Knights of
Columbus #7368 Provide Local Residents With Tickets On Annual Draw |

Emile Vautour and Fred Michaud, both members of
the Knights of Columbus Council #7368, are shown selling tickets on a
chance to win some pretty valuable vehicles in the Annual Charities Raffle
for the Knights of Columbus.
This year the grand prize is a 2007 Cadillac CTS 4dr valued at $44,477.
For a complete list of all of the prizes, go
For full details on the Annual Raffle, go
The draw will be made on the Sunday of the Victoria Day weekend in May.
This is the 30th year the raffle has been carried out in support of a wide
variety of charities.
For a complete list of this year's recipients, go
here>>>>> |
St. Mary School
Raffles Off Gigantic Christmas Gift Basket For Grade 8 Trip In June |
Cobi O'Link and Terry Ayerst-Roy take their
turns in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre selling raffle tickets for the
St. Mary School Grade 8 Class Trip in June. Their sons, Kyle O'Link and
Patrick Roy will both be going on the annual trip to a camp near
Gravenhurst as the culmination of their elementary school days.
Two other parents of students in the class, Valerie Lachapelle and
Connie Byrnes, were on hand to look after the table a couple of days
later. Parents and students were scheduled to take care of the selling of
the raffle tickets at different times during the weekend. |

Annual TOPS
Christmas Bake Sale & Penny Table A Huge Success For Capreol
Organization |
Claudette Lalonde,
standing, jokes with fellow members of TOPS ON #1211 CAPREOL during the
Annual Christmas Bake Sale & Penny Table that was held at the Hanmer
Valley Shopping Centre on December 8 & 9, 2006.
The Capreol TOPS (Taking Off Pounds
Sensibly) branch has about 15 to 20 active members of all ages. They meet
every Wednesday in the United Church hall on Young Street in Capreol.
Between 5:45 and 6:15 p.m. the members are weighed in by Juanita who is
the official weight recorder.
After the weigh in, the members meet until 7:30 p.m., discussing a
variety of appropriate topics that are mostly provided by the TOPS
International Organization.
TOPS is all about developing a healthy lifestyle that will help you
keep off unwanted weight. It is a way to get support from friends who have
similar goals and who want to help each other. We all have the right frame
of mind to stick to our diets, but it is hard to do it alone.
Members are encouraged to contact each other in between meetings for
personal support and assistance. Many find that by attending weekly
meetings and having to go through a weigh-in, they are more likely to
follow their personal plan of action.
Taking Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) is a non-profit, non-commercial
weight-loss support group with branches throughout Canada and the United
States. The membership fee is about $30 per year, which includes a monthly
magazine. It is an organization that is open to children as young as
seven years of age, provided they have a weight problem. All members must
get a check-up from their family doctor who will be responsible for the
supervision of the person's individual progress. |
Juanita Rector, on the far left, and Jackie
MacGarvie arrange the wonderful selection of baked goods that were part of
the Bake Sale put on by the Capreol TOPS Group. |
LA DECOURVERTE Parent Council Busy Raising Money For Playground
Equipment For Their New School In Val Caron |
Visitors to the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre on
December 8 and 9 were in for a real treat as School Council members from
ECOLE PUBLIQUE DE LA DECOUVERTE were on hand selling delicious baking
goods. The bake sale was organized as part of an ongoing fund-raising
program to help pay for the playground equipment for the new school in Val
Shown in the photo from the left are three of the members of the School
Council: Carole Rochette, Present of the Parent Council; Suzanne Soulliere,
Coordinator of the Bake Sale and Custodian of the school; and Bernadette
Mrochek-Dennie, Council member.
Besides the bake sale, the group is planning a huge Family Night on
March 29, 2007 as one of their major fund-raisers. They held a silent
auction in October that also went over well.
There are about 150 students from JK to Grade 6 attending the new
facility which is located on Main Street East in Val Caron.
The School Council meets on the 2nd Monday of every month to discuss
fund-raising projects, plan events and deal with other matters of interest
to the parents and the staff. Meetings are open to the public. |
Minor Hockey Team
Raises Money For Breast Cancer Research As Well As For Own Expenses |
The Northern Sports Photo Crush Atom House
League Team was in the mall selling raffle tickets on a Flite Pink Hockey
Stick valued at around $250. Proceeds from the sale of tickets are to be
used to help defray the cost of tournaments for the team, but the club is
also devoting half of the money to Breast Cancer Research.
Shown above, helping her mother, Nicole, with the ticket sales, is ten
year old, Veronique Beaudry. Veronique is in her 2nd year playing hockey,
having spent three years in figure skating. She is definitely finding her
figure skating training a big help in her transition to the game of hockey.
"My brother plays hockey, so I wanted to try it out too," explained
Veronique who likes all of the usual things about hockey, such as making new
friends, going to tournaments, and the competition. But her favourite thing
about the sport is, "scoring goals!"
Veronique attends Grade 5 at Ecole Jean-Paul II in Val Caron.
The draw for the hockey stick will be made on December 16, 2006 at 6:30
p.m. In order to accommodate whoever wins the stick, it is also available
blue, Junior or Senior, and for a left or right hand player. |
Memories From Monique Grenon |
We thank Monique Grenon of Hanmer for sharing some of these old photos
that she uncovered from one of her albums. See if you can spot some of
your old friends (or ancestors). Click on the link below for more photos.
Redwood Acres
Public School Offers Choice of Gift Baskets In An Impressive Display |
The parents and staff of Redwood Acres Public
School have put together an amazing selection of gift baskets in their
latest fund-raising drive. Shown above are several volunteers, including
Mary Lyons, on the far left; Linda Parker, a JK teacher at the school,
standing 4th from the left; and Cindy Plint, SK teacher, beside her. There
were also three students helping out in selling tickets at the Hanmer Valley
Shopping Centre the weekend of December 9 and 10, 2006. The creative
initiative allowed visitors to purchase tickets at $2 each of 3 for $5.
Then, in a "penny table format", the person could select which of the
baskets he/she wished to enter to have a chance of winning. The winners will
be announced after the Christmas Concert which will be held at the school on
the morning of December 21, 2006.
The baskets were assembled with a variety of items falling into specific
categories such as: Christmas, Literacy, Men, Women, and Children.
The funds are to be used for school trips and general enhancement of
school programs. |