Ryan Benoit's Unique Abilities
Serve Him Well In His Role as Provincial Ambassador for the Easter
Seal Society |
Benoit is in many ways like any normal 13 year old boy. He lives in Val
Caron with his parents, Mike and Joyce and he has two older brothers,
Stephen, 15 and Jason, 18.
He will be entering Grade 8 at Ecole Notre Dame de l'Esperance in the
fall of 2006 and, like many boys his age, he is still not sure which high
school he will be attending. His grade average is in the mid to upper 80's
and his attitude towards school is very positive. His teachers refer to
Ryan as one of their classroom leaders, always willing to lend a helping
hand and always willing to take on new challenges. Ryan also loves public
speaking and is getting along quite will on the computer. He enjoys
fishing with his family in the summer and loves swimming. Ryan is also a
"hockey nut" and knows just about everything there is to know
about the sport. He is also eager to talk to anyone about the players and
the game in general.
To look at Ryan in the photo above, he looks like any normal teen age
Ryan, however, has cerebral palsy, a crippling disease which causes
damage to the spinal cord during prenatal developmental stages. It has
left him physically disabled - unable to walk and do many of the normal
things we take for granted. His wheelchair is more clearly evident in the
photo below, but the boy in the picture is the same young boy you first
saw in the photo above. |

An Honour To Be Chosen From All Of
The Candidates - A Tremendous Responsibility For A Young Boy To
Shoulder |
Ryan was chosen to be one of the two
Provincial Ambassadors for the Easter Seal Society. He and his partner,
Kaitlyn Lenchak of Aurora, were introduced at the prestigious Con Smythe
Fundraising Dinner & Auction on February 9, 2006 in Toronto. He and
Kaitlyn are shown in the group photo with many of the stars and
celebrities in attendance at the event which raised over $400,000 for
Easter Seals.
As official Ambassadors of the Easter Seal Society for the 2006
calendar year, both Ryan and Kaitlyn feel very honoured, but at the same
time, they also realize the tremendous responsibility they have in
representing the organization at various public functions during the year.
Most of the functions are fund-raising in nature, designed to raise a lot
of money which will be used to improve the quality of life for many others
who are physically challenged. |
Here we see Ryan and Kaitlyn with his favourite
hockey coach (next to his father), the Sudbury Wolve's Mike Foligno. |

Ryan's parents, standing directly behind him,
Mike and Joyce Benoit, are extremely proud of the way their son has
handled the responsibility of being a Provincial Ambassador. In this photo
they are with Mr. Don Ferguson on the left, and Mr. Roger Abbott on the
right, both members of the Canadian Airfarce. |
John Ferguson and Ross Rebagliati stop by to
chat with Kaitlyn and Ryan during the Con Smythe Dinner and Auction. |
Ryan is well aware of up coming hockey stars,
so he was very excited when he met with John Tavares of the Oshawa
Generals, who many are calling the next Wayne Gretzky. |
Back at home, in the familiar surroundings of his bedroom,
Ryan demonstrates a down-to-earth, level-headedness that is quite
astounding considering the attention he has been receiving this year. He
takes everything in stride and sincerely feels good about being able to do
something to make a difference for other kids and adults who are confined
to a wheelchair or otherwise 'disabled'.

It is precisely because of Ryan's natural abilities and giftedness that
he has become a perfect choice as Provincial Ambassador for the Easter
Seal Society. He is very sociable and enjoys meeting people. Ryan never
lets his physical impairments prevent him from doing just about anything
that other children do, he just has to "work harder" at some
things than others. And he realizes this, so it never gets him down. Ryan,
however, also realizes that there are some things, such as public
speaking, talking to people, going out in public and making speeches in
front of stars and celebrities and simply being able to take on the
challenges of being a leader, that he does with ease. These are things
that many others, especially his age, have a great deal of difficulty
And so, as Ryan continues to fulfil his responsibilities until February
2007 when another two young people will take over, he plans on using his
"abilities" to make a difference for the Easter Seals Society
and all of the people they serve. He plans on continuing in his role as a
' Public Ambassador' for the Easter Seals Society for the rest of his
life. He is a role model and an inspiration, not only to people with
physical impairments, but also to the perfectly healthy individuals who,
once they meet Ryan, will realize how important it is to focus on
your abilities and talents rather than on your inabilities and struggles. |
Keep Memories Alive By Simple Process of Transferring
8mm Film to DVD Is a Specialty of Ron Gladu Photos |
Many people were swept up with the fad of taking 8mm movie films during
the 50's and 60's. Today, most no longer have any way of showing those
films. That is why transferring films from Super 8 and Regular 8 to DVD or
video tape cassettes has become so popular.
