The Expectations Of Those Around You…
Editorial by Robert Kirwan
Red Aurbach is widely recognized as one of the
best professional basketball coaches ever. His claim to
fame does not simply rest in his knowledge of the game,
but more importantly in his ability to instill a sense
of pride in his players. During one of his pre-season
speeches he instructed the players to “take pride in
what you do. The kind of pride I’m talking about is
not the arrogant puffed-up kind; it’s just the whole
idea of caring – fiercely caring.”
if everyone adopted this as their own philosophy of
life. Imagine if everyone took genuine pride in what
they do. Imagine if everyone showed that they actually
cared about doing things right the first time and put a
sincere effort into their work.
brings to mind a story I read about a very important
motivational speaker who was hired to deliver a
presentation on how to succeed in business to some
corporate executives of one of the largest international
companies in the world. He flew to
New York City
to make the keynote speech. Time was of the essence and
his plan included a quick turnaround trip from and back
to the airport.
will let the speaker tell you the story in his own
words. “A spotless cab pulled up. The driver rushed to
open the passenger door for me and made sure I was
comfortably seated before he closed the door. As he got
in the driver's seat, he mentioned that the neatly
folded Wall Street Journal next to me was for my use. He
then showed me several tapes and asked me what type of
music I would enjoy. Well! I looked around for a
"Candid Camera!" Wouldn't you? I could not
believe the service I was receiving! I took the
opportunity to say, "Obviously you take great pride
in your work. You must have a story to tell."
bet," he replied, "I used to be in Corporate
America. But I got tired of thinking my best would never
be good enough. I decided to find my niche in life where
I could feel proud of being the best I could be. I knew
I would never be a rocket scientist, but I love driving
cars, being of service and feeling like I have done a
full day's work and done it well. I evaluated my
personal assets and... wham! I became a cab driver. One
thing I know for sure, to be good in my business I could
simply just meet the expectations of my passengers. But,
to be GREAT in my business, I have to EXCEED the
customer's expectations! I like both the sound and the
return of being 'great' better than just getting by on
professional speaker wrote down the words of the driver
and decided that this was going to be the introduction
to his speech later on in the morning to those
high-ranking executives. “To be good in business you
can simply just meet the expectations of your customers.
But, to be GREAT in any business, you have to EXCEED the
customer’s expectations.”
doesn’t matter what you are doing in your life.
Whether you are running a large corporation; typing out
letters in an office; stocking shelves; working as a
check out cashier at the grocery store; working as a
nurse, or in any other occupation you can think of. It
doesn’t matter whether you are cooking dinner as a
chef in a fancy restaurant, or for your own family. It
doesn’t matter if you are the gardener of a large
estate, or you are cutting your own lawn. IF YOU TAKE
you do…If you EXCEED the expectations of those around
you…success and personal satisfaction will surely
Aurbach coached many winning teams in his professional
basketball career with that philosophy. Imagine what we
can do in our own little corner of the world with the
same attitude.
is a story about God appearing to one of his disciples
and telling him to go out and build a better world. The
disciple said, “But the world is such a vast place and
so complicated now. I am small and useless. What can I
do to build a better world?”
in all His wisdom said, “Just build a better you.”
this be your purpose in life: “To build a better
a good week!
For a
complete selection of stories and editorials that will
help you to reflect upon life's priorities, inspiring
you to take on the daily challenges you face very day... |
Free Bus Transportation
From Capreol to Desjardins' Food Basics Twice A Month Now That
Grocery Store Has Closed
Desjardins, owner of Desjardins' Food Basics began his twice
monthly free bus transportation program from Capreol to his grocery
store on Tuesday, July 11, 2006. A total of eight people took
advantage of the service on the first day. Ken expects that the
numbers will eventually peak at about 15 to 20 people over the next
couple of months.
an indefinite period, on the SECOND and LAST
Tuesdays of each month, a bus will bring shoppers to Desjardins'
Food Basics, absolutely free of charge. Now that the Capreol
Freshmart Store has closed, there are many people who will have difficulty finding
transportation to do their shopping, so Ken has decided to extend
this free bus service for as long as there is a demand.
