2006 Valley East Minor Baseball
Champs |
Congratulations to Jake - Dylon - Morgan - Kasy - Danny -
Nick - Mike - Freddie - Tyler - Megan on winning their division
championship in the Valley East Minor Baseball League.
Valley East's Marty Kirwan Has
Become One Of The Most Respected Referees In The Ontario Hockey
League |
Marty Kirwan first pulled on the stripes in 1989 as an 11
year-old in the Valley East Minor Hockey Association. Today, the 27 year
old is beginning his second year as a full-time referee with the Ontario
Hockey League and is quickly becoming one of the most respected officials
in the circuit. We captured some photos of him during a game played
between the Sudbury Wolves and the Belleville Bulls on October 22, 2006.
For the record, the Wolves won the game by a score of 3 to 2 in a game
which many local fans were calling the best refereed game of the season.
Marty grew up in Val Therese. He attended
St. Anne School then attended St. Charles College. He graduated from
Laurentian University Sports Administration (Bachelor of Commerce) Program
in the spring of 2002. He has his Senior Level 4 Canadian Hockey
Association Officials Certificate.
Marty also knows what it is like to play
the sport, having competed at the 'AAA' Major PeeWee level before deciding
to devote full time to refereeing. After four years off the ice he played
a starring role on defense with his high school team while in Grade 13. So
Marty knows the game from all sides and uses this knowledge to effectively
manage all situations while on the ice as an official.

Before being appointed as a full-time
referee with the Ontario Hockey League (OHL) at the beginning of the
2005-2006 hockey season, Marty was a well-respected referee in the
Northern Ontario Junior "A" Hockey Association (NOJHA) and in
the Ontario College (OCAA) League during the 2001-2002 season before he
decided to move to the Toronto Area at the beginning of the 2002-2003
season to advance his career on the ice and to manage the family owned
marketing business. He was married to Christina (Woodley) in October
2004 and now lives just north of Guelph. He began a career as a police
officer with the Peel Regional Police Department in January 2005.
In the spring of 2002 he had the honor to
be a Referee in the Ontario "Air Canada Cup Regionals" held in
Timmins and other tournaments such as the Big Nickel Major AAA tournament
and the high school OFSAA tournament that was held in Sudbury, Ontario.
Marty was also selected as one of the six
(6) referees assigned to the do the games at the 2004 World Under 17
Hockey Challenge which is being held in St. John's, Newfoundland from
December 28 through January 4. He was only one of two referees from
Ontario, with the other four coming from Quebec and out West.
Marty summed up his feelings with the
following, "The thing that I love the most about being a hockey
official is that it does not seem like work to me. You show up to the rink
and you know that for the next two to three hours, you are going to
Referee a hockey game that has never taken place before. You never do the
same game twice, it always changes."
For more photos of Marty in action, CLICK
Confederation Secondary School Chargers Eliminated In Semi-Finals
After A Great Season |

The Confederation Secondary School Football Chargers
finished the regular season in 2nd place and then met some pretty tough
competition in the semi-finals, losing by a score of 42 to 7 to LoEllen
Despite losing their last two games of the season, the
Confederation squad has a lot to be proud of with it's five consecutive
wins to start the season. Congratulations to the players and coaching
The complete schedule with scores for the 2006 season for Confederation
are listed below:
Friday, September 15 |
Confederation 34
- Sudbury Secondary 0 |
Friday, September 22 |
35 - Lasalle 12 |
Friday, September 29 |
36 - St.
Charles 21 |
Wednesday, October 4 |
44 - LoEllen 25 |
Friday, October 13 |
14 - Notre Dame 11 |
Wednesday, October 18 |
17 - Lockerby 22 |
Friday, October 27 |
Confederation 7
- LoEllen 42 |
Friday, November 3 |
St. Benedict
vs LoEllen |
Bishop Alexander Carter Catholic
Secondary School In Tough Against Strong Competition During Local
Tournament |
Valley East Progressive Hockey
Teams Sporting A New Logo For 2006-2007 Season |
The Valley East Rebels Progressive Hockey Association
has unveiled a new sweater and logo for the 2006-2007 hockey season.
Parents and players seem pleased with the new "colours"
and design.
