
Ample Parking & Building Access.....

Valley East's Own Older Adult
Centre |

by Robert Kirwan (far right of the
photo) |
I always knew that the LE CENTRE CLUB AGE d'OR DE LA
VALLEE, or as I
call it in English, THE GOLDEN AGE CENTRE, was an integral part of life in
the Hanmer - Val Therese area, but it wasn't until I attended one of their
monthly luncheons that I realized the true extent of this magnificent
organization. Shown with me at lunch, in the photo above, are on the far left, Henry
LeBouthiellier, an Executive member of the Board of Directors, and Gerry
Chartrand, Treasurer. Also sitting at the table with me on this day, shown
in the photo below, were, from the left, Eva Mazerolle, Councillor on the
Board of Directors, Michelle Cote, on placement from Collage Boreal, and
Gilles Rieux, President of the Centre. |

The Golden Age Club puts on a great luncheon for the entire
community - both members and non-members are welcome - on the 3rd Thursday
of every month. For $5.00 you get soup, sandwiches and dessert, and get to
spend an hour or so enjoying great conversation with friends and
The Club received its Charter on February 17, 1975 and has been adding
to the quality of life of Valley East ever since. Anyone 45 years of age
and over, living in the Greater Sudbury Area is welcome to join the club
for an annual membership fee of only $15.00.

Let me take you on a tour of the facilities to show you the excellent
facilities that are available to you for this $15.00 membership fee. |

During the luncheon, Gilles Rieux, President of the Golden
Age Club, and Gerard Chartrand made a special presentation to Michelle
Cote, a placement student from Collage Boreal who was finishing off a
three month work assignment at the Golden Age Club. Everyone was impressed
with Michelle and wished her the best of luck in her future career in
Social Work.

Every time The Golden Age Club holds a luncheon, they award
two free tickets for the next month. The two winners on this day were
Loretta Dennis above,
and Collette Riopel below.

As you can see from the photo below, the monthly luncheon
is always a popular event. Here you see some of the close to 100 people
who attended the lunch on April 20, 2006.