The bus will pick up at the
Capreol Curling Club at
From there it will proceed to the C.N. Yard,
and then make one stop at
in Hanmer, before arriving at Desjardins’ Food Basics at
The bus will depart from the mall at
returning to the same stops. This will give people 90 minutes to do
their shopping. Once again, this service will continue on the SECOND and LAST Tuesdays of every
month. The next scheduled run is Tuesday, July 25, 2006.
The Action Was As Hot As The
Temperature in the Valley East Mixed Slo-Pitch Tournament Held Last
Weekend |
Valley East Mixed Slo-Pitch Association hosted their Annual SPN Molson
Qualifying Mixed Tournament during the weekend of July 14 to 16. Play was
held mostly at the Centennial Arena Complex. A total of fifteen (15) teams
participated in the event. In the photo above, Marley Gladu, of Talbot
Automotive, shows excellent form as she pitches the ball to a batter
during one of the games on Saturday afternoon. Marley's team also plays in
the regular Valley East Mixed League on Sundays.
Aurele Larose, who has been part of the executive for as
long as anyone can remember, is shown coaching first base while his team
was at bad during the contest. Aurele helped organize the tournament this
The Valley East Mixed Slo-Pitch League plays at the
Centennial Arena Complex every Sunday afternoon beginning at 4:30
p.m. There are sixteen teams playing at both the recreation and
competitive levels. Residents are invited to come out any Sunday and
watch the action. New players are always welcome. If you want
information about the league, contact the League President, Keith
McLeod at 969-5063
Locks Now Available At Sixteen Different Locations In The
Community Each Week.
You Could
Qualify For A Trip To Cuba! |

Valley East Lions' Charity
Want to send you and a guest on an all inclusive
Trip for 2 to CUBA!!!!
(+$500 in spending cash) |

As was announced in The Vision Paper on July 5, from now until September 9th, 2006,
a number of Valley East
businesses, merchants and organizations will be giving random
combination codes to their valued customers. There are 5000 codes available.
There are 16 combination locks located in various
stores/businesses. If you receive an envelope containing a
random combination, please bring it to those locations where
locks are located. If your combination opens one of the locks,
CONGRATULATIONS! You've made it one step closer...
On September 9th, 2006, all lucky winning combination
holders (remember there's only a maximum of 16 people who will
make it this far!) will be invited to the Centennial Arena as
part of our Valley East Lions' Charity Days festivities. (In
the event that nobody opens any of the 16 locks, non-winning
combinations, which will be retained by the vendors, will be
put into a drum, and a winner will be drawn from there.
At the Valley East Lions' Charity Days, each person will be
given another random combination code, one of which will open
the treasure chest containing a TRIP FOR TWO TO CUBA!!!
Please support your local businesses and come out to try
the combinations. If you have any questions, contact Marcel
Servais at 969-5898.
Proceeds from this draw will benefit Palliative Care. |
of Combination Locks from July 20 to July 26 |
Bowl |
Water North |
Glass |
Computer Centre |
Floors |
Automobiles |
Smart |
Trophies & Engraving |
Auto Centre |
Food Basics |
Hanmer Car Wash |
Vintner |
Independent |
Palace |
Magic |
Spot Cleaners |
out your combinations on the locks located at the above sites.
If your combination opens the lock, you are one of the
finalists in the Trip To Cuba Contest. |
Monique Grenon Expresses The Feelings Of Many People In Valley East
And Capreol In Her Letter To The Editor of Valley East Today |
Grenon is a regular contributor to Valley East Today. She has been
involved in many different groups and organizations in the community.
Monique has deep roots to the Valley Area, having lived here all of her
life. Her grandparents and her mother were also lifelong residents.
Therefore, her comments and observations reflect the mood of many local
ratepayers in Valley East and Capreol. To see her special feature on
Valley East Today, click
For all the outlying areas outside of Sudbury, I was happy to hear that
finally that our councillors and mayor were going to listen to our
problems . But what a joke this is with having Mr. Laughren and his committee
collecting our concerns. What's wrong with the people we elected to do
this job? Do your job or get out - plain and simple.
And as for Mr. Courtemanche you have to be the worst. What a joke you
are to us. You can't do anything on your own, you are a puppet and only
like to get your picture taken. You can't even solve the issues for the
small towns so you hire others to do your work and on top of everything
you make sure that these issues won't be heard t'il after the election.
