Lifeguard Team At
Kalmo Beach in Val Caron Takes Pride In What They Do |
Kalmo Beach is once again open for the summer, and the team
in the photo above is ready to provide local residents of all ages with a
great summer experience. From the left, we have: Lee-Anne Menard, an
18-year old Valley Girl who is beginning her 2nd year as a lifeguard at
Kalmo Beach. She is entering her 2nd year in the Paramedic Program at
College Boreal in the fall. Next to her is Elise Gervais, a 19 year old
Valley Girl who is beginning her 1st year on the beach. Elise attends
Laurentian University where she will be entering the 3rd year Bio-Med
program in the fall. Paige McNicoll, sitting on duty at the top of the
chair, is a 19 year old Capreol Girl who is in her 2nd year at Kalmo
Beach. Paige is entering her 2nd year of studies at Cambrian College in
the fall. Bryan Forbes, the only full-time male on the team, is a 17 year
old Valley resident who is in his 1st year on the beach. Bryan attends
Bishop Alexander Carter Secondary School and will be entering his
graduating year in the fall. Rounding out the group is Christine Lebeau, a
19 year old Valley Girl who is in her 2nd year at Kalmo Beach. Christine
will be entering the 3rd Year of the Science Psychology program at
Laurentian University in the fall. Two other part-time members of the
staff who were not on duty the day the photo was taken, are Ron Arbour, a
17 year old Grade 12 student from Ecole Secondaire Hanmer and Miquael
Kalmo Beach is open seven days a week from now until August 28. The
beach will be supervised between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m..
Between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. there will be a total of three lifeguards on
duty. At all other times there will be two. All lifeguards must be
extremely well qualified to apply for the position. In addition, they all
attend an in-service training session every Tuesday morning at the Main
Beach in Bell Park from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.. All four girls in the
photo also work at the Howard Armstrong Recreation Centre as lifeguards
and instructors during the school year.
The beach house contains changeroom and washroom facilities as well as
a staff office which is used by the lifeguards when they are "out of
the chair". A phone is available for use if necessary to call for
assistance of any kind. However, all lifeguards are qualified to handle
any kind of emergency which may come up at the beach.
According to Paige, "This is the best job ever. We get to be
outdoors all summer long and we have fun with so many people who come
Lee-Ann explained, "I would say that 95% of our job is injury
prevention. We watch to make sure that none of the swimmers will be
endangering themselves or others around them. It is just a matter of
people using common sense and not being careless or disrespectful of
"Discipline hasn't really been a problem, and we don't expect
much," said Bryan. "If someone is acting up, we give them a
warning. If they don't listen, we tell them to leave the beach. It's
pretty simple. We do not tolerate any kind of activity that will ruin the
fun for anyone else. If anyone continues to give us problems, we just get
on the phone and call the police."
Elise pointed out that the job comes with a lot of responsibility,
especially when the crowds get over 74 during the hot summer days.
"When there are over 74 people on the beach, we have three guards on
duty. Usually we have two in the chairs and one person is walking around
or in the water on a paddle board. When it is that busy you have to be
constantly looking for anyone who is displaying out of the ordinary
Christine spoke for all guards when she explained, "We are not
babysitters. It is important for parents to remember that when they come
to the beach, they have to keep an eye on their own children, especially
toddlers. We ask all parents to keep their babies within arm's reach. It
doesn't take very long for a young child to drown, so when parents let
their children run up and down in the shallow water, we hold our breath in
anticipation. The instant a child trips and falls face first into the
water, we get set to spring into action."
Kalmo Beach has an outstanding safety record, largely because of the
excellent supervision policies implemented by the lifeguards. Park
Foreman, Larry Pederson, drops in every day to see how everything is going
with the guards. They appreciate what Larry does to help maintain the
facilities in proper running order.
There is currently no concession service at Kalmo Beach, so the guards
advise people to bring plenty to drink when they come. If they are going
to have a picnic, the guards ask that everyone clean up their own areas in
order to keep the beach spotless. Plenty of suntan lotion and sunscreen is
also recommended.
To see more photos of the Kalmo Beach click
here>>>> |
The Valley East Youth Centre, located beside the Centennial Arena in
Hanmer, will be re-opening with a new look and new equipment on
Friday, July 7 at 6:00 p.m. Keep checking here for additional
details on this exciting new chapter in the Valley East Youth Centre!
