
Announcement of First Annual
Lions Club of Valley East Charity Days Receiving Great
Response From Local Residents |
"Keeping The Spirit Alive" in Valley East is one
of the definite outcomes that this town can use when the Lions of Valley
East host their First Annual Charity Days on September 8 and 9.
Marcel Servais, Chair of the Charity Days Committee, shown
on the right, met recently with Robert Kirwan, Marketing
Manager of the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre to discuss
details of the event and make plans on
how to incorporate the merchants of the mall in the effort. "Our main goal is to work with as many of the local charities as
possible to help them raise some money for their organization,"
Marcel explained. "Each of our activities will be dedicated to a
different charity and all of the money raised from that event will be
donated to the charity." For
the full story>>>>



May 29, 2006 at 6:00 p.m.at The
Valley East Public Library |
Annual General Meeting of the Shooting Star Day Care / Gardenia Etoile
Filante will be held on May 29, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. at the Valley East
Public Library. Linette Filippini, President of the Board of Directors,
shown in the photo on the far right, is hoping for a large turn-out of
parents for this important event. The Shooting Star Day Care, which opened
its doors in 1998, has over 200 registered children attending its
programs. Others in the photo include, Michelle Wiebes, Supervisor of Program Development
and Implementation on the far left; and Chantal Boucher, Executive Director in charge of
the overall Day Care Centre.
FILANTE is the largest licensed non-profit Day Care Centre in the Valley
East Area. Yet, the generation of adequate and affordable day care space
will be one of the biggest challenges facing the future development of the
community of Valley East. While this is undoubtedly one of the fastest
growing sections of the City of Greater Sudbury, families with young
children will be reluctant to purchase a house here unless we can
guarantee that there will be places for their children. The Annual Meeting
will provide an opportunity for people of the area to ask some questions
about the challenges facing SHOOTING STAR DAY CARE / GARDERIE ETOILE
FILANTE as it tries to cope with ever-increasing expenses while doing
everything possible to keep within the constraints of existing daily rates
for services. Fund-raising is one answer that Linette and the staff have
considered, but without the support and assistance of parents, this too is
difficult. If you would like to see a full web site article on the
link >>>> |
Sunday, June 11, 2006 at 9:30 a.m.
Howard Armstrong Recreation Centre
For Information Call Mary Guy at 524-0606 |
Maple Leaf
Racing Team Will Visit Foyer-Jeunesse on May
29 |
Monday, May 29, 2006
, the students at Ecole Publique Foyer-Jeunesse
in Hanmer will be treated to a once in a
lifetime event. The Maple Leaf Race Team
will be on hand with their 500 H.). Maple
Leaf Cascar Super Series stockcar which
competes at events throughout
, including the Montreal Molson Indy
Students will be able to hop in, check it
out and get an autographed picture from
driver Dave Connolley. A free BBQ lunch will
be provided to all of the students and
staff. Volunteers from Foyer-Jeunesse,
Neil’s YIG and the Maple Leaf Race team
will be helping to cook.
Later that afternoon, the Maple Leaf Race
Team will be at Neil’s Your Independent
Grocer Store from
3 p.m.
7 p.m.
to host a fundraising BBQ with 50% of the
proceeds going towards Ecole Publique Foyer-Jeunesse
and 50% going to the President’s Choice
Children’s Charity to assist physically
and developmentally challenged children in
the area. |
24, 2006
P.M. TO 8:30 P.M.
A Special Thank You
To The General Public From Lizette Gascon
behalf of all of the members of the CENTRE CLUB AGE D'OR DE LA VALEE, I
would like to express my sincere appreciation to the entire community for
their support of the TEA & BAZAAR which was held on April 23, 2006. I
want to thank all of the people who volunteered their time in any way to
help out. A big thank you goes out to Mike Biglow of J.B. Jewellers for
donating a beautiful picture valued at $500 which was won by Mr. Donald
mon nom personel ainsi que tous les membres de notre CENTRE CLUB AGE D'OR
DE LA VALEE, nous vous remercions encore une fois pour nous avoir supporte
lors de notre THE BAZAR DU 23 AVRIL. Merci a tous ceux et celles qui ont
travaille pour le succes de notre THE. Grand merci a Mike Biglow de J.B.
