Editorials by Robert Kirwan |

There are certain things you stumble across in this
life that hit you like a brick. A few weeks ago I saw the quotation above
and it almost knocked me over. It was on one of those days when I was
questioning whether or not I was making any difference at all in the
things I was doing. More>>>> |
The Tipping Point philosophy is based on the belief that
changes in behaviour or perception can reach a critical mass and then
suddenly create a whole new reality. The most important thing in trying to
analyse whether something is at the verge of a tipping point is whether it
(an event) causes people to reframe an issue. More>>>> |
"A special invitation to all
residents of Valley East to join together in celebrating a hundred
years of history as we take a giant leap into a bright and
exciting future!" More
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By reaching out to help each other - that is with residents
who are willing to support local businesses and with businesses who are
willing to provide local residents with good value for the goods and
services purchases - we will all benefit from the power of this Community
Circle of Support and move forward into a brighter future with the
confidence that we are all in this together. More
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Have you ever watched geese flying along in the sky in a
“V” formation? They fly like that because as each bird in front flaps
its wings it creates an updraft for the bird immediately following. By
flying together in a “V” formation, it has been estimated that the
whole flock adds over 70% to its flying range than if each bird flew on
its own. This means that the flock can cover their journey much more
quickly and with much less of an effort by working together. More
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the community of Valley East continues to struggle in the face of a large
economic slow-down, it is becoming clear that our entire future will
depend on the courage and tenacity of young people who are willing to
avoid the lure of greener pastures in the south. The difficulties they
overcome will make them stronger. More
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It takes a lot of hard work to bring you publications
like The Vision Paper and valleyeasttoday.ca. This hard work must be
supported by local businesses and local organizations. Individuals must
contribute stories and let us know about events that are going on so that
they can be covered. Take pride in your community and make a sincere
effort to "look through the windows" More
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Whether you own a business; participate in a service
group; belong to a sports organization, a church or a school; have a
garden you wish to share ; or if you just want to express your opinions on
Valley East, take action now! More
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Thousands of gardeners from
Valley East work extremely hard during the short summer months bringing
life to their yards. When you have a chance to visit these backyard
wonderlands you are truly amazed at the creativity and beautiful landscape
designs that have been created by your friends and neighbours. These are
not magazine layouts. They are real, live gardens, existing right here in
our own community. |