Tour |
Totems |
Garden |
Archways |

Birds |
Stations |
Bird List |
Flowers |

Main Pond |

Pond |
Waterfall |

Pond |
Statues |
St. Francis |
Variety of Statues |
Odds &
Ends |

Wildlife |

Wisdom |

Some Contain Mature Content!! |
New York
City Trip |
| |


This corner came about because I had a spare liner. I
purchased a barrel liner a number of years ago when it was on sale. After
having it sit in a box for way too long, I decided to do something with
it. This little pond is only about 15 inches deep...perhaps 3 or 4 feet
wide. I added some driftwood for decoration and over the years have
changed the centre fountain part of it.
The white plastic lattice in the background is covering up a structure
that holds a brush pile for the birds. It was once the frame for a
screened/covered sandbox for our sons when they were younger. One day
while doing some tree trimming, we started throwing the branches into this
frame, thinking that we'd move it one day. Well, the birds took such a
liking to the "mess", that we thought we'd better let them have
it. It's a great place for them to dry off after bathing in the little
pond, and an even better place to hide from the local hawks that look at
my yard as a buffet table. I planted a Virginia Creeper at the front
corner of it a couple years ago, and it's growing quite well.
A quick note...if you wish to keep a pond clear, and don't want to get
into plants, all that is required is a bit of Javex, perhaps once a week
or so. That's what I do with most of my smaller ponds.