The Valley East Youth Centre, located beside the Centennial Arena in
Hanmer, will be re-opening with a new look and new equipment on
Friday, July 7 at 6:00 p.m. Keep checking here for additional
details on this exciting new chapter in the Valley East Youth Centre!
Susan Johnston,
shown on the right, has been working with the Valley
East Youth Centre for over 23 years. In that time she has seen both the
highs and the lows. Today, as Chairperson for the Board of Directors, Sue
is somewhat encouraged with plans to re-open the facility on Friday, July
7 at 6:00 p.m.. Some funding has enabled her to bring in some new
equipment and material which should be well accepted by the area youth. As
a result, it is quite possible that attendance will increase and the
centre will be open on additional days for the rest of the summer.
The future of the Youth Centre may be in jeopardy if funding sources
can't be found, but Sue is confident that the youth themselves will come
up with some great ideas and will support the centre with their hard work
and commitment.
The first thing Sue plans on doing when the Youth Centre opens up on
Friday, July 7, is meet with the teens and do some brainstorming to come
up with a plan for increasing attendance among the community young people.
She intends to help the young teens take over some of the responsibility
for the future success of the Centre, but will be there to provide them
with the support they need to achieve success.
Grade 3 & 4 Students From
Ecole Notre Dame de L'Esperance Introduced To Golf |
Vic Whissell, owner of the Valley Family Golf Centre on
Regional Road 15 in Blezard Valley, takes a moment out to show Veronique
Beaudry some of the finer points of how to hit a golf ball. Veronique is a
student in Ms. Celine Hogue's class at Ecole Notre Dame de
L'Esperance. Ms. Hogue is watching with two more students, Sylvie Pilon
and Steven Beaupre.
Each June, the Grade 3 & 4 classes have been coming
out for a two-hour lesson from Vic to introduce the young boys and girls
to the game of golf as part of the Physical Education curriculum.
Vic Whissell has the children take all of the golf balls
they need during the session and he personally goes around providing
individual instruction. |
Nicole Brunet of
Beswick Denture Clinic Provides Readers With Excellent Advice On Combating
Bad Breath |
breath or halitosis is a common problem among individuals and can range
from moderate to sever, acute (short term) or chronic (long term). There
are many contributing factors when it comes to bad breath.
This article is about the different
causes, from the connection between dentures and halitosis, to medical
disorders that can cause bad breath.
With all the different contributing factors of bad breath one thing is
certain, good oral hygiene is imperative in helping to control your
breath. If you think you have
bad breath seek treatment, once you can pin point the cause or source of
your bad breath the success is more attainable
Part One: Bacteria and Oral malodor
There are numerous bacteria present in the mouth.
The different species of bacteria are essential in
keeping the oral flora balanced in the oral cavity.
It is important to have some bacteria in the mouth although not all
bacteria are good. Once the
bacteria break down and die they produce gases called Volatile sulfur
compounds (VSC). If not
removed, these compounds
continue to accumulate and combined with the air from the mouth will cause
a malodor.
VSC’s are toxic to oral tissues and can cause
periodontal disease, irritation to oral tissue, and bad breath.
Bacteria can accumulate anywhere in the mouth.
The teeth, inside of the checks, and gums are some places bacteria
can accumulate therefore it is necessary to keep these areas clean by
brushing and flossing. Due to its rough surface and crevices, the tongue
is the most common place for bacteria to be deposited.
Thus creating large amounts of sulfur compounds causing bad breath.
Simply brushing the tongue with a tooth brush will not dispose of
the bacteria imbedded deep into the crevices of the tongue but will only
move the bacteria around. As
Dr. Mel Babot DDS. States: the key is mechanical removal by using a
“rake like” tongue scraper to reach in and remove the debris from the
The absence of saliva can also cause bad breath by
promoting more anaerobic bacteria to accumulate in the mouth.
Read more about this topic in the following section entitled, “Oral dryness
and bad breath".
Part Two: Oral Dryness And Bad
One of the leading causes of oral malodor can come
from xerostomia. Xerostomia
better known as dry mouth is a common occurrence in many people.
One of the contributing factors to dry mouth is medication such as
certain heart medication, antidepressants. Some of the most common types
of drugs that can cause dry mouth are-Decongestants, Diuretics,
Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Antispasmatics, and Puffers.