If you are interested in finding out more about the
Valley East Rebels Association, go to the following link:
by Roger Legendre
week , I spent four wonderful days in Timmins at the annual Franco
Ontario Junior/Senior Girls Basketball Tournament being hosted by
Ecole Secondaire Theriault.
The ride up 144
is always interesting .In the daytime there doesn’t seem to be any
problem but you must always be aware of moose coming on to the road
and not just listen to music and admire the changing colors of
Autumn. If you drive by night (which I avoid doing) it can be quite
nerve racking with all the ups, downs and curves.
I arrived in
Timmins and the organizer realized he’d forgotten to check if the
complimentary rooms for the basketball officials were available .I
was stuck waiting for an hour but everything eventually was
There are young
ladies here between the ages of 14 and 17 from all over the province
.They come from as far north as Kapuskasing and as far south as
Windsor. Nine teams from our Greater Sudbury Region are
participating: in the junior division there is Sacre Coeur and
l’Horizon both presently at 4-0 in division II; Champlain;
McDonald Cartier and College Notre Dame. In the senior division
there is: l’Horizon, McDonald Cartier, Champlain and College Notre
round robin action on both Thursday and Friday morning Horizon (some
of the girls are shown above) and Sacre Coeur junior teams
both go 3-0 in their respective pools and advance to the top
four seedlings .
When it came
around to the quarter finals the only team from our region to
advance was the Aigles from Horizon who easily won that games but
were defeated in the semi by Plantagenet from the Ottawa region .In
the end the predicted finalists Essor of Windsor and Horizon of Val
Caron met instead in the bronze medal game where the Aigles easily
handled their opponents by 10 points to capture the bronze medal in
the junior division.
In local action,
all games this week in football, volleyball and basketball become
important with several teams fighting for playoff positions as well
as first place.
Starting this
coming Friday it’s the 4th annual “Air Time
“basketball tournament for junior and senior girls. The games with
32 teams participating [ 20 from out of town] gets underway at six
sites with three of them being in the Valley [Bishop Alexander
Carter, Horizon and Confederation ].
championship game in the junior category goes Saturday afternoon at
Horizon while the senior one will be played at St Charles College.
Some 52 games will be played in two days out of those six sites. It
should make for some excellent basketball. There is no fee so come
out and see some fine young ladies demonstrate their talent in
shooting, passing and playmaking.
The photo on
the right is from the banquet which was held at the end of the
tournament in Timmins.
Have a good
week! Stay fit and participates!
by Robert Kirwan

It doesn't matter
where you live on this planet, the cost of renting ice for
hockey games is skyrocketing. So, if the cost of ice is so
expensive, why do we waste so much of it?
Consider the following:
- We usually rent 90 minutes of ice time for most hockey
games below the midget level;
- Out of that 90 minutes, we generally play three 13
minute stop-time periods; or two 15 minute and one 10
minute periods. In any event, we seldom get more than 40
minutes of actual playing time.
- The rest of the time is taken up changing players;
changing ends; lining up for face-offs; flooding;
warm-ups; shaking hands; talking to referees; etc.
- In fact, only 45% of the ice time we rent is used to
play the game.
In order to reduce the wastage of ice time, we
would like to offer a few simple suggestions:
- We should revert to straight time instead of stop time;
- We should only have one period. It will begin after a
five minute warm-up and end with the buzzer at the end of
the 90 minute session;
- The running time should not be posted. No one will know
how much time is left in the game. It will be much like
soccer, where people have an idea of approximately how
much time is left, but it will be the timekeeper who knows
for sure how much time is left;
- There will be no intermission; no changing ends; no
time-outs; no unnecessary stoppage of play;
- We will also only allow changing on the fly or after a
goal and enforce the fast-face off rule;
- Players will shake hands in the lobby and not on the
- Players will also do their stretching in the dressing
room and not on the ice.
These are only a few ideas that will help
ensure that the ice time we pay for is actually being used for
the game. If you have any others, please share them with us. YOUR
All Hockey Really Needs Is One More Rule |
Hockey fans today spend a great deal of time and energy
discussing suggestions on how to improve the game. At this time, I
would like to offer food for thought to the discussion by suggesting that
if we really want to make major changes to the game of hockey, the best
way is to add one more rule to the already tangled mess of rules and
regulations which govern this fine sport.