Susan Johnston,
shown on the right, has been working with the Valley
East Youth Centre for over 23 years. In that time she has seen both the
highs and the lows. Today, as Chairperson for the Board of Directors, Sue
is somewhat encouraged with plans to re-open the facility on Friday, July
7 at 6:00 p.m.. Some funding has enabled her to bring in some new
equipment and material which should be well accepted by the area youth. As
a result, it is quite possible that attendance will increase and the
centre will be open on additional days for the rest of the summer.
The future of the Youth Centre may be in jeopardy if funding sources
can't be found, but Sue is confident that the youth themselves will come
up with some great ideas and will support the centre with their hard work
and commitment.
The first thing Sue plans on doing when the Youth Centre opens up on
Friday, July 7, is meet with the teens and do some brainstorming to come
up with a plan for increasing attendance among the community young people.
She intends to help the young teens take over some of the responsibility
for the future success of the Centre, but will be there to provide them
with the support they need to achieve success.
Myrna Young Plans On Making The
2006 Mini-Masters One Of The Best Ever At The Valley Family Golf
Centre |
15th Annual Mini-Masters Junior Golf Tournament will be held at the Valley
Family Golf Centre on Regional Road 15 just outside Blezard Valley, on
Saturday, August 12, 2006. Myrna Young, shown looking over the plaque with
the past winners, has been involved in every one of the events.
The tournament is open to all boys and girls from the ages of 4 through
12. It consists of a nine-hole tournament; special skills competitions; a
barbeque lunch; prizes and trophies. The action starts at 9:30 a.m.
Registration fee for the tournament is only $35.
For more information on how you can register your child, call Myrna or
Vic at 897-7400.
Nicole Brunet of
Beswick Denture Clinic Provides Readers With Excellent Advice On Combating
Bad Breath |
breath or halitosis is a common problem among individuals and can range
from moderate to sever, acute (short term) or chronic (long term). There
are many contributing factors when it comes to bad breath.
This article is about the different
causes, from the connection between dentures and halitosis, to medical
disorders that can cause bad breath.
With all the different contributing factors of bad breath one thing is
certain, good oral hygiene is imperative in helping to control your
breath. If you think you have
bad breath seek treatment, once you can pin point the cause or source of
your bad breath the success is more attainable
Part One: Bacteria and Oral malodor
There are numerous bacteria present in the mouth.
The different species of bacteria are essential in
keeping the oral flora balanced in the oral cavity.
It is important to have some bacteria in the mouth although not all
bacteria are good. Once the
bacteria break down and die they produce gases called Volatile sulfur
compounds (VSC). If not
removed, these compounds
continue to accumulate and combined with the air from the mouth will cause
a malodor.
VSC’s are toxic to oral tissues and can cause
periodontal disease, irritation to oral tissue, and bad breath.
Bacteria can accumulate anywhere in the mouth.
The teeth, inside of the checks, and gums are some places bacteria
can accumulate therefore it is necessary to keep these areas clean by
brushing and flossing. Due to its rough surface and crevices, the tongue
is the most common place for bacteria to be deposited.
Thus creating large amounts of sulfur compounds causing bad breath.
Simply brushing the tongue with a tooth brush will not dispose of
the bacteria imbedded deep into the crevices of the tongue but will only
move the bacteria around. As
Dr. Mel Babot DDS. States: the key is mechanical removal by using a
“rake like” tongue scraper to reach in and remove the debris from the
The absence of saliva can also cause bad breath by
promoting more anaerobic bacteria to accumulate in the mouth.
Read more about this topic in the following section entitled, “Oral dryness
and bad breath".
Part Two: Oral Dryness And Bad
One of the leading causes of oral malodor can come
from xerostomia. Xerostomia
better known as dry mouth is a common occurrence in many people.
One of the contributing factors to dry mouth is medication such as
certain heart medication, antidepressants. Some of the most common types
of drugs that can cause dry mouth are-Decongestants, Diuretics,
Antidepressants, Antihistamines, Antispasmatics, and Puffers.
Stress, smoking, and age are also things that can cause xerostomia.
Saliva is a very important bodily function.
Saliva washes out the mouth of food debris, sugars, and bacteria.
Without saliva food cannot be easily washed away therefore staying
on your teeth longer causing possible plaque build up, thus leading to
tooth decay and possibly gum disease and ultimately causing a foul odor
from your mouth. Bacteria need
to be constantly washed away. Without
saliva, bacteria will stay in the gums, between teeth, and on the dorsal
surface of the tongue. These
bacteria will then break down and produce volatile sulfur compounds
resulting in irritation of the tissues and bad breath.
