Vanessa Charette Takes Another Step Towards A Bright Future

   Vanessa Charette sits at the computer while working at her summer job, much the same as so many other young post-secondary school students of the area. She is earning some well deserved money to help with the expenses of going to school in the fall, but she is also learning a great deal about life in developing personal skills that will undoubtedly open many doors for her in the future.
   Vanessa’s grandmother is Eva Lanctot, a person who is well-known in the community for her contributions to the growth and success of Valley East . Eva has helped many people towards a brighter future and has indeed enjoyed giving her granddaughter an opportunity to grow through the experience of working in her real estate office this summer. “She’s a wonderful girl - so bright and smart. She’s going to go places,” Eva commented.
   A gifted student in high school, Vanessa graduated from Confederation Secondary School ’s French Immersion program with a 98% average and is currently entering the second year of the Bachelor of Science in Behavioural Neuroscience program at Laurentian University. 

   “Each year around the end of July I begin preparing for the fall by reading course texts and going over the requirements of my programs,” she explained. “I find it very exciting to be starting a new school year and I look forward to learning new material and improving my knowledge in the area of behavioural neuroscience. This year I am going to focus more on my studies and try to decide what I want to do after I get my degree in a few years. There are so many options.”

   Indeed, Vanessa is facing the kind of tough decisions that many fellow students will be making this year. Most people will tell you that some of the best years of their life were spent in college or university. However, there comes a time when one must face the future and establish clear goals for a career. For Vanessa, she will be dealing with a choice between pursuing a career in medicine or teaching at the high school or post-secondary school levels. Either way, it will likely mean further studies and additional qualifications and diplomas.
   If Vanessa’s previous activities are any indication, it would appear as if “teaching” might be in the cards. During the 2007-2008 school year Vanessa was an invigilator for special needs students writing exams; was an occupational assistant for a fourth year psychology student with cerebral palsy; was the only second year student to be a teaching assistant for a physics course and a chemistry course; and taught students in the Rainbow District School Board how to use various programs to assist them in their studies (Dragon Naturally Speaking, Kurzweil 3000, Zoom Text, and similar programs).
   We are not sure what Vanessa will be getting involved in this school year, but the experience she gained this summer working for her grandmother, Eva Lanctot, certainly won’t hurt her in the pursuit of her dreams.


The Learning Clinic is The Private Practice of
Robert Kirwan, B.A. (Math), M.A. (Education), OCT
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