing arts centre somewhere in the downtown core. While there
are plenty of emotional and economic arguments to support such a
development, the fact remains that Council will also be presented with a
proposal for a state-of-the-art sports facility with a price-tag that
could also hit the $75 million level before it is complete.
The success of recent
concerts featuring Elton John, Michael Bulble, Anne Murray, Blue Rodeo and
other big name performers has generated discussion of a third option,
namely the development of a multi-purpose sports and entertainment complex
which may satisfy the needs of the entire community and avoid an obvious
conflict between different interest groups in the city. Clearly, it would
seem that an 1800 seat auditorium in a new Arts Centre would be
insufficient to attract the likes of Elton John, Michael Bulble, Anne
Murray or any other performers of their stature. Indeed, the Sudbury
Arena’s 6000 seats are barely enough to warrant this level of
entertainment. Neither of the new proposals include seating arrangements
that would be satisfactory if we are to continue to see groups of this
nature coming to
. At some point we will either have to spend a
lot of money upgrading the Sudbury Arena or build a larger complex some
time in the future. Some are saying, “Why wait? Why not do it all at
once and make one facility that will be good for everyone?”
It would appear then, that once the total cost of the two new
facilities are put on the table, the debate over whether to pursue one or
both will undoubtedly split the community. At that time consideration will
have to be given to a development of a new multi-purpose facility that
could seat as many as 10,000 people at a time and yet still accommodate
the needs of some performances that require a much smaller space.
Engineering technology currently exists to allow for the flexibility in
construction to make this happen. All of this can be done for about half
the combined cost of the two proposals about to be put in front of City
Council this spring.
such facility that has come up as an example in recent editorials in a
local news publication is London’s $47
million John Labatt Centre, which can hold over 9,000 fans for hockey or
concerts and over 3000 for theatre performances.
While the debate goes
on about what type of facility we need to build in the central part of
Sudbury to attract major concerts and symphonies, the Valley East
Community Theatre Group is busy trying to generate a grass-roots arts and
cultural climate right here in our own community. This is where the
“seeds of culture” need to be sown and we commend all of the
volunteers who are doing their part to bring this spirit to life.
next performance by the Valley East Community Theatre will be popular
musical, "Leader of The Pack". It will be held on April 24, 25,
26 and May 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, and 10. Each show will begin at
7 p.m.
Secondary School
Tickets are $15 for
adults and $10 for seniors and children.
You can pick up your
tickets at M & R Grill (Capreol), Valley Plaza Pharmasave; Paulette's
Variety; Val Caron Rexall Drug Store; and Caisse Populaire St-Jacques de
Breast Cancer Research Benefits
From Sales of Avon Products |
Lise Harrison and Cori Chauvin are shown with their four
fund-raising products from Avon as they spent a recent weekend at the
Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre generating much needed dollars for Breast
Cancer research.
All of the Avon products cost $5 with the entire proceeds going to the
charitable cause. Visitors had their choice of memor pads, key chains,
candles or a shawl, each with the familiar Breast Cancer logo on them.
Breast Cancer Research is the major "cause" of Avon. Displays
such as this are set up in malls across the country all year long so that
people can donate to this worthy charity and help put an end to the
dreadful disease. Both Lise and Cori are Avon Reps from Valley East. |
Robert Kirwan Urges All Residents
Valley East
To Support Organizations Such As LE CENTRE CLUB AGE d'OR DE LA
Robert Kirwan, Candidate for the position of
Councillor for Ward 6 – Hanmer & Val Therese, has always encouraged
residents to get involved in local organizations within the community. In
the above photo, he is shown registering as a new member of LE CENTRE CLUB
AGE d'OR DE LA VALLEE / GOLDEN AGE CLUB. Others in the photo include,
standing, from left to right: Gerard Chartrand (Treasurer); Jeannine Blais
(Secretary); Carmen Kingsley (Member); Lorraine Sonier (Member); and
Paul-Emile Audette (Councillor).
“Organizations like
Valley East
is all about,” Kirwan declared. “There are over 400 members in the
center right now with really no upper limit as to how many people from the
community can actually join. Their facility is out of this world and they
offer an amazing number of very meaningful activities for both French and
English speaking men and women who are 45 years of age and over.”
“At only $15 per year
to become a member, it is one of the best deals in town,” Kirwan went
on. “That gives you access to the games rooms, the library, the shop,
and also gives you discounts on their luncheons and dinners.”
Kirwan pointed out that
OF COLUMBUS Council #5005 have excellent facilities that are open every
day to members and the general public. They welcome people of both
languages – French and English – to take part in their activities.
“If you are new to
the community, or if you would like to make some new friends and
acquaintances with whom you can share companionship on a regular basis in
a wide variety of activities, then these are two of the organizations you
really should consider,” Kirwan advised. “There are also organizations
like the Valley East Lions Club, the Kin Club of Valley East, the Knights
of Columbus #7368, the Valley Trailsmen, and many others where you can
enjoy anything from hunting and fishing to acting.
Valley East
is one place where you will
never have trouble meeting new people and becoming active in the
you are interested in joining LE CENTRE CLUB AGE d'OR DE LA VALLEE
/ GOLDEN AGE CLUB, they will be taking registrations all week long at
their center on Cote Blvd
in Hanmer.
In the photo on the right, Yvon Sonier, on the left
hand side, is shown with some of the sample wood products that members
have made at the woodworking shop which is located at the Golden Age Club.
With him is President, Gilles Rieux.
Membership in LE CENTRE
CLUB AGE d'OR DE LA VALLEE / GOLDEN AGE CLUB entitles you to the full use
of the shop which is one of the best equipped in the district. |
In the series of photos below, Gerard
Chartrand and Paul-Emile Audette show one of the items that Paul-Emile
has made in the shop. It is a kitchen chair that turns into a
footstool when needed. The item is very handy in the home and always
allows you access to a solid footstool to help you reach those high
places in the cupboard. The hand-made creation can be yours for only
$100. Proceeds from sales of products are used by the Club to help pay
for operating costs. |