For just $8.50 a box (about 3 minutes and 10 seconds), you can have the
transfer complete and be watching those old movies on your television.
Some clients have the film spliced together in multiple films, so Ron
simply charges them 15 cents a foot to do the transfer.
What makes the service provided by Ron Gladu Photos so special is that
Ron not only transfers the film, he actually enhances the final product by
editing each one individually. "We watch each film in its entirety.
That way we can make adjustments for poor quality
and even delete black
sections. The finished product is a smooth movie that is much more
enjoyable to watch."
You can even have up to an hour of your favourite music dubbed over the
movie for only $15.
"We do all of our own work right here in the studio,"
explained Ron. "By not sending it out of town, we can do your
transfers in a hurry if necessary."
If you have a lot of film to transfer, just think...a single VHS tape
can hold up to 36 Super 8 films. Copies can even be made for only $15 a
copy. These make excellent, unique gifts.
Most people come in with about ten films. This means that they can get
a single DVD for a fee of $25 for the DVD and $8.50 per film for a grand
total of $110 plus tax. Extra copies will cost $20 per DVD and $15 for the
transfer for a grand total of $35.
To people who have so many fond memories trapped on a Super 8 film,
bringing those memories to life is priceless, and certainly worth every
penny that they pay to Ron Gladu for the key to unlocking those memories.
more information visit Ron Gladu's Web Site>>>>> |
21st Annual Hanmer Knights of
FESTIVAL D'ETE / SUMMER FAIR Once Again Draws Huge Crowds To Hanmer |
Roland Mallet, above, is caught racing from one venue to another as he makes
last minute preparations during the 21st Annual Knights of Columbus Council
#5005 Summer Fair. Roland was the man in charge of a small army of
volunteers who helped keep things in order and enjoyable for the thousands
of visitors to the site.
Fern Gascon, on the right, took time to rest on Saturday in preparation
for the horseshoe tournament which was scheduled for Sunday afternoon. Fern
is another member who has been active in the organization of the Annual
Summer Fair which is undoubtedly the biggest event of the year in Valley

TIGER, the popular Canadian Group shown above, was the headline group on
Friday night. Saturday's feature performers included Brad Johner
and Paul Dwayne.
Crush, shown on the left in the covered band stand, lead off the music
parade on both Friday night and Saturday afternoon.
Other local performers to grace the stage included:
Marc Serre & Stillwell
Country Drifters
Sunday afternoon featured a Kids Talent Contest and the popular Adult Talent
Contest finals.
The 21st Annual Truck Pulling Contest was once a gain a huge fan
favourite, pitting heavy duty vehicles against thousands of pounds of
cement on a 2000 pound sled. Below, we see Jean Labelle's 2004 3.5L GMC
Canyon ready to pull 3000 pounds in his first try.

Labelle's truck had absolutely no difficulty making the full pull and
went on in the competition which continued both Saturday and Sunday

There was plenty to see and do for the entire family during this year's
event. Following is a small sample of the photos that were taken of the
facilities on Saturday afternoon.
Congratulations to the Hanmer Knights of Columbus Council #5005 for
another job well done!
Comments From Our Readers Are
Always Welcome And Will Help Us Make Valley East Today Even More
Useful |
Comments from our readers are always appreciated. In fact, many of the
changes and additions we make are a direct result of suggestions and
questions that have come from local residents through this forum. Our goal
is to create a Community Web Site that is a comprehensive reference source
for everyone, and to provide a Weekly Online News Magazine that captures the
living history of Valley East and Capreol.
We want to thank Sharon Neelands for the following letter. As a result of
her comments we are now working on a special section to address her
concerns. Hopefully, it should be on the main site within a couple of weeks.
I thought I would send you a quick email to make a few suggestions. I
am moving to the area from
and have really enjoyed you online magazine.
I am moving to Val Therese (hopefully) tomorrow (July 14, 2006) and
while I was anticipating the move, I have found a few items that I
have struggled with, that maybe you can post on your website.
It would be wonderful if your website could post activities that are
going on in the area to help people like us, who don’t know anyone
to get the scoop from. Things like camps for kids, daycare,
babysitting services, church events, or community events. Posting any
social activities that we can participate in would be an excellent way
for newcomers to meet people in the community when they first move to
the area.