Jewellers pour le don d'un beau cadre d'une valeur de $500.00 dont le
gagnant fut M. Donald Lavigne.
Lizette was the Coordinator of the Annual Tea & Bazaar which
was one of the most successful ever held by the centre. The CENTRE CLUB AGE D'OR DE LA
VALEE provides a tremendous service to the older adults of the
community, but is facing immense financial pressure every year to
generate enough funds to pay for its operating costs. Events such as
the Tea & Bazaar are not only important for generating spirit
within the community, they are also critical to the survival of this
wonderful organization. For
a full profile of the centre go here >>>> |
Is Like A Sponge…
OF THE WEEK by Robert Kirwan
has often been said that a person’s life is the sum
total of his/her experiences. On the surface that seems
like a simple enough statement, but if one accepts this
premise, then why do so many of us engage in practices
and activities which are negative and actually hurt us.
the family of five who decided one day to each clean a
different area of the home. They each took a sponge, did
the cleaning, and then placed the sponges back on the
kitchen counter top. The sponges all looked the same.
that day a
visitor came along who was curious as to what was
cleaned in the home, but couldn’t tell by looking
since the sponges all looked the same. So, in order to
satisfy his curiosity, he decided to squeeze each sponge
to see what came out.
the first sponge was squeezed, some cola came out, so
the visitor decided that someone cleaned the kitchen
with that one.
squeezing the second sponge, he found tub and tile
cleaner and concluded that this sponge was used to clean
the bathtub.
third sponge produced motor oil when squeezed, so
obviously, someone was cleaning the garage.
the fourth sponge, baby powder came puffing out when it
was squeezed, which meant that the baby’s nursery was
done with that one.
finally, in the last one was floor wax, which was used
on the hall floor.
the visitor lay the last sponge down, he again remarked
at their similarity. Once again he pointed out that they
all look the same until
they’re squeezed. It is only when they are squeezed
that you can find out where they’ve been and what is
inside of them.
are the same way.
we encounter the wide variety of events in our journey
through life, we too are squeezed, just like the sponge
and different things come out. Some people get angry;
some seek revenge; some shed tears; some laugh; some
look upon life as wonderful; others have a negative view
of everything; some show their love for one another;
others think only of themselves.
The main lesson here is that as individuals we
must all remember that we are no different from a
sponge. We can only squeeze out what is put in. As
babies, we are born into this world empty. We are like a
new sponge. As we go through life, our ‘sponge’ is
filled with things that we absorb through experience.
we look for the good in others and try to carry a
positive attitude around with us wherever we go, then as
life squeezes us we will have a better chance of coping.
If we are constantly finding fault with others and
forever look for excuses for our behaviour, when life
squeezes us we may not like what comes out.
is a lesson to which all young parents should pay
particular attention. The experiences your children have
while they are growing up will determine how they
respond to challenges as adults.
are like sponges, taking in everything you provide. If
you instil positive family values in a child from the
time he/she is born, then those values will form part of
the child’s personality later on in life. If you show
your child how to love, he/she has a better chance of
being a loving person. If you demonstrate that you
respect all forms of life, so too will your children.
if you are disrespectful of authority; show that you
don’t care about the quality of your work; and
disregard the rights of others, don’t expect your
children to be any different.
you line people up side by side, they all look similar.
Just as it is with the sponges on the kitchen counter,
you don’t know where they’ve been until you squeeze
them. Once squeezed, the secret is out, and you can rest
assured that on the journey of life we will all be
squeezed many times. All we can do is make sure that
what we put into our life is what we want to come out
whenever we are squeezed.
