Is Not Fair…Get Used To It”
Editorial by Robert Kirwan
Now that school has begun for another year things
around the house should be getting back to normal –
What is normal today? I am sure parents around Valley
East and Capreol are even busier than ever registering
their children for all sorts of fall and winter
activities such as hockey, ringette, bowling,
basketball, skating, scouts, cubs, girl guides, etc.,
etc., etc.
In any event, regardless of how busy you happen
to be this week, I have an article that I would like you
to show or read to your school-aged children – be they
in elementary, secondary or post-secondary school. This
is even an article that may have relevance for many
adults you know. It is something that I saw recently in
a magazine about a speech that Bill Gates gave to a high
school in the
United States
. He
introduced his presentation by telling the students that
he was going to give them eleven rules about life that
they have not and will not learn in school. He talks
about how feel-good, politically correct teachings have
created a generation of kids with no concept of reality
and how this concept has set them up for failure in the
real world.
Bill Gates wasn’t trying to destroy the
confidence and self-esteem of these young students. He
was just trying to warn them about some of the realities
of life that they would soon run into once they entered
the real world. I am sure you will agree it is a warning
that all of our children should be aware of in order
that they may develop the necessary skills to avoid
failure when they venture out on their own.
If I was still teaching, I would post these rules
someplace visible in my classroom. The list should be
posted on the fridge in every home where there is a
young person going to school today. It is even something
that grandparents may want to put up for when their
grandchildren come over for a visit.
share Bill Gates’ rules with your children:
Rule #1: Life is not fair – get used to it!
#2: The world won’t care about your self-esteem. The
world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you
feel good about yourself.
Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right
out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a
car phone until you earn both.
4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get
a boss.
5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your
Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping:
they called it opportunity.
6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so
don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents
weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way
from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and
listening to you talk about how cool you thought you
were. So before you save the rain forest from the
parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the
closet in your own room.
8: Your school may have done away with winners and
losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have
abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY
TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't
bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get
summers off and very few employers are interested in
helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.
10: Television is NOT real life. In real life, people
actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working
for one.
I hope your children will pay attention to these
valuable lessons about life and prepare themselves
For a
complete selection of stories and editorials that will
help you to reflect upon life's priorities, inspiring
you to take on the daily challenges you face very day... |
Couple Travels All
Over North America And Decides To Settle Down In Valley East |
Val Alphen, one of our local Hanmer residents, sent Valley East Today some
information about some friends of theirs who have just recently decided to
settle in Valley East.
Denis and Velma Laplante, shown on the left, originated from Iroquois
Falls and Timmins. They have spent the past 15 years living in St.
On September 29, 2005, Denis and Velma put everything they owned in
storage and embarked on a 128 stop tour of Northern Ontario that brought
them all the way back to Hanmer on Monday, September 4, 2006. You can visit
their web site to see some photos and memories that they collected during
their tour.
They parked their trailer in the driveway of Monique and Jim Van Alphen
and after a few days decided that this was where they wanted to settle down.
On September 8, Denis announced on his web site, "Tomorrow we will sign
a rental agreement in Capreol. Capreol will be our new home town. It is a
Northerly part of Sudbury. This will be a start of a new life style. It
seems like a nice friendly area and is close to another friendly area Hamner
where our friends live. We will visit my dad in Iroquois Falls for his
birthday and then head back to St. Catharines to say good-bye for now to our
friends there and pick up our furniture and stuff."
Apparently the Laplantes will be staying in Capreol until they can find a
new permanent home in Hanmer.

Monique Van Alphen commented, " I think it speaks volumes that after
touring our vast beautiful country they have chosen the valley to call home.
They really like the warm friendly community feel and are excited to get to
know the area. I think they are great candidates to receive a Welcome Home
gift basket from the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre, which I feel is a
wonderful way to extend our open arms to them in our community."
