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'I  Am  Grateful 3' For.....

July 10th, 2006

I personally enjoy every morning the cardinal song that sings outside my
2nd bedroom window!!  He is God's newest solo for the day!!!  Such a sweet
sweet song.
I am deeply grateful for Hannah coming home today!!!
I am grateful for my sweet sweet Leah's hugs and kisses  and her
telling me how much she loves me and grandpa!!

                                                      Submitted by Di :) 

July 10th, 2006
I am grateful that I am able to work and have a good job with health insurance.
I am grateful for a loving, supportive husband.
I am grateful that I have a home.
I am grateful that I have my various animals and am learning to be a farmer lol!

                                                       Submitted by Janet :)

July 11th, 2006

1. I am grateful for having a wonderful family and for having Steph and Bri living with us.
2. I am grateful for having a loving partner in Chris
3. I am grateful for all the friends I have here on chat
4. I am grateful for all of the things Chris does daily to make my life easier.
5. I am grateful for having food in the fridge and cupboard

6. I am grateful for having 10 wonderful siblings and their great spouses and kids.
7. I am grateful that my kids are healthy.
8. I am grateful to have this apartment with the space we have and the elevator in the building.
9. I am grateful for all the special people in my life who love me.
10. I am grateful to have so many people to love and care about.

11. I am grateful for being in Mary Kay and the positiveness of the people in this business.
12. I am grateful for the pain doc who is trying to get me into the pain rehab clinic without me having to pay.
13. I am grateful for my medical knowledge and my desire to always be learning more in the medical field.
14. I am grateful for my alimony and child support.
15. I am grateful for the beauty that surrounds me everyday.
16. I am grateful for having the drive to learn to paint and for being good at it.

                                                      Submitted by Sara :)
July 11, 2006
I am grateful that I was able to stay with the girls this afternoon for a few hours.  It always brightens my day, even if it wears me out LOL!  Those hugs, kisses and smiles make my day :)
I'm also grateful that Bob was able to load up all the old 2 x 4's that were in the driveway (from our old deck) and bring them over to the kids.  Angele's dad is going to chop them up and they'll use them in the firepit.

                                                       Submitted by Val :)

July 11th, 2006
Today, I am grateful for Freecycle and all of the generous folks on the lists.
   Thanks to a nice lady nearby, I can go to bed tonight, for the first time in a year, and not worry about the leg on my bed collapsing or the frame splitting and dumping me lol. That darn leg would collapse on me no less than 3 times a week, had to prop it up with old books lol.
  She gave us a brand new bed frame, box spring and mattress that I put my memory foam mattress on top of.
  Finally, a bed that will stay together!

                                                     Submitted by Jane :) 


Gratitude 4



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