Council #5005 (St. Jacques) |
Leonard Ross
705-969-5618 |
Chevaliers du Columb / Knights of Columbus Council #5005,
is Northern Ontario's largest branch of the Knights of Columbus with over
460 members and a fully active Ladies' Auxiliary. It is also one of the
few fully bilingual branches in the province. |
Close To 100
Christmas Hampers Delivered by Knights of Columbus Council #5005 |
Fern Gascon, who has just completed his 3rd year as
of the Christmas Food Hamper Program for the Knights of Columbus Council
#5005, is shown here with the 96 food baskets ready for delivery to needy
families in Hanmer and Val Therese. The Knights work with the Good
Neighbours Food Bank on the annual project. Applications and referrals are
made through the Food Bank and the Knights supply most of the volunteers
who put everything together. |
Five members of the volunteer team are shown above. From
the left: Evelyn Lefebvre, Florence Lefebvre, Helene Denis, Marcelle
Menard and Roseline Harrison. Fern is shown in the background.
The volunteers worked until midnight and were up again at 8 a.m. to
make sure everything was ready for the men to deliver or for people to
pick up the food hampers at the hall that day.
The food is donated from a variety of sources. For example, much of the
food comes from the local schools, especially Ecole Secondaire Hanmer,
Confederation Secondary School, St. Anne School and Ecole Notre Dame. The
Club Optimist donates food vouchers and 50 bags of potatoes are donated
from Valley Growers.
Each food hamper contains over $150 worth of food, milk, bread, etc. as
well as a gift for each member of the family. The idea is to provide the
family with a good Christmas dinner and still have some left over for a
few days.
Fern commented that while it is a lot of hard work for the volunteers,
they all feel that their effort is well worth it in order to help make
Christmas just a bit happier for the more than 300 people who depend on
the food hampers each year. |
Knights of Columbus #5005 Blood
Donor Clinic Collects 94 Units of Blood In October |
Robert Plourde, left, and Roger Menard, are Co-Chairs of the Blood Donor
Clinic for the Knights of Columbus Council #5005. If you look behind them in
the photo, you will see part of the results of the tremendous organization
that goes into the mobile clinic that is held at the hall on Emily Street in
Hanmer, approximately once a month. Robert and Roger head up a team of about
twelve K of C members who are responsible for assisting the Canadian Blood
Services staff when it is their turn to supervise, which occurs
approximately three or four times a year.
The K of C Council #5005 very generously donate the use of the hall for
these clinics. Other Knights of Columbus Councils that rotate in supervising
the clinics are: #7368; #10602; and #9922. |
Above is Lynn Godin, a mother of three from Hanmer who was
donating blood for the first time ever. Cindy Bobbi, a Phlebotomist with
the Canadian Blood Services holds the collected blood from Lynn for the
photo. For Lynn, "I just wanted to do it. As a mother I know that
some day my own children may need blood transfusions so I want to do my
part." |
As you can see from the photos above and below, the Mobile
Clinic is a massive operation that requires the coordinated efforts of a
team of approximately 35 to 40 people to run efficiently. Robert Plourde
indicated that it is quite a show to watch the staff set up the fourteen
beds, equipment and administrative stations to prepare for the three hour
event. |
While there are quite a few walk-in donors, the Canadian
Blood Services prefers that advance appointments be made so that things
can run smoothly. In fact, many of the 94 donors who turned out on October
18, 2006, booked their next appointment three months in advance. A phone
call reminder is all that will be needed to bring them back. |
After the registration, screening, testing and then
extraction of blood, Jeannie Chamberlain, Clinic Assistant, handles the
packages for the final time, preparing the blood for transport to the main
lab in Ottawa for final processing. The whole session from registration to
exit takes approximately one hour.
Or you can contact the local offices at (705) 688-7341.
The main clinic for Sudbury is at:
235 Cedar Street
Sudbury, Ontario
P3B 1M8
Admin.: (705) 674-2636
If you would like any further information about the Canadian Blood
Services you can visit their web site at:
The Ladies Auxiliary of Chevaliers du
Columb / Knights of Columbus Council #5005 Selling Tickets On A Major
Raffle In March |
Lizette Gascon, President of the Ladies Auxiliary (Council 5005) of the
Knights of Columbus Council 5005 receives a helping hand from her husband as
she took her shift selling tickets on the major raffle which will be drawn
on March 25, 2007 at 4 p.m. at the main hall on Emily Street. First Prize is
$500; Second Prize is $200, and; Third Prize is $100. Tickets are being sold
for $1 each or 6 for $5. The proceeds will be used for charitable purposes
by the Council 5005. Shown below during their turn at the table are Alice
Savoie, on the left, and Diane Desjardins. |

Georges Harrison, the current Grand Knight, is shown on the
left, along with Henri Lebouthillier, one of the active members of the
association. They were taking a few minutes from helping out in the
preparation of the 4th Annual Lobster Fest Dinner which is always one of
the most popular fund-raisers of the year. Here they are shown at the main
entrance, which is wheelchair accessible. |