Make sure you take time to visit their web site and see some of the
fantastic scenery they discovered during the trip of a lifetime. The web
site is at www.delaplante.ca
1st Valley East Scouts Hold
Registrations At Mall And Increase Membership Significantly |
Christianson, Scout Leader with the 1st Valley East Scouts, holds up a
display board that was used at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre during
registrations which were held in September.
This marked the first time that the scouts have used the mall for
registrations and Debbra was pleased with the response.
"We gained nine new members while we were in the mall, so it was
very worthwhile for us to be there," she explained.
If anyone is still interested in joining this great organization, you can
call Debbra at 969-7095 or Olivia Lobbon at 222-8878.
Valley East Ladies' Slo-Pitch
League Plays Every Monday and Wednesday Evening At Centennial Fields
In Hanmer |
Angele Kirwan of The Chemy Girls
gives the ball a good ride to right field during double-header
semi-final action against Chico's. Chico's won the series 3 games to
1 with both games on September 11 being decided by a single run.
Both teams are shown shaking hands after the hard-fought series. You
can catch the finals on Mondays and Wednesdays during the next week
or so. To View Some of the
other teams of the Ladies' League to to the following link:
Joe Ann's Market Research
Collects Important Information From Local Consumers |
JoeAnn's Market Research Group was in the mall from September 7 to 9
conducting research on household product usage by local residents. JoeAnn
Corneau, shown above has been involved in this type of work for many years
now and is contracted by large international companies to conduct market
research on new and existing products. Interviews usually take no longer
than 15 minutes and participants are given some small token of appreciation
for their time and cooperation. Market research results are very important
in the marketing and distribution of all products, so the information
collected by JoeAnn and her assistants is extremely useful. The next time
you see JoeAnn in the mall, stop by and see what type of research she is
involved. Your input may be needed.
Beswick Denture
Clinic Provides Education As Well As Patient Service |
Brunet and Doug Beswick, denturists with Beswick Denture Clinic, provide
much more than denture service to their patients. They also provide
valuable information and advice for denture wearers so that regardless of
who they currently use as their personal denturist, they are aware of the
issues and concerns that will help them get the best use and enjoyment out
of their dentures.
Below are some of the frequently asked
questions at Beswick Denture Clinic. If you have
other questions or would like to find
out more about Beswick Denture Clinic or the Beswick Footcare Clinic,
simply go to their comprehensive web site at the following
link>>>> |
Q- How much does it cost for a consultation?
A - There is no charge for your initial consultation
at that time an estimate will
be given for your treatment. |
Q – How much do dentures cost?
A - Dentures
are a rehabilitation process.
It is different for everyone. A
consultation is recommended to establish the type of treatment that is
right for you. |
Q – Does my insurance cover dentures?
A – Your insurance coverage is between you and your
carrier. We will gladly fill
out the appropriate paper work for you and send it to your insurance
company on your behalf. |
Q – Do you accept payment plans?
A- Our office policy is a deposit of 1\2 is required
at the beginning of treatment and the balance is due when the denture is
delivered. You can make
payments for the deposit and when 1\2
is accumulated we can begin treatment and extend the appointments
so that the denture done when payment is more convenient for you. |
Q – How often should I come in and have my denture
looked at?
A – An annual recall exam is highly recommended.
At that visit your denture is cleaned and polished, checked for
stress cracks, ear and tear and that no teeth are getting ready to pop
off. An annual oral exam is
also done to check for any irregularities such as oral cancer.
There is a fee for the exam but your insurance company may
reimburse the visit if it is a covered expense. |
Q – How often should I get new dentures?
A – The average life of dentures is
approximately 7-10 years. Depending
on wear and tear. Care and condition of gums must be factored in but
generally 7 –10 years. |
Q – How often should I get a reline?
A – Tissues shrink and change over time.
If your dentures are loose it’s important to get them checked as
loose dentures can cause further problems such as bone resorption.
