Ron and Bernie Pedneault, owners of FANTASTIC FLOORS of Val Caron,
shown standing on the left in the photo, are pleased to announce the
establishment of the Fantastic Floors Customer Charity Contest.
contest is open to all customers of Fantastic Floors who have flooring
installed in their new home or those who are doing major renovations of at
least $8000 in an existing home. Out of every fifteen (15) customers who
qualify one home owner will win a prize of $2500. In addition, five
different charities identified by those customers will each receive a $500
donation from Fantastic Floors as part of the contest.
Renee (Lauzon) Leblanc,
shown standing on the far right in the photo, and her husband, Rob,
recently moved into a new home in Val Caron with their 20 month old son,
Brayden. They were the lucky winners of $2500 in the first contest draw
which was held on
Saturday, November 11, 2006
The Leblanc’s
selected LA PORTE DES EAUX/ THE WATERGATE, a Christian organization
located on
Pioneer Road
as the recipient of the charity donation from Fantastic Floors. Because
this was the inaugural draw in the FANTASTIC FLOORS CUSTOMER CHARITY
CONTEST, Ron and Bernie decided to contribute the entire $2500 to this
worthwhile organization, which was represented by Lina Madore, President,
shown seated in the photo. Future contests will see five different
charities each receiving $500 donations.
Lina Madore expressed
tremendous gratitude to Fantastic Floors for their generousity. "This
will really help us get through the winter months."
WATERGATE is operated entirely by volunteers. It is located in the old
Ecole St. Mathieu building at 1534 Pioneer Road in the south end of
Sudbury. The organization has a library that is open to the general public
and conducts workshops and conferences for both adults and youth. They
distribute food, clothing and furniture to needy families. A bible study
evening is offered once a month as well. If you would like more
information about the organization, simply call 523-1437 or drop in Monday
to Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
FANTASTIC FLOORS has been in operation for a little over a year and
already has established a solid reputation throughout
Valley East
and Capreol as well as the rest of the
area for its quality products and customer service.

The draw for the contest was made by Robert Kirwan, Publisher of Valley
East Today, on Saturday, November 11, 2006.
“I want to say thank
you to the entire community for giving FANTASTIC FLOORS such a great start
this past year,” explained Ron during the presentation ceremony.
“People from Valley East and Capreol have shown that they respect the
kind of professional service and personal attention they get when they
shop here and we wanted to show them how much we appreciate their
Bernie commented, “This is our way of ‘Paying it Forward and
Paying It Back. We feel it is important to invest back into the community,
so Ron and I decided to create the FANTASTIC FLOORS CUSTOMER CHARITY
CONTEST. This way we can give our customers a chance to win $2500 to thank
them for their support. We are also asking each of the 15 qualifying
customers to select a charity of their choice. When we make the draw for
the $2500 winner we will also draw out the names of five different
charities and donate $500 to each of those organizations as well.”
of the people who were on hand for the official drawing of the first
photo on the right in the store.
Each of the customers expressed total
satisfaction with the products and service they have received from Ron and
his staff.
open Monday to Wednesday, from
9 a.m.
6 p.m.
; open late until
9 p.m.
on Thursdays and Fridays, and; open until
5 p.m.
on Saturdays. When you stop by for a visit, be sure to ask about the
and Ron Pedneault of Fantastic Floors in Val Caron, welcome all
local shoppers to drop by and see their fine selection of flooring
products. You can also call (705) 897-3567 or visit their web site
www.fantasticfloors.ca |
Valley East Youth Centre May Receive
A Financial Boost From National Organization |
Darlene Hillier, Vice-Chair of the Valley East Youth Centre's Board of
Directors, shown in the middle of the photo, was very optimistic about the
future of the Centre after meeting with representatives of Town Youth
Participation Stategies (TYPS).
Dale Pearson, on the left, is the Project Co-ordinator and Kevin Morris
is Director of TYPS.
Town Youth Participation Strategies works with individual youth, youth
centres, youth councils and other youth serving organizations, providing
support and resources which will enable them to fulfill their mandates and
TYPS is a registered charity, relying on membership fees and donations to
fund its activities and projects. Individual memberships cost $25 while the
annual fee for organizations such as the Valley East Youth Centre is $250.