I love your site and found it very helpful on finding business
activities but we still struggle on find out things to do with my
children. I look forward to getting the Welcome Home Gift Bucket, I
think it is a great way to feel a little special during a move that
can be very chaotic.
Thank you for providing such a wonderful services.
Sharon Neelands |
I am always happy to hear from one of my favourite readers, Wendy (Bisson)
Petro from Florida. We have a special section on our main site for Wendy. If
you have time visit the link and find out where her life has taken her since
leaving the Valley. Wendy sends us a comment about patriotism in Canada and
the United States. (As you can see, she is also happy about the "Keep
The Spirit Alive Contest" and is expecting me to deliver the bikes to
her in Florida if she wins - it's a thought, especially since the winners
will be announced on Christmas Eve).
Hi Bob!
Ooooh, I LOVE contests! Can I put my name in?? LOL!! If I
won the bikes, would I have to pay for the shipping myself?
My mom is up in Sudbury right now, staying with my Aunt Marilyn.
I am so envious of her! She was on Manitoulin for the weekend, and
will be going to Deep River (near Pembroke) Friday night to visit
her other sister. Her total stay is almost three weeks!
I was commenting to my mom (via email) the other day about
something I thought you might be interested in...I was bored at work
Friday so read the Sudbury Star and Northern Life online. I read
about all the festivities planned for Canada Day...folk dancing,
food from different nations, concerts, etc. As I'm sure you realize,
Canada Day and Independence Day are a mere three days apart. There
was just a thing on the news here last week about how the United
States is the "most patriotic country" in the world. And
yet, in this large metropolitan area known as Central Florida, there
wasn't much on the agenda for the 4th of July this year! There was
one concert with fireworks afterwards in the smaller city of
Altamonte Springs, just north of Orlando, and the City Beautiful
itself had "Fireworks at the Fountain" last night. But no
huge festivals or celebrations like you have in Canada. There is no
way that Americans are more patriotic than Canadians!
The City of Orlando has now had its 32nd homicide this year. Last
year there were 26 for the entire year! Someone in Kissimmee was
shot last weekend after they honked their horn at the vehicle in
front of them after the light had turned green. The driver of that
vehicle followed them, confronted them and shot several times. How
much road rage do you see in Ontario?
Anyway...hope you had a great holiday weekend! Take care!
Another reader from Elliot Lake wrote the following letter. As you can see,
the problems that we have been plagued with in the outlying areas are going
to begin affecting our ability to attract future residents if things don't
soon change. It doesn't matter how much advertising the City of Greater
Sudbury does or how much our elected officials pat themselves on the back,
when people talk to local residents, they get the real story. And the story
is not pretty. Instead of answering this person in an email, I picked up the
phone and called him. I reassured him that the Valley was indeed the best
place to settle in this area and informed him that things are going to
chance in the next four years. He is still considering moving to Valley
We are considering moving to Valley East.
During interviews of local citizens, we have heard a common
"Our taxes went up a lot and now our services are worse than
The people whom we talked to strongly disagree with the
amalgamation of their area with Greater Sudbury. I asked why they
voted for it and the responses were that they did not.
Was there a vote? If not, how can a community be forced to fund
another without proper permission.
Please allow me to state clearly that I am poorly informed of the
reasons behind this and the motivation for all concerned, but, if what
I am hearing reflects the people in general and the attitude of
Greater Sudbury council, our family may have to reconsider what was to
be a bright future for all of us. |
The following letter was written to express appreciation for an article we
carried about John
Lancia, the recently retired Head Caretaker of the Hanmer Valley
Shopping Centre. An
editorial on his retirement can be found at >>>>
I would like to take the time to issue your publication
a sincere THANK YOU on behalf of the Lancia family for such a great
piece about my grandpa's retirement (John Lancia). As one of his
grandchildren, I am very proud to call John my grandpa not only for
what he has done with with working career, but also for just being
himself. My grandpa has taught all of his grandchildren many
life lessons and his retirement is another one. When I spoke
with him on the day of his retirement, he told me "hey, I think
I've set the record…and I don't want anyone to beat it!".
Even if any of us wanted to, I don't even think we would try. Again,
please accept my sincere thanks.
Kindest Regards.
Tony Lancia |
Nicole Brunet of
Beswick Denture Clinic Provides Readers With Excellent Advice On Combating
Bad Breath |
breath or halitosis is a common problem among individuals and can range
from moderate to sever, acute (short term) or chronic (long term). There
are many contributing factors when it comes to bad breath.
This article is about the different
causes, from the connection between dentures and halitosis, to medical
disorders that can cause bad breath.