The doors where Georges and Henri are standing open up to a
beautiful entrance, complete with a large vestibule for hanging up coats. |

The main hall, as shown below from the stage, contains both
a lower and an upper level. It is perfect for hosting large events such as
weddings, or the Annual Lobster Dinner, as shown set up in the photo. |


The stage area is at the far end of the hall. As you can
see from below, it is large enough to handle small bands and/or disc
jockeys. |

The upper seating area is large enough to accommodate a
significant number of people for a sit down meal. |

The bar for the main hall is located on the upper level. |

Annual Lobster Supper 2006 Is One Of The
Highlights Of The Year For the Chevaliers De Colomb / Knights of Columbus
Council #5005 |

Each spring the Chevaliers de Colomb / Knights of Columbus
Council #5005 hosts one of the most spectacular events of the year - The
Annual Lobster Supper.
Over 300 people gather to enjoy a marvelous evening of dining and
entertainment while raising much needed funds for the operation of the
Shown above are some of the hard-working volunteers who make the whole
event such a success. From the left we have Georges Harrison, Grand
Knight; his wife, Roseline Harrison; Henri and Colette Lebouthillier;
Raymonde Mallet; Gilles Landry; and Therese Forget.
While the lobsters were boiling at another location all afternoon, the
kitchen crew was busy preparing the vegetable trays for the tables. |

De Colomb / Knights of Columbus Council #5005 Annual Lobster Supper
For 2007 Is Another Big Hit |
Lebouthillier, coordinator of the Chevaliers
de Colomb / Knights of Columbus Council #5005 Annual Lobster Supper, is
shown going over some of the last-minute preparations at the door with
Diane Desjardins on the left and Anna Rivest.
With over 300 guests expected to begin arriving at 5:00 p.m. for
cocktails prior to the annual feast, the two ladies were expecting to be
quite busy.
Each spring the Chevaliers de Colomb /
Knights of Columbus Council #5005 hosts what is arguably one of the most
spectacular events of the year - The Annual Lobster Supper. Over
300 people gather to enjoy a marvelous evening of dining and entertainment
while raising much needed funds for the operation of the organization.
To the right you can see Grand Knight
Rolland Mallette examining some of the lobsters which were flown in from
the Maritimes just for the event.
Shown above are some of the
hard-working volunteers who make the whole event such a success. From the
left we have Gilles Leblanc, Raymonde Mallette, Gilles Landry, Rolland
Mallette, Henri Lebouthillier, Collette Lebouthillier, and Therese
Below, we see the gang hard at work in the kitchen preparing the feast. |
Helping make the evening a spectacular success were several
students from local secondary schools who were on hand to earn some of
their community service hours. From the left we have, Carlie Hawes (Bishop
Alexander Carter), Carey O'Brian (Hanmer High), Mike Bellerose (BAC),
Megan Purvis (BAC), Kassandra Dunn (Confederation), Amber Appleby (BAC),
and student supervisor, Emile Rousselle. |
The Member's Room Is Always A Gathering
Place For The Knights |

You will always find some friends in the Member's Club Room
downstairs at the Knights of Columbus Hall. The room is open from 12 noon
each day and is fully licensed. |

The members are also welcome to bring along a guest to
enjoy the facilities. They can watch television or play some pool. |

The bar is fully equipped and snacks are on hand. Every
Thursday evening the public is welcome to drop in to take part in an
informal pool tournament for only $8 for the evening. |

A member's information bulletin board is well used to
promote the various activities and events that are scheduled at the hall. |


Members are also welcome to walk down the stairs to the
downstairs hall where they can play shuffleboard, enjoy a friendly game of
cards, or just sit and talk to their friends. |

The hall is used for small functions from time to time. It
is also used every Friday night from 7 p.m. on for a Cribbage Tournament
which is open to the public. You can drop in and take part in an evening
of cribbage for only $6 per person. |

The walls of the downstairs hall, like those of the
upstairs hall, are filled with plaques and commemorative items that
reflect the proud tradition of the Chevaliers de Colomb / Knights of
Columbus #5005. |

The kitchen facilities of the hall are second to none. As
you can see, there is ample room and plenty of excellent appliances to
take care of large crowds. |

Colette Lebouthillier and Gilles Landry are shown above
preparing for the Annual Lobster Supper. |

Georges Harrison, Grand Knight of the Chevaliers de Colomb
/ Knights of Columbus Council #5005, is shown arranging the medallions
that are worn by the various members during official meetings. There is
one for each distinct role played on the Council. |

One of the most interesting traditions that is maintained
at the hall is the wall honouring members who have achieved 50 years or
more of marriage. Some have also celebrated their 60th anniversary. |

Another wall contains the photos of all of the Grand
Knights. Yet another wall shows photos of all of the Presidents of the
Ladies' Auxilliary.
The Knights are very deep in tradition and are proud of their heritage. |