CIBC Run For The
Cure Sets Up In The Mall To Raise Funds For Breast Cancer Research |
Volunteers from the Val Caron Branch of the CIBC were in
the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre during Labour Day weekend selling some
wonderful gifts and items to raise money for Breast Cancer Research. The
trio, shown below, included, from left to right, Linda Rutherford, Lillian
Lapping and Karen Ladouceur. |
"This is a year-long project that the girls at the
bank just love getting involved with," explained Karen, who is one of
the main organizers of the initiative. "I order supplies and we sell
them all year long. We even hold bake sales, raffles and penny tables
right in the bank which are very popular with our customers. This year we
are hoping to raise over $10,000 to be donated to the CIBC Run for A
Karen and Lillian are shown putting the final touches to the quilt
which was being raffled off as part of the project.
All items purchased contain the Breast Cancer logo and the recognized
pink colouring.
Products included everything from hats to pocket calendars to jewellery.
Shoppers commented that these items made for excellent gift ideas for
the women in their life.
The ladies expect to return to the mall for one more weekend prior to
the October Run for A Cure. The date will be announced in an upcoming
issue of Valley East Today. |
Our Children / Our Future Raising
Funds By Selling Tickets To Councillors' Breakfast at Valley East
Lions Charity Days |
Stephanie Richard, Parent Resource Worker at the Hanmer
location of Our Children, Our Future, spent the day at the Hanmer Valley
Shopping Centre on August 28 selling tickets to the Councillor's Breakfast
which will be held in conjunction with the Valley East Lions Charity Days
on September 9, 2006. The tickets were $3 each with all of the proceeds
going back to Our Children, Our Future to help defray some of the program
costs of the organization.
With Stephanie was Cammie Thibert, a 3rd Year Laurentian University
student on a summer placement. Cammie is in the French Teachers' College
Program and found the summer experience to be invaluable in helping her
understand young children.
Cammie is shown below reading a book to 2 year old Vanessa Girard
during playgroup which is held on Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the
Hanmer location.

Below, Cammie and Vanessa enjoy working on a special craft
project during the same playgroup period.

Our Children, Our Future works in partnership with individuals,
families, groups and organizations, to develop and promote innovative and
sustainable community resources that nurture healthy children, healthy
families and healthy communities.
 | To help improve parenting
 | To increase a family’s
access to food and nutrition information
 | To decrease the incidence of
child abuse and neglect |
| |
partnerships and collaborative activities at the community level in
planning, developing and providing services and programs which improve
the health of children and their families.
Promote, within
the District of Sudbury, the health and social development of at risk
and geographically isolated children and their families by providing
support programs and services for these children and families.
services which are sensitive to cultural and linguistic diversity in
the District of Sudbury. Programs are available in French and English
for parents with children and soon-to-be parents particularly
vulnerable families in need of additional support.
community ownership of the parent resource program by facilitating and
increasing involvement of the community in all aspects of the programs
and services development and delivery.
accessibility to support programs and services, increase access to
information regarding prenatal health, lifestyle issues and infant
health and provide access to nutritious food and food supplements for
"at risk" pregnant women and new mothers in need.
To increase the
capacity of parents in designated communities to relate positively to
their children.
To provide
interactive nutrition education and encourage the development of
skills related to food and nutrition in a supportive environment.
To facilitate
and support community based activities that increase access to
sufficient and nutritious foods.
| | | | | | |
For more information on Our Children, Our Future, go to the following link
>>>>> |
21st Annual Hanmer Knights of
FESTIVAL D'ETE / SUMMER FAIR Once Again Draws Huge Crowds To Hanmer |
Roland Mallet, above, is caught racing from one venue to another as he makes
last minute preparations during the 21st Annual Knights of Columbus Council
#5005 Summer Fair. Roland was the man in charge of a small army of
volunteers who helped keep things in order and enjoyable for the thousands
of visitors to the site.
Fern Gascon, on the right, took time to rest on Saturday in preparation
for the horseshoe tournament which was scheduled for Sunday afternoon. Fern
is another member who has been active in the organization of the Annual
Summer Fair which is undoubtedly the biggest event of the year in Valley

TIGER, the popular Canadian Group shown above, was the headline group on
Friday night. Saturday's feature performers included Brad Johner
and Paul Dwayne.
Crush, shown on the left in the covered band stand, lead off the music
parade on both Friday night and Saturday afternoon.
Other local performers to grace the stage included:
Marc Serre & Stillwell
Country Drifters
Sunday afternoon featured a Kids Talent Contest and the popular Adult Talent
Contest finals.
The 21st Annual Truck Pulling Contest was once a gain a huge fan
favourite, pitting heavy duty vehicles against thousands of pounds of
cement on a 2000 pound sled. Below, we see Jean Labelle's 2004 3.5L GMC
Canyon ready to pull 3000 pounds in his first try.

Labelle's truck had absolutely no difficulty making the full pull and
went on in the competition which continued both Saturday and Sunday

There was plenty to see and do for the entire family during this year's
event. Following is a small sample of the photos that were taken of the
facilities on Saturday afternoon.
Congratulations to the Hanmer Knights of Columbus Council #5005 for
another job well done!