What a cop out. I hope you leave the mayor position and never return as a
councillor because you're no good.
You should have taken some courses from our old mayors ( Mr. Mazucca, Mr.
Plourde, and so many others. These mayors had courage and knew how to
stand on their own two feet. I hope Mrs. Reynolds gets in because she
has more courage then you do. At least she's not afraid to speak up, and
also takes the time to listen.
I don't see a de-amalgamation coming soon because the government won't
allow it. But I do hope to see a better system with our tax money.
Capreol, Hanmer and all the others have been getting shafted since the
amalgamation. And we have been addressing our concerns to the councillors
and Mayor for years and nothing was ever done. And now we are saying
de-amalgamation and you are all saying hey what's wrong with the small
towns around Sudbury. You have kept your eyes closed for too long and now
we are fed up. The only two that would address our concerns were Mr.
Rivest and Mrs. Reynolds and you made sure that you would ridicule them
and try to shut them up. Well I guess they were listening to us but
were out voted.
I hope to see new people as councillors and a new mayor this up-coming
you for your letter, Monique. I will be posting it on the web site.
The statements you make are absolutely correct. I have watched
Council for the past five and a half years and what I have noticed
is that even those Councillors who seem to be on the side of the
small outlying towns are not consistent in their approach to the
setting of general policies. For example, they will speak up in favour of
de-amalgamation and then praise and support initiatives that
will take tax dollars and put them in the downtown core. They will
talk about and promote the good of the City as a whole during Council meetings and then
complain when the needs of their own Wards are not being met. And
worst of all, as you indicate in your letter, they have not kept up
with what is happening in their Wards and therefore are apparently
unaware of the issues and concerns of their constituents. Hence,
they have to appoint a committee to go out and talk to the people to
find out what is bothering them.
The reason I decided to run for Council of Ward 6 - Hanmer &
Val Therese is that I live here and I am tired of being treated like
a second class citizen. If I thought our current councillor was
representing me well, I would have supported him and stayed out of
the race. However, while I have known Mr. Rivest for a long time,
and I know he has good intentions, he just doesn't seem to have what
it takes to make things happen around the Council table. He just
can't seem to find the right buttons to push. I GUARANTEE
you that I won't have that problem. There are a lot of questions
that should have been asked in the past three years. There have been
many times when our councillors should have been more vocal and more
aggressive in representing our cause. Instead they "went with
the flow" in order to keep the peace, and now look where we
I have coached a lot of travelling hockey and baseball teams in
my life. When it came time to make the final cuts to pick the
players for the team, I had to select the ones who had the ability
to get the job done. All of the kids trying out loved the
game and all of the kids wanted to score goals and hit
home runs and catch the ball, but some kids just couldn't do it as
well as others. I believe that is the case with our current
councillor. He may be a nice person; he may enjoy being a
Councillor; and he may want to represent us for the next four years,
but unfortunately, he just hasn't been able to convince me that he
has what it takes to get the job done. I commend him for his
efforts, but effort alone will not be enough. You have to know how
to play the game and be able to execute the appropriate strategies
or else we will continue to lose, and that just won't be good enough
for Valley East. We are tired of being losers. We want to win a few
times too. Just as it was when I was coaching, it wasn't enough for
me to pick players who merely enjoyed playing hockey and were nice
kids, I needed to select the best players for the team. I needed
kids who were hockey players. When residents of Hanmer and Val
Therese elect a representative for Ward 6 in November, they know
that all of the candidates WANT to be a Councillor, but the people
must vote for the one they feel will have the best chance of getting
the job done. The voters will decide in the end, and the voters will
have to live with their decision.
Thank you for your continued contributions to this web site. I am
looking to your support and to the support of your friends on
November 13, 2006. I'm tired of losing too. I GUARANTEE that we will
start winning if I am elected to represent Ward 6 - Hanmer & Val
Robert Kirwan
Publisher of Valley East Today
Candidate for Ward 6 - Hanmer & Val Therese
www.kirwan.ca |
Sole Mates Family Footwear Now Has
Two Locations To Serve Customers Throughout The Greater Sudbury Area |
Cousins, owner of Sole Mates Family Footwear is pleased to announce that
he has opened up a new 3600 square foot store at the Rainbow Centre in
Downtown Sudbury.