Pearson and Morris were meeting with Darlene to discuss the procedure for
accessing a $1000 Tobacco Grant which is being given to the organization for
producing a short video clip designed to promote avoidance of smoking among
The Valley East Youth Centre has also qualified for a $10,000
Sustainability Grant from TYPS. The grant would be a tremendous boost for
the Centre according to Darlene. "It would allow us to get through the
winter and even hire some part-time staff so that we can keep the Centre
open on another day. Right now we are only open Fridays from 6 to 10 p.m.,
but the grant would allow us to open on Saturdays as well."
Hillier sees this as a stepping-stone to the future for the "longest
serving youth centre in Ontario".
"We were created as a provincially-funded organization in
1982," explained Hillier. "We were open seven days a week with a
full-time staff of three. The Valley East Youth Centre was the springboard
for all of the other Youth Centres in the region. Once funding was pulled in
1995 we've faced an uphill battle to keep going."
Hillier and Susan Johnston, Chair of the Valley East Youth Centre Board
of Directors, are hopeful that the new City Council will see fit to increase
the funding that is allocated to the Youth Centre, which currently receives
only $2400 per year, plus the use of the City-owned facility which was once
housed the Valley East Parks and Recreation Department.
Job Connect Centre Opens Up New
Office in Valley East To Help Local Residents Search For Meaningful
Employment |
Sylvia Barnard, President of Cambrian College, and Denis Hubert, President
of College Boreal, together with Job Connect representatives, officially
opened a new Job Connect centre in the Val Est Mall in Valley East on
November 9, 2006. The centre in Valley East is one of two new Job Connect
sites in Greater Sudbury that bridge the gap between individuals seeking
employment and employers seeking personnel. The other Job Connect centre,
located in the Place Bonaventure Mall in Chelmsford, officially opened on
October 19, 2006.
The Job Connect centre provides bilingual, convenient, and accessible
employment services and is staffed from Cambrian College and College Boreal,
who are partners in the initiative.
Funded by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, the Job
Connect centre provides free access to job search tools and career
information; information on apprenticeships, occupations, and the labour
market; and workshops on job search strategies and interview
Participants in the official ribbon cutting ceremony included, from the
left: France Belanger-Houle, Chef de Connexion Emploi; Sylvia Barnard,
President of Cambrian College; Maryse Lavoie, Consultant, Skills Development
Branch, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities; Denis Hubert,
President of College Boreal; Sue Ferguson, Chair of Job Connect; Richard
Jolivet, General Manager, Canadian Tire, Valley East; and Pat Cameron, an
employee of Quik Lube in Hanmer.
Cameron, on the left, provided an impassioned speech about how he was able
to utilize the services of Job Connect to get his career planning on track.
"I made a lot of mistakes when I was young," Pat explained.
"I fell in with the wrong crowd and ended up quitting high school.
Eventually I found out that you just can't make it in this life without a
proper education, so I turned to Job Connect for help."
Cameron, who is married with a three-year old son, obtained his Grade 12
upgrading and is now training for a career in Mobile Electronics.
"I am not sure where I would be now if it was not for the
professional help I received from the staff at Job Connect.
Richard Jolivet, General Manager of the new Valley East Canadian Tire
explained how Job Connect helped the company recruit employees for the new
site. "Job Connect took in all of the applications and then sorted out
the top 200 prospects. They conducted interviews over four days and came up
with out staff. We would not hesitate to use their services again in the
Monique Laderoute Says "Thank
You" To The Community For Helping Her Begin A New Life |
After spending the past 14 years living in Lebanon with
her husband, Sam Zoghbi, Monique Laderoute, second from the right in the
above photo, seemed to have it made. She and Sam had a great life. He was
doing very well in the restaurant business and she was developing a solid
reputation as a professional interior designer. And then around the middle
of July 2006, their world was turned upside down when Israel invaded Lebanon
and Monique was forced to flee from her home near Beirut and seek evacuation
back to Canada.