The first step to try and teat bad breath is to
eliminate the source. Although sometimes the answer is not that easy if
the cause of xerostomia is age or medication.
Therefore keeping your mouth clean and using mechanical techniques
for getting rid of debris with a tongue scraper and toothbrush are of the
utmost importance. Using
alcoholic based mouthwashes like scope or Listerine are detrimental with
someone with dry mouth; it can cause further xerostomia and even further
irritation. Ask your Denturist
for what is best for you to use. Some
examples are Biotene and Oxyfresh.
Part Three: Are My Dentures The
Source of My Bad Breath?
As we know, bacteria that accumulates on the tongue
or in other places in the mouth produce sulfur compounds which leads to
bad breath. Bacteria can also
accumulate on the surface or even within the denture.
Microscopically, dentures have a porous surface allowing bacteria
to enter and therefore, dentures must be cleaned everyday and rinsed
between every meal to minimize the accumulation of bacteria.
Scratches in the denture are an ideal place for bacteria to
Toothpastes like Crest or Colgate are made for use on
natural teeth, and they are
much too abrasive for dentures, thus producing scratches.
To try to avoid scratches in your denture, use non-abrasive
cleaning products such as liquid soap, polident denture paste, Oxyfresh
non-fluoride toothpaste, soaking tablets or liquid denture cleaners such
as Dentanet. With time odors can stay
strapped in the denture
causing it to smell and giving the denture wearer bad breath.
Here is a little test to see if it is your denture
that is causing your bad breath.
Remove your denture, rinse them under water, and
place it into a zip lock baggie. Let
it sit for five minutes and then open the bag a little and smell.
The odor you smell is what other people can smell. Sometimes
the odor is impossible to remove and a new denture is needed.
The average life of a denture is between 5 to 7 years.
Call your denturist for an appointment if you think your denture is
causing your bad breath.
If you would like to find out more about Beswick Denture Clinic or the
Beswick Footcare Clinic, simply go to their comprehensive web site at the following
link>>>> |

Robert Kirwan Finds Election Campaign No Different From
Robert Kirwan
announced his intention to run for the position of Councillor of Ward 6
– Hanmer & Val Therese on
April 3, 2006
. Over two full months have gone by since he registered as a candidate,
leaving five months to go before the
November 13, 2006
municipal election. Yet, if you ask anyone who has known him for any
length of time, they will tell you that they haven’t noticed much change
from his normal routine.
the photo above, Robert Kirwan, on the far right, is shown with two close
acquaintances of his from LE CENTRE CLUB AGE d'OR DE LA VALLEE / GOLDEN
AGE CLUB. On the far left is Henry LeBouthiellier, an Executive member of
the Board of Directors, and in the middle is Gerry Chartrand, Treasurer.
The three were enjoying some friendly conversation during one of the
luncheons sponsored by the club.
has indicated that it will be “business as usual” during his campaign
for office. He has decided that it is far more important for people to see
the “real Robert Kirwan” in action every day. He feels that local
residents have had enough of candidates “pretending” to be something
during the campaign and then changing once they are elected.
as you will discover, “business as usual” for Kirwan is hardly what
one would call normal.
I go out to do feature stories and articles in my role as the main writer
for The Vision Paper, I discover a great deal about the real issues facing
different groups and organizations. I welcome the opportunity to give them
excellent public exposure so that we can all share in the accomplishments
and achievements of the people of
Valley East
. My weekly editorials also give me a chance to get close and personal
with all of my readers as I reflect upon some of life’s more important
the Director of Marketing & Public Relations for the Hanmer Valley
Shopping Centre, I have a chance to meet and speak with hundreds of people
of all ages every single week. We talk about everything under the sun.
People appreciate the fact that I am readily accessible and they always
know where they can find me if they need to ask a question or get some
advice. I find that in my role as marketing manager
I can make a real contribution to all groups, churches, schools,
organizations and sports associations by helping them arrange space in the
mall for fund-raising and awareness activities.”
“For the past four
years I have been building a massive community web site at www.valleyeasttoday.ca
It contains a wealth of information about the people and places of
Valley East
. I am also publishing a weekly full colour Online News Magazine that goes
out by email to over 2000 people every Tuesday. These are two publications
of which I am extremely proud since they clearly capture the essence of
this community.”
concluded, “If being involved in an election campaign is all about
getting to know your constituents; clearly understanding their concerns
and issues; letting them find out more about you as a candidate and a
person; and making a commitment to do your best to help them improve their
quality of life while representing them on City Council where I can fight
on their behalf for better services and representation for Valley East,
then I guess I can say that my campaign started many years ago. Now
all I need is the support of the residents of Ward 6 - Hanmer & Val
Therese on November 13, 2006.