My new rule would be added at the very end of the section of the rule
book which deals with penalties. It would simply state:
On ice officials will disregard all of the previous rules and
replace them with the following:
Penalties will be issued by a referee for any action committed by a
player or team official which, in his opinion, is deemed to be
inappropriate under the circumstances.
Read it again before you decide to declare me unfit for further
editorials on this site.
When you think about it, much of the anger and frustration which is
exhibited by fans, coaches and players stems from the fact that a referee
may call one thing one minute and let the same thing go a minute later.
What many people do not understand is that a trip is not always a trip,
yet the rule for tripping makes no distinction as to when exceptions may
occur. Neither does the rule make exceptions for game management or for
position on the ice. Yet we all know that if the rule book is applied as
written, there would be absolutely no flow to the game and we would
definitely have to expand the penalty box area in most arenas.
So what I am suggesting is that we simply toss out all of the playing
rules which deal with penalty infractions. That way none of the rules can
ever be broken. Instead, we give complete control to the referee to
determine what actions should be penalized and leave everything up to his
discretion alone. If he calls a penalty, it is because he felt it was an
inappropriate action on the part of the player in that instance. And yes,
he may have let the very same thing go a few minutes earlier, because in
that situation he felt the action was appropriate.
For example, if the referee knows that two players on opposing teams
always play rough and tough, loving to intimidate each other, he may allow
them to crash and charge, elbow and punch each other until they are blue
in the face without giving out any penalties. In this situation, he would
determine that if these two goons wanted to beat each other's brains in,
then go right ahead. However, if one of the goons took a punch at another
player who was simply minding his own business, then a penalty would be
issued. Indeed the referee may see fit to issue a minor penalty plus a ten
minute misconduct for being a bully. The message would be quite clear. If
you want to play that way, then play that way with others who are willing
combatants. However, don't you dare use those tactics on players who are
here to enjoy the game and want to play fair.
Sound a bit extreme? Well, not if you consider that in this situation
the referee would always be right and no one could ever question him about
the rule.
When I was a teacher, I only had one rule that my students had to
follow. And it was easy to remember.
Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated in this classroom and
will be dealt with accordingly.
How's that for a rule. Best of all, I told my students that I would be
the sole judge of what behaviour was appropriate. And you know what, I had
very few discipline problems in the class. If a student who always did her
homework and paid attention in class forgot a book in her locker one day,
I would allow her to go out to get it. If, however, on that same day
another student who was always disruptive and never did his homework
forgot his book in his locker, I would refuse to give him permission to
retrieve it. Is this fair? In my mind it was. Nevertheless, if by
forgetting his book in the locker it would allow him to "goof
off" all period, I would order him to go and get it. Fair enough?
Whenever you have a rule, or a bunch of rules as is the case with
hockey, you end up with people who try to "bend the rules" or
get "around the rules". Then you have to come up with language
to fill in the gaps and get rid of the loop-holes. Eventually, someone
always finds a way to get around the rule or bend it in some creative way.
However, when you sum everything up under the "inappropriate
action" umbrella, you force the participants to think before they
act. Now a person must say to himself, "If I do this, will it be
deemed to be inappropriate? Is this acceptable or not? Will I be
As a teacher, whenever a student did something which did not meet with
my approval, I would ask, "Do you think that what you did or said is
appropriate?" Almost without exception, the student would admit that
the action was inappropriate and would accept the consequence.
In hockey it would be exactly the same if the discretion was left to
the referee. Imagine! No one could question whether or not the referee was
right or wrong. The referee could never be wrong. He is the sole judge.
All that matters is that in his view, it was inappropriate and should be
punished accordingly.
The funny thing is that I don't think we would see much different a
game from that which we see today when senior referees are on the ice.
Referees use their discretion now. They call the game as they see fit and
use their game management skills to the best of their ability.
Yet people in the stands and on the ice get upset and angry when the
referee lets the opponents get away with an infraction which is clearly
defined in the rule book. What they don't see is that the referee may have
allowed the player to get away with a vicious slash to his opponent
because that opposing player had speared him on the back of the leg a few
seconds earlier. Now that both of them had a chance to get in their
"shot", if they leave it at that and skate away, the referee may
decide not to call any penalties and let the flow of the game go on.
"It's over - let it be."
And so as the upper echelon of hockey administration continue to rub
their chins and rack their brains trying to find a solution to bring
sanity back into the stands and on the ice, perhaps the answer is as
simple as adding one more simple rule.