Stress, smoking, and age are also things that can cause xerostomia.
Saliva is a very important bodily function.
Saliva washes out the mouth of food debris, sugars, and bacteria.
Without saliva food cannot be easily washed away therefore staying
on your teeth longer causing possible plaque build up, thus leading to
tooth decay and possibly gum disease and ultimately causing a foul odor
from your mouth. Bacteria need
to be constantly washed away. Without
saliva, bacteria will stay in the gums, between teeth, and on the dorsal
surface of the tongue. These
bacteria will then break down and produce volatile sulfur compounds
resulting in irritation of the tissues and bad breath.
The first step to try and teat bad breath is to
eliminate the source. Although sometimes the answer is not that easy if
the cause of xerostomia is age or medication.
Therefore keeping your mouth clean and using mechanical techniques
for getting rid of debris with a tongue scraper and toothbrush are of the
utmost importance. Using
alcoholic based mouthwashes like scope or Listerine are detrimental with
someone with dry mouth; it can cause further xerostomia and even further
irritation. Ask your Denturist
for what is best for you to use. Some
examples are Biotene and Oxyfresh.
Next, week’s article is about dentures causing
odors and how to treat it.
If you would like to find out more about Beswick Denture Clinic or the
Beswick Footcare Clinic, simply go to their comprehensive web site at the following
link>>>> |

Robert Kirwan Explains Why He Has Decided To Run For Councillor of Ward
6 - Hanmer &
Val Therese On City Council
Kirwan has announced that he will be seeking the position of Councillor
for the new Ward 6 in the upcoming Municipal Election. Ward 6 consists of
Hanmer and Val Therese.
In making the announcement,
Kirwan, who is shown looking over the boundaries of the new Ward 6 stated
that, “It will be a
great honour to have an opportunity to serve the constituents of Hanmer
and Val Therese for the next four years as Councillor of Ward 6 for the
City of
Greater Sudbury
Everyone who knows me is well
aware of my commitment to Valley East, and in particular to Ward 6 -
Hanmer and Val Therese, where I have lived and worked most of my life.”
who has lived in Val Therese for the past 32 years, is a well-known public
figure in this community. His positive, motivational messages every week
in The Vision Paper are reflective of his philosophy of life and his
desire to rekindle the spirit of
Valley East
. “I have always been proud to declare my love for this town and at this
stage of my life I am convinced that the best way I can help
Valley East
once again achieve its true potential as a growing and thriving community
is by serving on City Council.”
the past two years he has been the public relations and marketing manager
of the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre where he has become involved with
most of the groups, organizations, churches and schools in the community,
assisting them with fund-raising and public awareness campaigns.
While employed
as a teacher with the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, Kirwan spent
23 years at
in Hanmer. For nine years during that time he was responsible for
coordinating night school and summer school programs where he met
thousands upon thousands of local residents. Many people still talk about
the badminton and basketball games that took place in the gym.
Kirwan is also the publisher of Valley East Today, a comprehensive
community web site and Online Weekly News Magazine through which he
promotes the Town of
Valley East
and its businesses. The web site is located at www.valleyeasttoday.ca.
“I have always had a
passion for promoting my community,” Kirwan explained. “One of my
proudest moments as a resident of
Valley East
was the day we officially became a City. And one of my greatest
disappointments was on
January 1, 2001
when we lost that distinction and were amalgamated into the City of
Greater Sudbury
. For the past six years I have had a burning desire to rekindle the
spirit that we once had.”
Kirwan continued,
“The opportunity to step forward in a leadership role to officially
represent the people of Hanmer and Val Therese on City Council, is
something I have been wanting to do for a long time. Ward 6 – Hanmer and
Val Therese, is one of the strongest geographic sectors of the Greater
Sudbury Area. I would consider
it an honour to be chosen to represent my friends and neighbours of Hanmer
and Val Therese on City Council.”
You can find more
information about Robert Kirwan, including his personal and professional
background, as well as his positions on a number of significant issues
facing Hanmer and Val Therese by visiting his web site at www.kirwan.ca
Kirwan’s campaign office is located at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre.
Easter Seal Ambassador Doesn’t Let Her Physical Disability Affect
Her Attitude
year old Jeanie Rochon-Poirier never lets her physical disability get in
the way of trying out new experiences.