With their assets frozen in Lebanon, Monique and her
two teenaged boys were only able to bring one suitcase each out of the
country. The Laderoute's were able to secure space with 200 others on a
luxury casino yacht and eventually made it back to Valley East. "I
didn't even have enough money to make a phone call from the bus
station," recalls Monique. "But even though I have nothing and I
have to start out all over again on welfare with an empty apartment, I am so
grateful to have escaped with my sons. I'm back home now, and I will never
leave again."
Today, Monique, stands in her newly refurbished
kitchen, and expressed her extreme gratitude to the community of Valley East
for coming to her assistance in her time of need.
"At the beginning of October, I had
nothing," Monique explained. "Then I discovered that this whole
community is my family and it has been non-stop. People have been so kind to
us and have been unbelievable in their support."
Danielle Gervais Leaves Golden Age
Club After 12 Years As Director |
Ron Laderoute expresses best wishes to Danielle Gervais, seated, during a
special farewell reception held at The Golden Age Centre in Hanmer on
November 10, 2006. Standing in the background is Jeannine Blais, Master of
Ceremonies for the occasion. Gervais was Executive Director of the club
since 1994 and served under the Presidents shown in the photo below.
Past Presidents who served during Danielle's time with the Golden Age Club,
included, from the left: Henri Dufresne; Ron Laderoute; Yvon Sonier in the
back; Gilles Rieux, who is the current President; and Eva Mazerolle.
Older Adult Fall Prevention Network
Promotes Awareness Among Seniors On How To Create A Safe Environment |
Richer, Program Director for the Older Adult Centre was in the Hanmer Valley
Shopping Centre on November 17, 2006, along with France Spencer of
Helpline Sudbury, in the middle of the photo and to the right, and Tina
Duguay of Medi Chair Sudbury. The three spent the day operating a display
promoting awareness about fall prevention for seniors. This is a program
that is directed by the Sudbury & District Health Unit.
Statistics show that one in three adults age 65 and over fall at least
once a year. Some of these falls can be a "life-changing"
experience, even leading to death in some severe cases.
Most falls actually happen in and around the home, so one's home design,
furnishings and lifestyle all affect your risk of falling in your home.
Furthermore, falls are responsible for 86% of injury admissions for people
aged 65 and older, so by educating seniors on fall prevention measures, it
is hoped that these statistics will be greatly reduced.
"Falling is a major concern among seniors, especially ones who live
alone and may end up breaking a hip or leg with no way of calling for
help," explained France Spencer. "There are some falls that are
caused by medication or things like heart attacks, but many falls can be
prevented just be 'safe-proofing' your home. Our goal is to help seniors
look for problem areas and even help them select walking aids if necessary
in order to avoid some of the risks."
1. |
Exercise Regularly |
Regular exercise can help you maintain muscle, bone
strength and flexibility, reducing the risk of injury. |
2. |
Eat Balanced Meals |
It is important to eat at least three well-balanced
meals per day to avoid weakness, dizziness and fatigue. |
3. |
Plan Ahead |
Rushing increases your risk of falling. Take your time.
Plan ahead so that you do not need to rush. |
4. |
Visit Your Doctor |
Have regular check-ups as changes in vision, hearing,
bones and muscle can lead to falls. |
5. |
Remove Clutter |
Clear objects from stairs and traffic areas. |
6. |
Use Medication Safely |
Be aware that some medications can make you sleepy,
dizzy or lightheaded. Discuss side effects with your doctor or
pharmacist. |
7. |
Wear Supportive Shoes |
Wear supportive footwear with non-skid soles indoors and
outdoors. |
8. |
Take Time For Friends |
Research tells us that those who are isolated, lonely
and less active have more falls and more serious injuries. |
9. |
Use Walking Aids Correctly |
A cane or walker should be fitted correctly and used as
recommended. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for assistance. |
10. |
Secure Rugs |
Avoid small rugs or mats that could slide or bunch up
and cause someone to trip. |
11. |
Light Up The Night |
Night lights can be used to brighten dark hallways,
bathrooms and stairs. |
12. |
Do A Home Safety Check |
Do a safety check of your home. Basic safety features
include secure handrails, well-lit stairs, night lights, non-skid
bathmats and grab bars. |
For more information about the Older Adult Fall
Prevention Network, you can call 522-9200, Ext. 520. |