Sole Mates Family Footwear now has two locations in the City of
Greater Sudbury
. The first store opened in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre in the
spring of 2003.
The decision to expand to Downtown Sudbury was based on several factors.
“Our philosophy at Sole Mates Family Footwear is based on the fact that
we want to establish a long-term relationship with each of our customers.
We are not interested in a ‘one-time’ sale. We want our customers to
come back to us on a continuous basis, so we give them personalized
service and pay particular attention to their individual footwear
needs,” explained Cousins. “During the first couple of years we
noticed that a growing number of our regular customers were coming from
. Therefore, I began to look for available sites in
in order to provide a more convenient location for customers who lived
outside of the communities of
Valley East
and Capreol.”
to Cousins, the Rainbow Centre offered everything he was looking for in a
second location. “The Rainbow Centre has become one of the most popular
shopping centers in the City of
Greater Sudbury
. The management is committed to improving the shopping experience for
customers of all ages and it’s overall image has been revitalized as a
result of the opening of the Hart Department Store. This is an ideal
location for the kind of service we provide to our own customers. The
Rainbow Centre is right beside the Public Transit Terminal; it is in the
middle of a high density downtown residential area; it is within walking
distance of several hotels and motels; and it is in the heart of the
downtown business district which contains thousands of office workers from
the entire City of
Greater Sudbury
. On top of that, there is free parking for our customers and I was able
to secure one of the prime locations within the Rainbow Centre.”
The initial response from the public since the
opening of Sole Mates Family Footwear in the Rainbow Centre has been
overwhelming. “Even I didn’t expect the immediate results we are
receiving. Everybody we have spoken to is extremely impressed with the
layout, the selection, the quality and most of all, the personal service.
We will continue to go out of our way to completely satisfy the needs of
every one of our customers. Whether you are visiting from out of town, or
you are a life-long resident of the Greater Sudbury Area, you can rest
assured that you will be given the special treatment you deserve at Sole
Mates Family Footwear. That is our guarantee and it is something you can
count on.”
For more information please contact Rob Cousins at
(705) 969-7549 or (705) 675-7613. You can also visit our web site at www.solematesfamilyfootwear.ca.
Being a former math teacher, I just loved this
little story. However, as funny as it may be, it is also a little
sad. I hope you enjoy it, but at the end don't be surprised if you
are not sure whether to laugh or cry.
Last week a friend of
mine purchased a burger and fries at McDonald's for $3.58.
The counter girl took
his $4.00 and he pulled 8 cents out of his pocket and gave it
to her.
She stood there,
holding the nickel and 3 pennies. While looking at the screen
on her register, my friend sensed her discomfort and tried to
tell her to just give him 2 quarters, but she hailed the
Manager for help. While he tried to explain the transaction to
her, she stood there and cried.
Why do I tell you
Because of the
evolution of teaching math since the 1960's....
Teaching math in
A logger sells a
truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5
of the price. What is his profit?
Teaching math in
A logger sells a
truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5
of the price, or $80. What is his profit?
Teaching math in
A logger sells a
truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80.
Did he make a profit?
Teaching math in
A logger sells a
truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80,
and his profit is $20. Your assignment, underline the number
Teaching math in
A logger cuts down a
beautiful forest because he is selfish and inconsiderate and
cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the preservation
of our woodlands. He does this so he can make a profit of $20.
What do you think of this way of making a living? Topic for
class participation after answering the question: How did the
birds and squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes?
(There are no wrong answers.)
Buying A New House This Year? Check Out Your Options At FANTASTIC FLOORS
Before You Move In |
Ron Pedneault, owner of Fantastic Floors, located in the
in Val Caron, prepares to discuss some new
flooring options with one of his customers who have just purchased a new
home in
Valley East
. The young couple is looking forward to moving
into their home at the beginning of August and wanted to make some changes
to the existing floors. Here they were going over some of the samples of
ceramics and porcelain which are becoming ever popular throughout the
entire house, not just in the kitchen and bathrooms.
According to Ron, “Just about everybody I know who has purchased
an existing house makes some changes to the flooring in at least one of
the rooms. New home owners want to personalize the house in some way to
make sure that the floors and walls are in line with their own
personalities, or they just find the old flooring in need of replacement.