Until the next time... |
This is food for
thought for all minor hockey goaltenders, parents and coaches.
Who on earth came up with the bright idea of making a young
hockey player give up an entire evening just to sit on the bench and watch
his team play?
There is no reason why goalies cannot change every 3 or 4 minutes
during a game. While players are changing lines, it takes no longer for
goalies to change. By changing goalies throughout the game, coaches have
an opportunity to give them instructions and encouragement. They also feel
part of the team and can talk to their teammates while on the bench.
Equipment can be adjusted if needed.
Changing goalies on a regular basis during the game will also force the
rest of the players to focus more on the other team, especially if one
goaltender is weaker than the other. Teams sometimes play differently in
front of different goaltenders. It also reinforces the "team
concept" in that wins and losses are shared by the entire team. A
shutout becomes a true team accomplishment with both goaltenders involved.
In the older divisions, it is even possible for goaltenders to change
on the fly while the play is in the opposite end. As for keeping warm and
being prepared, skating back and forth to the bench will take care of
For many readers, this may seem like a radical suggestion, but it is no
more radical than expecting a player to get fully dressed and sit out an
entire game.
I personally tried this while coaching an N.O.H.A. Valley East Minor
PeeWee team back around 1990. We had two good goaltenders and I discussed
the idea with them and their parents prior to the beginning of the season.
The goalies were in favour of it and whenever I come across them today
they indicate that it was one of the best years of their hockey careers. During
the course of a period, there is time for each goaltender to get on
the ice for two shifts. This means that each plays for half the
game. I had a goaltender coach on the bench with me whose
responsibility was to make sure that the goalies changed
approximately ever 3 minutes. Often this meant changing goalies
"on the fly" while the play was in the other end of the
rink. The kids had a great time and enjoyed the opportunity to get a
drink of water, talk to the other players, and get some important
advice from the coach. Our policy was that a goalie change could
never be made right after we were scored upon. However, we often
made the change after a goalie made a great save. To see their faces
as they skated towards the bench listening to the cheers and
applause of parents and fans was priceless! If I ever decide to
get behind the bench again, it is something that I would definitely
work into my system, regardless of what age category I was coaching. YOUR
Changing goalies on the Fly, what a horrible thought! or is it?
I got to experience this when I was Reffing in the Valley East NOHA
pee wee division. this coach who will remain nameless
"Bob", decided it would be a great way to keep his goal
tenders in the game. so every 3 or 4 minutes on the fly his
goalie would come to the bench and the other would jump out on to
the ice.
"Is there a penalty for too many goalies on the ice? Why on
earth would a team decide to do this? The coach is making a joke of
the position." I heard comments like this in the lobby after
the games. But of all of the games I did for that team that
year you know who I never heard complain. The goalies. They
really seemed to enjoy playing in every game, and when mistakes
where made guess what, you could talk to the goalie on the bench and
help make corrections during the game rather than after the period
was over. This may be something we should consider more often.
Why should kids sit on the bench?
I was recently on your web site at www.afterthewhistle.com
In your editorial about hockey and your love of the game and
officials you forgot to mention that every official on the ice is
someone's child. I am currently still doing games although not
in the Valley any more but a little farther north. I get to
see new officials just starting out get yelled at, by coaches and
irate parents who blame everything on the ref's. You know the
teams who have coaches who yell, have parents who yell, have kids on
the ice yelling and getting penalties and then the coaches and
parents wonder why the kids are so mouthy. Last season I took
my son who was 3 to a Bantam A game in Haileybury. We were
there to watch a friend's kids play. A couple minutes into the
game one parent stands up and starts yelling at the ref. He
never sat down again for the entire period, pacing up and down,
screaming every chance he had at the officials. My 3 year old
who associates all refs with me, asked me why that man was always
screaming at me. He couldn't understand. At the end of the
period the man came over to talk to us and my son burried his head
in my jacket. He was afraid of this man. The man asked
why he was afraid of him and my son screamed at him "cause you
never stopped yelling at my daddy!" With a strange look
on his face the man asked me what he meant. I explained that I
was a ref and that he never stopped yelling at them. He
laughed and said he was not like that. Well I think he listened
because for the next period that man would go to stand up and yell
and he would stop himself and sit back down. at the end of the game
he came over to see my son and apologized for yelling at me and said
that he never realized that he was doing this.