(Located in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre)
Customer Representatives Needed
Working In The Paint Dept. & On The Floor
Must Enjoy Working With The Public
Contact Mike Lemieux at 969-7000
or See Him In Person at the Store |
The Korea Veterans Unit 19 Sudbury is always looking for
New Members and if there is anyone out there who served in the
Korean War we would be glad to welcome them into the Unit. Anyone
interested can call Harold Payne at 969-4367 or George Haskin at geeoh@sympatico.ca
The next meeting of the Korea Veterans is on 27 Sep 06 at
Branch 76 Royal Canadian Legion 1553 Weller St Sudbury
His three children were outside, still in their pajamas, playing in
the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn all around the
front yard. The door of his wife's car was open, as was the front
door to the house and there was no sign of the dog. Proceeding into
the entry, he found an even bigger mess. A lamp had been knocked
over, and the throw rug was wadded against one wall.
In the front room the TV was loudly blaring a cartoon channel, and
the family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing.
In the kitchen, dishes filled the sink, breakfast food was spilled
on the counter, the fridge door was open wide, dog food was spilled
on the floor, a broken glass lay under the table, and a small pile
of sand was spread by the back door.
He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over toys and more piles
of clothes, looking for his wife. He was worried she may be ill, or
that something serious had happened. He was met with a small trickle
of water as it made its way out the bathroom door. As he peered
inside he found wet towels, scummy soap and more toys strewn over
the floor. Miles of
toilet paper lay in a heap and toothpaste had been smeared over the
mirror and walls.
As he rushed to the bedroom, he found his wife still curled up in
the bed in her pajamas, reading a novel. She looked up at him,
smiled, and asked how his day went.
He looked at her bewildered and asked, "What happened here
today?" She again smiled and answered, "You know every day
when you come home from work and you ask me what in the world did I
do today?"
"Yes," was his incredulous reply.
She answered, "Well, today I didn't do it."
Golf Nut
A man and woman vacationing at Myrtle Beach fell in love.
They discussed how to continue their relationship after their
vacations were over.
"It's only fair to warn you, Muffy," he said. "I'm a
golf nut. I live...eat...sleep...and breathe golf."
"Well," Muffy said, "since you're being honest,
I have to tell you something too--I'm a hooker."
"I see," he said thoughtfully. He furrowed his brows and
then relaxed.
"It's probably because you're not keeping your wrists straight
when you hit the ball."
A husband and wife were at a party chatting with some friends when
the subject of marriage counseling came up.
"Oh, we'll never need that. My husband and I have a great
relationship," the wife explained. "He was a
communications major in college and I majored in theater arts."
"He communicates real well and I just act like I'm
Distance Calling???? Interested in Voice Over Internet Technology??? Need Your
Computer Repaired??? |
Lajambe, is a 30-year old life-long resident of Hanmer. His passion for
computers and information technology goes back to a high school co-op
placement he had in 1994 with a company called the AMS Group. When he
graduated from
St. Charles
he discovered that there were a lot of people who kept coming to him for
computer repairs and consulting, so he formed his own company, Valley
Computers & Consulting.
VoIP (Voice over Internet Technology) was first introduced to
, Edgar saw this as the future of communication and immediately jumped on
board; studying everything there is to know about the technology. As a
result, he formed another division of his company, called VCCNet.ca
Internet Solutions, which deals with long-distance discount calling and
the use of the internet for communication purposes.
has joined forces with another locally owned firm, Infocom Canada Business
Consultants Inc. which operates Valley East Today, a marketing &
public relations company which publishes a community web site and weekly
online news magazine.
cost of long distance calling has always been a detriment to people living
in the north,” Edgar explained when asked why he feels so strongly about
the communication services he now provides to the community. “I know so
many of my friends and acquaintances who have children or parents living
in other parts of
. They would love the chance to talk to them more often by phone, but long
distance charges really cut into the budget; especially for seniors who
would love to talk to grandchildren, or parents who have children away at
university or college.”
people find out how easy it is to switch over to my plan, and they realize
that there is absolutely no risk or long-term commitment – that all they
get is the freedom to talk on the phone to anyone in Ontario for as long
as they want for one low price of $15.95 a month, they are sold,” Edgar
went on.
