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Pierrette Leclerc, an employee with Valley View Cleaners since 2000,
takes care of the pressing and finishing of the cleaned clothes. Here she
is shown pressing a shirt on the automatic press. In the foreground you
can see two Flat Ironers which are also used on other clothes. |
The Form Finishing Machines, shown
to the side, also called "Suzies"
are specially designed to steam press suits, jackets, dresses, etc. The
steam comes up from inside and an air bag inflates to press the item. Once
pressed, the clothes are placed in plastic bags and
then on to the conveyor rack for pick up.Many customers wash their shirts at home and then bring them in for
pressing. The charge for having shirts pressed only is 2/3 of the combined price for
cleaning and pressing. For example, you can get a simple dress shirt
washed and pressed for $3.25. If you just want it pressed, it will cost
you about $2.20. |