For a
complete selection of stories and editorials that will
help you to reflect upon life's priorities, inspiring
you to take on the daily challenges you face very day... |
Chevaliers du Columb / Knights of Columbus Council
Chevaliers du Columb / Knights of Columbus Council #5005,
is Northern Ontario's largest branch of the Knights of Columbus with over
460 members and a fully active Ladies' Auxiliary. It is also one of the
few fully bilingual branches in the province. This
facility provides a wide range of recreational opportunities for
both members and guests. There are several times during the week
when the general public can visit to play pool or to take part in a
cribbage tournament. In addition, members are welcome to bring
guests along at any time to enjoy a friendly game of cards or some
other activity. In the photo to the right, a group of members are
seen during an afternoon, enjoying a game of cards and some friendly
camaraderie. Chevaliers du Columb / Knights of Columbus Council
#5005 also sponsors several large community events during the year,
such as the Annual Lobster Dinner and a Summer Country Music
Festival which is a three day weekend that brings hundreds of former
residents and visitors to the Valley East area. When one speaks of
the 'Spirit of Valley East' it is impossible to forget the
contributions made by the Chevaliers du Columb / Knights of Columbus Council
#5005. If you would like to take a virtual tour of the facilities,
go to the following
link>>>> |
The Co-op Education Program is one of the best things that
ever happened to the Ontario Education System. Students who enrol in the
program have an opportunity to work for half a day in a real-life business
setting while earning two credits towards their secondary school diploma. More importantly, these students get practical, hands-on experience
which will help them decide on an appropriate career choice. The Co-op Education Class at BAC contained thirteen students during the
second term of the 2005-2006 school year. They put on an exhibition for
the rest of the school to explain details of their co-op experience.
Cera Scarr, a Grade 12 student at BAC, is completing her coop
placement with the Publications Services Section of the Ontario
Geological Survey at the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
building on Ramsey Lake Road. She will spend approximately 220 hours
working on a variety of projects.
"I feel that a Co-op placement working in a section of a
government ministry which is responsible for the Ministry's
marketing and information will help me in my career choice,"
explained Cera. "As a result, I have enrolled in the Public
Relations program at Cambrian College in Sudbury. I will be able to
utilize the skills I am learning in the future since Public
Relations is about communication and the transferring of
information. Therefore the placement is directly related to public
relations and promoting of information."
All secondary schools offer co-operative education programs for
their students. This is something that more and more are considering
as career decisions become more and more difficult for young people.
To see photos of all of the students in the BAC Co-op Education
program, go to the following
link>>>> |
Community Groups & Organizations;
Churches; Schools - Are All Are Invited To Use Mall Facilities Free Of
Charge To Raise Money and Promote Their Activities |
Valley East Waves are just one of the many groups and organizations that
take advantage of an open invitation by the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre
to use its facilities to promote their activities and raise money through
fund raisers such as car washes, penny tables, raffle sales and bake
tables. There is absolutely no charge for the use of the facilities and
the mall even provides tables, chairs and other material to help the
groups. The owners of the mall, Val and Violet Mazzuca, have been strong
supporters of Valley East and Capreol and will bend over backwards to help
out in any way they can. Here you see Lori Leclair of the Valley East
Waves supervising a car wash last summer. They will be doing the first car
wash of the season at the mall on Saturday, June 3, 2006. |
Windows In Time
Section Of Valley East Today Community Web Site Brings Back
Fond Memories |
The photo to the left was taken on May 9, 1964 upon the occasion
of the marriage of Joe Niceforo to Jean Pharand. The wedding took place at St. Jean de Brebeuf on Notre Dame Street in
Other special photos are included in the Windows In Time
section of the community web site which can be found by going
to the following link:

Kin Club of
Valley East
Holds Annual Fireworks
To Raise Funds For Community
Projects |
and Scott Bolger stand outside the steel container which was used to hold
the fireworks on sale by the Kin Club of Valley East for the Victoria Day
Weekend. The club also sells fireworks for the Canada Day celebrations.
Funds generated are then distributed by the Kin Club to local Food Banks and several
other organizations in need of financial support. In addition to the
fireworks sale, the Kin Club runs a Major Bingo on Friday nights and
sponsors a
at Richer’s Variety. The Kin Club operates out of the playground
building in
where it is open Monday to Wednesday from
during the summer months to provide refreshments to the minor baseball
players. The club house is also open whenever weekend tournaments are held
at the fields. Bob Bolger, one of the association directors sits on the
National Board of Kin Canada and is responsible for the District of
Northern Ontario. He and his wife, Mary-Lou Bolger, the incoming secretary
of the Kin Club of Valley East, have been involved in the local group for
over 20 years. “Serving the community’s greatest needs” has been the
motto for the Kin Club of Valley East, which has been quietly working to
improve the quality of life for so many residents for so many years. For
More >>>> |
Association Announces Winners of Mothers' Day Raffle Draw |
people in the photo on the left were having a great time engaged in
friendly conversation at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre table where
members of the Grotto Association were selling raffle tickets on some
wonderful Mothers' Day prizes.