Whatever the reason, it is always a good idea to change the flooring
“before” you begin moving in with the furniture.”
Ron advises that if you are preparing to move into a new
house this summer or fall, it would be a good idea to meet with him to go
over the options and plan your renovations to coincide with your moving
date. Even if you are still “looking” for that perfect house, stop by
and talk about the different kinds of flooring that you can order and get
an idea of approximate cost so that you can include floor replacement in
your cost calculations at the time of purchase. It doesn’t hurt to talk,
and Ron will always find time to give you free advice.
“You wouldn’t believe the number of people I’ve seen who are
moving into homes in the Valley. We knew this community was going to grow,
which is one of the main reasons we wanted to open FANTASTIC FLOORS,”
stated Ron, who after spending over 30 years working in the flooring
business on everything from installing to sales and management, has found
that the transition to owning and operating his own store has been
extremely satisfying.
“We will do anything we can to help the Valley grow and prosper.
That is why we are participating in the Valley East Lions
Charity Days Treasure Hunt,” he explained.
FANTASTIC FLOORS will have one of the twelve (12) combination locks
on site from July 20 to July 26 and again from August 10 to 16. Anyone who
has a combination is invited to stop by and see if you can open the lock
and qualify for a trip to
also proud to be a sponsor of the “Keep The Spirit Alive Contest” and
has provided a runner up prize of $150 towards the purchase of any
flooring products in his store. For more information about the “Keep The
Spirit Alive” contest, make sure you visit the community web site at
www.valleyeasttoday.ca |
FLOORS, is open Monday to Wednesday, from
9 a.m.
6 p.m.
; open late until
9 p.m.
on Thursdays and Fridays, and; open
5 p.m.
on Saturdays.
We also invite
you to take a virtual tour of FANTASTIC FLOORS on their web site at www.fantasticfloors.ca |
Hwy 69 North, Val Caron
In the
www.fantasticfloors.ca |
Distance Calling???? Interested in Voice Over Internet Technology??? Need Your
Computer Repaired??? |
Lajambe, is a 30-year old life-long resident of Hanmer. His passion for
computers and information technology goes back to a high school co-op
placement he had in 1994 with a company called the AMS Group. When he
graduated from
St. Charles
he discovered that there were a lot of people who kept coming to him for
computer repairs and consulting, so he formed his own company, Valley
Computers & Consulting.
VoIP (Voice over Internet Technology) was first introduced to
, Edgar saw this as the future of communication and immediately jumped on
board; studying everything there is to know about the technology. As a
result, he formed another division of his company, called VCCNet.ca
Internet Solutions, which deals with long-distance discount calling and
the use of the internet for communication purposes.
has joined forces with another locally owned firm, Infocom Canada Business
Consultants Inc. which operates Valley East Today, a marketing &
public relations company which publishes a community web site and weekly
online news magazine.
cost of long distance calling has always been a detriment to people living
in the north,” Edgar explained when asked why he feels so strongly about
the communication services he now provides to the community. “I know so
many of my friends and acquaintances who have children or parents living
in other parts of
. They would love the chance to talk to them more often by phone, but long
distance charges really cut into the budget; especially for seniors who
would love to talk to grandchildren, or parents who have children away at
university or college.”
people find out how easy it is to switch over to my plan, and they realize
that there is absolutely no risk or long-term commitment – that all they
get is the freedom to talk on the phone to anyone in Ontario for as long
as they want for one low price of $15.95 a month, they are sold,” Edgar
went on.
Edgar also repairs and programs
individual computers for both commercial and residential use. You can drop
in and see him at his office in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre, or he
will come directly to your home or office.
you are looking for, give Edgar a call at 670-4039 or you can go to his web site at www.vccnet.ca
and see how he can meet your needs.
The next municipal election for the City of Greater Sudbury will take place on
Tuesday, November 13, 2006.
A lot of things happen during a four-year term. Some
are good and some are bad. However, every decision that is made by our
municipal council has a direct impact on the lives of people living in
Valley East and Capreol.
Please note that Candidates have until 5:00 p.m. on September 29, 2006
to file their completed nomination form.
It hoped that anyone who is
serious about standing for election will declare his/her intention as soon as
possible so that we have enough time to fully understand their individual