Here she is getting some
golf tips from Vic Whissell, owner of the Valley Family Golf Centre on
Regional Road 15 in
Jeanie, who is a former
Easter Seal Ambassador, was on a field trip with her Grade 4 class from
Ecole Notre Dame de l’Esperance.
Every June the school sends
their Grade 3 and 4 classes for a two-hour outing on the driving
Jeanie is a victim of
Spina-Bifida, but according to her Teacher’s Aid, she is a model student
who accepts all challenges and loves being with people.
Jeanie was a great
Ambassador for Easter Seals during her two-year term and continues to
provide motivation and inspiration to everyone she meets.
Vic Whissell has a soft
spot in his heart for all children who attempt to learn the game of golf.
It is, according to Vic, one of the best sports in the world, and
something that you can enjoy playing your entire life.
The next municipal election for the City of Greater Sudbury will take place on
Tuesday, November 13, 2006.
A lot of things happen during a four-year term. Some
are good and some are bad. However, every decision that is made by our
municipal council has a direct impact on the lives of people living in
Valley East and Capreol.
Please note that Candidates have until 5:00 p.m. on September 29, 2006
to file their completed nomination form.
It hoped that anyone who is
serious about standing for election will declare his/her intention as soon as
possible so that we have enough time to fully understand their individual


With New Border
Requirements On The Horizon Many People Travelling To The United States
May Soon Need
Passports |
Since Ron Gladu Photos is one of the very few, if not the only place in
Valley East, where a person can get a passport photo taken, he is
extremely busy providing this service to local residents who travel out of
the country.
"There doesn't seem to be a slow time of year for passport
photos," explained Ron. "People are travelling at all times of
the year, and countries are getting very particular about their
requirements when it comes to passports. We do between 25 and 30 passport
photos a week, so there are a lot of people travelling from Valley East
and Capreol."
At first glance it would appear that taking a photo for your passport
is a relatively simple procedure. However, after speaking to Ron about
this, it is obvious why so many people complain about having their
passport applications rejected because of improper photos.
"One of the things I am particularly proud of is that we are so
sure that our photos will be accepted that we will guarantee our work. If
your photo is ever rejected, we will do another one for you free of charge," explained Ron. "We have a special section
of our studio all set up for these photos with the required three lights
so that there are no shadows. We have a plain white background and we
remind our clients that they cannot wear a white top when they take the
photo. For individuals who have white hair, we have a special "hair
light" (shown in the insert) that separates the subject from the
background so that you can tell where the hair
ends and the background begins. It is absolutely critical that you do not
smile, or even have any opening between your lips. Your lips must be
pressed together. The photo may be taken in black and white or in colour,
but we take all of ours in colour. And it must be the right size with a
proper stamp on the back."
A photo can be rejected for violations of any of the above criteria, so
it is important that everything be done right the first time. "It
might take a few weeks for an application to be processed, so it is
extremely frustrating for a person to have it rejected because of an
improper photo. That means you have to take another picture, get another
signature from a guarantor, who sometimes charges you for this service,
and then send it off again.
Ron Gladu Photos also take photographs for the F.A.C. Gun registry,
citizenship applications and also for work VISA's.
more information>>>>> |
TD Summer Reading Club |
Hey moms and dads! Did you
know that if your children don’t read over the summer
vacation they can lose a lot of the skills they learned
over the past school year? To help them stay sharp and
get ahead, get your children involved at the library
this summer.
Join the Quest for Heroes TD Summer Reading Club at the Greater Sudbury
Public Library this summer!
Register at any of our 13 libraries and receive
an exciting reading kit, including a terrific poster,
stickers, a full-colour activity book, and more.
This summer’s lineup of special guests includes Sciensational Sssnakes,
Wild at Heart, Les enquêtes de l’inspecteur Sentout,
the Canadian Raptor Conservancy, Applefun Puppetry, The
Stylamanders, and the Greater Sudbury Police Canine
Register now to win fantastic prizes such as a mp3 player, karaoke
machine, portable DVD player and more, and check out all
the exciting free events happening this summer at your
local library.
Search for heroes this summer at your library!
For more information, please contact:
Kaija Mailloux, Co-ordinator of Outreach Programs and
Greater Sudbury Public Library, 673-1155, extension 210