With all the different contributing factors of bad breath one thing is
certain, good oral hygiene is imperative in helping to control your
breath. If you think you have
bad breath seek treatment, once you can pin point the cause or source of
your bad breath the success is more attainable
Part One: Bacteria and Oral malodor
There are numerous bacteria present in the mouth.
The different species of bacteria are essential in
keeping the oral flora balanced in the oral cavity.
It is important to have some bacteria in the mouth although not all
bacteria are good. Once the
bacteria break down and die they produce gases called Volatile sulfur
compounds (VSC). If not
removed, these compounds
continue to accumulate and combined with the air from the mouth will cause
a malodor.
VSC’s are toxic to oral tissues and can cause
periodontal disease, irritation to oral tissue, and bad breath.
Bacteria can accumulate anywhere in the mouth.
The teeth, inside of the checks, and gums are some places bacteria
can accumulate therefore it is necessary to keep these areas clean by
brushing and flossing. Due to its rough surface and crevices, the tongue
is the most common place for bacteria to be deposited.
Thus creating large amounts of sulfur compounds causing bad breath.
Simply brushing the tongue with a tooth brush will not dispose of
the bacteria imbedded deep into the crevices of the tongue but will only
move the bacteria around. As
Dr. Mel Babot DDS. States: the key is mechanical removal by using a
“rake like” tongue scraper to reach in and remove the debris from the
The absence of saliva can also cause bad breath by
promoting more anaerobic bacteria to accumulate in the mouth.
Read more about this topic in the following section entitled, “Oral dryness
and bad breath".
Part Two: Oral Dryness And Bad
One of the leading causes of oral malodor can come
from xerostomia. Xerostomia
better known as dry mouth is a common occurrence in many people.
One of the contributing factors to dry mouth is medication such as
certain heart medication, antidepressants. Some of the most common types
of drugs that can cause dry mouth are-Decongestants, Diuretics,
Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Antispasmatics, and Puffers.
Stress, smoking, and age are also things that can cause xerostomia.
Saliva is a very important bodily function.
Saliva washes out the mouth of food debris, sugars, and bacteria.
Without saliva food cannot be easily washed away therefore staying
on your teeth longer causing possible plaque build up, thus leading to
tooth decay and possibly gum disease and ultimately causing a foul odor
from your mouth. Bacteria need
to be constantly washed away. Without
saliva, bacteria will stay in the gums, between teeth, and on the dorsal
surface of the tongue. These
bacteria will then break down and produce volatile sulfur compounds
resulting in irritation of the tissues and bad breath.
The first step to try and teat bad breath is to
eliminate the source. Although sometimes the answer is not that easy if
the cause of xerostomia is age or medication.
Therefore keeping your mouth clean and using mechanical techniques
for getting rid of debris with a tongue scraper and toothbrush are of the
utmost importance. Using
alcoholic based mouthwashes like scope or Listerine are detrimental with
someone with dry mouth; it can cause further xerostomia and even further
irritation. Ask your Denturist
for what is best for you to use. Some
examples are Biotene and Oxyfresh.
Part Three: Are My Dentures The
Source of My Bad Breath?
As we know, bacteria that accumulates on the tongue
or in other places in the mouth produce sulfur compounds which leads to
bad breath. Bacteria can also
accumulate on the surface or even within the denture.
Microscopically, dentures have a porous surface allowing bacteria
to enter and therefore, dentures must be cleaned everyday and rinsed
between every meal to minimize the accumulation of bacteria.
Scratches in the denture are an ideal place for bacteria to
Toothpastes like Crest or Colgate are made for use on
natural teeth, and they are
much too abrasive for dentures, thus producing scratches.
To try to avoid scratches in your denture, use non-abrasive
cleaning products such as liquid soap, polident denture paste, Oxyfresh
non-fluoride toothpaste, soaking tablets or liquid denture cleaners such
as Dentanet. With time odors can stay
strapped in the denture
causing it to smell and giving the denture wearer bad breath.
Here is a little test to see if it is your denture
that is causing your bad breath.
Remove your denture, rinse them under water, and
place it into a zip lock baggie. Let
it sit for five minutes and then open the bag a little and smell.
The odor you smell is what other people can smell. Sometimes
the odor is impossible to remove and a new denture is needed.
The average life of a denture is between 5 to 7 years.
Call your denturist for an appointment if you think your denture is
causing your bad breath.
If you would like to find out more about Beswick Denture Clinic or the
Beswick Footcare Clinic, simply go to their comprehensive web site at the following
link>>>> |