Edgar also repairs and programs
individual computers for both commercial and residential use. You can drop
in and see him at his office in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre, or he
will come directly to your home or office.
you are looking for, give Edgar a call at 670-4039 or you can go to his web site at www.vccnet.ca
and see how he can meet your needs.
The next municipal election for the City of Greater Sudbury will take place on
Tuesday, November 13, 2006.
A lot of things happen during a four-year term. Some
are good and some are bad. However, every decision that is made by our
municipal council has a direct impact on the lives of people living in
Valley East and Capreol.
Please note that Candidates have until 5:00 p.m. on September 29, 2006
to file their completed nomination form.
It hoped that anyone who is
serious about standing for election will declare his/her intention as soon as
possible so that we have enough time to fully understand their individual
PHONE: (705) 524-7006
Kirwan Believes In The Golden Rule of Politics… “Know Your
People!” |
There are a lot of things I intend to do if I am elected to
represent the residents of Ward 6 – Hanmer and Val Therese as your
Councillor for the next four years. However, there is one very important
ironclad rule I have made for myself and you have my word that it will be
followed if you send me to City Hall. Furthermore, I am absolutely certain
that if I follow this one “Golden Rule of Politics” I will have no
problem providing effective leadership and representation for my
right now, and for as long as I am your Councillor for Ward 6 – Hanmer
& Val Therese, I intend to visit every section of Hanmer & Val
Therese at least once a month. I will stop at every playground. I will
drive through the streets and take note of where major repairs are needed.
I will observe the members of my Ward in their neighbourhoods and will
stop and talk to them to get their feedback on the services they are
receiving. By following this practice, I know I can learn something new
every week and get the feel, touch and pulse of Ward 6.
fulfilling my duties as your Councillor I want to become aware of the
things that need to be improved before they get worse so that I can take
immediate action while there is time to fix them. I want to talk to my
constituents and find out what I can do to help improve their quality of
life. Most of all, I want to
be confident that when I speak at City Hall on behalf of the people of
Ward 6 – Hanmer and Val Therese, I am totally aware of their needs and
concerns and will be fully prepared to fight for what they truly deserve
and for what they have paid for over the years with their property taxes
and user fees.
Valley East
has a tremendous potential to become the most vibrant, thriving community
within the entire City of
Greater Sudbury
. I intend to be an integral part of the growth and want to make a
significant contribution to the future of
Valley East
. I truly intend to be the fuel that keeps this place growing and growing
and growing.
thing you can count on if you vote for me to serve as your Councillor is
complete and total access to your elected representative. My office door
at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre will always be open. My phone lines
will be well published. My email address will be on your computer. My web
site (www.kirwan.ca) will be always
open. I am also looking forward to invitations to attend meetings with
organizations, churches and school councils to talk to their members and
get their suggestions on how the City can help them meet their needs. I do
not intend to be the type of Councillor you only see at ribbon-cutting
ceremonies or knocking at your door during election campaigns. I want to
be part of your discussions and planning sessions. I want to know what I
can do to help you become more successful in your own projects and
initiatives. And if you are
the kind of person who likes to attend group meetings, you can take part
in my “Town Hall Public Meetings” which I will be scheduling once a
month in Ward 6.
have less than ten weeks before the election on November 13. I have
already met thousands of you at the mall and through my involvements in
the community over the past 32 years. I will meet many more of you over
the next ten weeks. Those of you who know me understand full well that if
Robert Kirwan is elected to represent Ward 6 – Hanmer & Val Therese,
you will be getting the total package! I guarantee that great things will
happen in
Valley East
and we will get the recognition we deserve from City Hall. With your
support on November 13, I am confident that we can work together as a
community to “Keep The Spirit of Valley East Alive”!