As an official I can give you hundreds of stories about parents
coaches and players that would make you wonder why I would want to
ref this sport. But it is for the love of the game.
David-Sean Rowell
Account Manager, Personal Banker
New Liskeard, ON |
Two years ago while a goalie coach of 9
and 10 year olds, the head coach told me he was going to change
the goalies every five minutes so that I would have a chance to
talk with the goalies about good and bad on the ice. He also said
that he had seen way to many goalies counting rivets in the
roof when not playing. Having played nets all my life I
thought he was nuts. In the first game of the year an
inexperienced referee told us we could not change the goalies on
the whistles. We did not argue but decided to stick to the
plan by changing them on the fly. It was an
excellent experience because I got to work with both goalies
throughout the year. We had so much fun doing this and the
kids loved it. It also taught our goalies to read and react
to game situations away from our end, pay attention to the time
and change accordingly. He also told the goalies not to allow an
icing, therefore they had to skate out of their net and play the
puck. It taught them skating and puck handling skills early
in their development, as well as passing to the D men.
Thanks Don, that was a great year.
Les Wilson
Cold Lake, Alberta |
The goalies certainly could do this. We often drive 2 or 3
hours to a game where our son sits if it isn't his turn. Then
there are games where the coach will pull the goalie if he is having
an "off" game, even though the players in front of him may
be causing a lot of the problems. By changing every three minutes or
so, both goalies are contributing to the position exactly the same
as six defensemen all take turns on defense, or nine forwards all
take turns on forward. I think it would be a great thing for helping
boost the confidence level of goalies and keeping them involved in
all games.
Sharon Kilborn-Keeney of Southern California |

After The Whistle Hockey
An informative web site designed to help parents and
players better understand the main issues facing the sport of hockey
today. Special articles and opinions submitted by readers make for
interesting food for thought. For
more>>>>> |
2006 Season is over now for the Valley East Men's Slo Pitch
League. Team Kaos dominated the league from start to finish,
winning the 'A' Championship over Gonga's Grill in three
straight games. In fact, even though some games were close,
Team Kaos lost only one game all year long. Other
Championship winners included: Neil's Independent/Parmalat
in the 'B' Division; Autotech in the 'C' Division; and
Optimus Prime in the 'D' Division.
The standings for each of the first and second half of the
season, as well as both playoff series results can be found
by following the links below. We want
to express our sincere appreciation to Brian Beaupre, shown
on the left, for providing this information to us all season
long. He has been extremely dependable in delivering the
up-to-date stats to Valley East Today in time for our
Tuesday publications. We look forward to the summer of 2007
for another great season.
First Round Playoff Results |
The closest Championship Series of the year
was in the Budweiser Division Finals as Auto Tech and Moeric
Services had to go to a fifth and deciding game to decide
the eventual winner. Moeric took a commanding 2 to 1 lead in
the series, but Auto Tech came back with two strong games to
eventually win three games to two. The team in the photo is
Auto Tech. |
T.B.A. Wins Valley East Ladies'
League & Playoff Championships For Second Year In A Row
T.B.A. / CORTINA Girls Capture
League and Playoff Titles For 2nd Straight Year
The Valley East Ladies' Slo-Pitch League wrapped up the 2006
season with their annual banquet at Buddies' Restaurant on September
30, 2006. For the second year in a row, T.B.A./Cortina captured both
League and "A" Playoff Championships. They took the
playoff title by defeating Chico's Bowl in the finals.
A new entry in the league, R.L. Construction (The Chemy Girls)
took the "A" Consolation title by downing Paula's K-9.
The "B" Champs for 2006 were Northstar Bedding who
edged out Gerharts Critters for the title.
The "C" Championships were won by Aimee's Team over Val
Caron Equipment.
League organizers felt that this was one of the best seasons ever
for the league and could be looked upon as a turning point for
Ladies' Slo Pitch in Valley East. With ten teams this summer, it is
expected that the number of teams could grow to twelve for 2007. |
Chico's Comes In As Runners Up
In "A" Division Playoffs |
R. L. Construction (The Chemy
Girls) Take 3rd Place In "A" Division In First Year Of
Play In Valley East League |
For more photos....