Happened To The Playground Equipment At Valley Acres Playground? |
Acres Playground is considered one of the largest and best equipped sites
in Valley East. It is also in the middle of a rapidly growing section of
the community.
Back in April 2006, the photo at the
right was taken showing the equipment that was available for area youth.
As you look at the photos below, you
will see that something is missing. In fact, the equipment which was on
the site in April has disappeared and all that is left is empty space. |
to several parents in the neighbourhood, they were told by City of Greater
Sudbury workers that the equipment was being moved to another playground
and that a new one was on order to take its place. This
was some time during May. The
photo on the left was taken on July 1, 2006. Local residents are wondering
how long it will be before they have their full set of equipment. With
summer vacation now on, this is the busy time of the year for playground
usage.  The
situation at Valley Acres Playground is not sitting very well with
residents who have been complaining about the declining services received
since amalgamation. If
the equipment has been removed from Valley Acres and brought to a
playground in the former City of Sudbury, there may be quite an uproar. |
The next municipal election for the City of Greater Sudbury will take place on
Tuesday, November 13, 2006.
A lot of things happen during a four-year term. Some
are good and some are bad. However, every decision that is made by our
municipal council has a direct impact on the lives of people living in
Valley East and Capreol.
Please note that Candidates have until 5:00 p.m. on September 29, 2006
to file their completed nomination form.
It hoped that anyone who is
serious about standing for election will declare his/her intention as soon as
possible so that we have enough time to fully understand their individual


Keep Memories Alive By Simple Process of Transferring
8mm Film to DVD Is a Specialty of Ron Gladu Photos |
Many people were swept up with the fad of taking 8mm movie films during
the 50's and 60's. Today, most no longer have any way of showing those
films. That is why transferring films from Super 8 and Regular 8 to DVD or
video tape cassettes has become so popular.
For just $8.50 a box (about 3 minutes and 10 seconds), you can have the
transfer complete and be watching those old movies on your television.
Some clients have the film spliced together in multiple films, so Ron
simply charges them 15 cents a foot to do the transfer.
What makes the service provided by Ron Gladu Photos so special is that
Ron not only transfers the film, he actually enhances the final product by
editing each one individually. "We watch each film in its entirety.
That way we can make adjustments for poor quality
and even delete black
sections. The finished product is a smooth movie that is much more
enjoyable to watch."
You can even have up to an hour of your favourite music dubbed over the
movie for only $15.
"We do all of our own work right here in the studio,"
explained Ron. "By not sending it out of town, we can do your
transfers in a hurry if necessary."
If you have a lot of film to transfer, just think...a single VHS tape
can hold up to 36 Super 8 films. Copies can even be made for only $15 a
copy. These make excellent, unique gifts.
Most people come in with about ten films. This means that they can get
a single DVD for a fee of $25 for the DVD and $8.50 per film for a grand
total of $110 plus tax. Extra copies will cost $20 per DVD and $15 for the
transfer for a grand total of $35.
To people who have so many fond memories trapped on a Super 8 film,
bringing those memories to life is priceless, and certainly worth every
penny that they pay to Ron Gladu for the key to unlocking those memories.
more information visit Ron Gladu's Web Site>>>>> |
TD Summer Reading Club |
Hey moms and dads! Did you
know that if your children don’t read over the summer
vacation they can lose a lot of the skills they learned
over the past school year? To help them stay sharp and
get ahead, get your children involved at the library
this summer.
Join the Quest for Heroes TD Summer Reading Club at the Greater Sudbury
Public Library this summer!
Register at any of our 13 libraries and receive
an exciting reading kit, including a terrific poster,
stickers, a full-colour activity book, and more.
This summer’s lineup of special guests includes Sciensational Sssnakes,
Wild at Heart, Les enquêtes de l’inspecteur Sentout,
the Canadian Raptor Conservancy, Applefun Puppetry, The
Stylamanders, and the Greater Sudbury Police Canine
Register now to win fantastic prizes such as a mp3 player, karaoke
machine, portable DVD player and more, and check out all
the exciting free events happening this summer at your
local library.
Search for heroes this summer at your library!
For more information, please contact:
Kaija Mailloux, Co-ordinator of Outreach Programs and
Greater Sudbury Public Library, 673-1155, extension 210