The draw was made on May 14, 2006. The winners were as follows:
Peter Facinelli ticket # 10440: 1st
prize a Gift Certificate for a trip with Nadeau & Rouleau worth
Stephane Mayer # 02661:
2nd prize a 26" LCD Panel T.V. 3 inches thick worth $2200.00
Armand Vincent # 01356: 3rd prize a Stainless Steel Pots
and Pans worth $1000.00
Raymond St-Denis # 01342:
4th prize a Panasonic Digital Camera,case,256 meg card, batteries worth
Claire Scully # 00847: 5th prize a Samsung YPMT62 MP3 -downloader
worth $250.00
S. Stradiotto
10915: 6th prize DVD/VCR Combination worth $200.00
also to all six early bird draw winners of $100, held from November 2005
to April 2006. There were Betty Kennedy (November), Delores Corriveau
(December), Jackie Mathias (January), Hortense Quesnel (February), Mary
Ann Arsenault (March), and John Bishop (April).
Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine is at 271 Van Horne Street in Sudbury. For
more information call 675-5712.
Olympics Bowling League Celebrates With Annual Banquet
At Lions' Den
For the past 22 years, a group of Physically and
Emotionally Challenged individuals have enjoyed
participating in a Tuesday Night bowling league. Their
story touches the heart of every local resident. For
OPTIMISTE DE LA VALLEE Holds Annual Bike Rodeo
The CLUB OPTIMISTE DE LA VALLEE held its annual bike
rodeo on Saturday, May 13 at Neil's Independent Grocers.
This is not only a popular event for the children, it is
something that may save their life. For
MEAT SHOPS Hosts 18th Annual Charity BBQ Day For Crohn's
& Colitis
The largest crowd ever turned out for the 18th Annual
M&M MEAT SHOPS Annual Charity BBQ Day in Val Caron. For
Bowl Hosts Junior National Bowling Championships
Junior bowlers range in age from 11 to 13. The Nationals
brought teams from British Columbia, Alberta,
Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, Newfoundland, Southern
Ontario and Northern Ontario to Chico's Bowl. For
Annual Antique Outboard Motor Show Held In Valley East
Al Lockhart belongs to the Antique Outboard Motor Club
Inc., which has more than 2600 members worldwide. He is
also a member of the 250 strong Maple Leaf Chapter out
of Toronto, which is a division of the AOMCI. He and the
other six members who live in the Greater Sudbury Area
all have a passion for collecting vintage outboards of
all makes. For
Valley Community Theatre Production Opens Up On May 27
It's called, 'Intimate & Interactive". The show
will be held on Friday, May 26, 2006 and Saturday, May
27, 2006. Both shows will begin at 8:00 p.m. and will be
held at the Howard Armstrong Recreation Centre on
Elmview Drive. Tickets are only $10 each and light
refreshments will be served. For
Missionnaire De La Vallee Is Making A Huge Difference In
Georgette Bergeron and her 160 volunteers ship out about
120 tons of food and supplies every year to Haiti. Their
entire operation depends on donations and support from
local residents. They operate out of the old Public
Works Building on Desmarais Road. For
Parties and Prom Nights Can Be Wonderful Events In The
Life Of A Young Person
The Sudbury District Health Unit Grad Turkey Program is
aimed at helping protect young people from terrible
mistakes on Graduation Night. For
Your Heart! Share Your Home! Become A Family Home
Provider With CLGS
There are many individuals with a developmental
challenge capable of thriving in a home setting. There
are also many sensitive and caring families, couples and
individuals within our community who would happily
welcome the opportunity to share their hearts and their
homes. For
A Full-Size Online Living
History Book About The Community of Valley East


For The Political
For The Business
For The full Valley
East Community Web Site go to www.valleyeasttoday.ca |