When you ask Jeff Masciangelo, shown above in the photo,
how he likes his job as a "Used Car Salesman", he very quickly
points out that he has never been a "used car salesman" and has
never once considered himself as a salesman.
"I don't have the personality to be a 'salesman'," Jeff
commented. "I am not a hustler, and I could never sell a car to a
person just so that I could make a bigger commission."
What Jeff, and his father, Ron, have become through Masciangelo Motors,
are Independent Vehicle Agents for a growing number of clients who seek
their services whenever they are looking for a pre-owned vehicle.
Whenever a person visits Masciangelo Motors for the first time, they
are immediately impressed by the process that is followed by Jeff and Ron.
Certainly, Jeff and Ron will take you on a tour of the show room and
the lot to give you an idea of the kinds of vehicles they have on site,
but what they really want to do is discuss your particular situation and
the kind of car or truck that you need. Once they know the type of vehicle
that will suit those needs, and they get an idea of the kind of money you
are willing to spend, Jeff and Ron then go to work finding you a vehicle
that will meet, or most often, exceed your expectations.
Masciangelo Motors belongs to the Online Vehicle Exchange. This is a
web site that allows them to take part in "live auctions" that
are going on all over North America. For example, in the photo above, Jeff
is logging on to the Online Vehicle Exchange Home Page where he can see
all of the auctions that are scheduled for any particular day. He can see
which ones are being "simulcast live" and can log on and take
part in the auction right from his office. He can "bid" on cars
and trucks just as if he was right there at the auction.
This means that he can "search" for a vehicle that will match
your needs. Usually he will find dozens, if not hundreds of matches that
have been registered for auctions. Careful investigation of the list will
then allow him to determine which of the matches will be the best buys,
and then he usually has one of two choices.
Part of the web site contains a 'Dealer Exchange' that runs much the
same as E-Bay. Vehicles are put on the site for a total of 14 days and
dealers have an opportunity to place their bids. At the end of the 14 day
period, the dealer with the highest bid gets the vehicle. However, in some
cases, the "Buy Now" price is reasonable and if the vehicle is
exactly what Jeff or Ron are looking for, they will make an immediate
purchase and have the vehicle delivered right away.
"There are great deals out there if you are willing to take the
time to search for them," explained Jeff. "We only buy late
model, low mileage vehicles. That way we know that our customer will be
satisfied and will turn into a long-lasting 'client' who will return to us
for service whenever they need a car or truck. We don't just want to make
a single-sale. We want to develop a lasting relationship.
"We like to purchase our everyday cars and trucks from
Ontario," added Jeff. "There are so many vehicles being
auctioned off every week in Ontario that we can usually find any kind of
vehicle you are looking for. The advantage of buying in Ontario is that we
can get your vehicle delivered within four days or less"
Jeff explained, "We usually purchase our Classic Cars and
Specialty Vehicles from the United States, so it takes a lot longer to get
them here, but it's always worth the wait."
Whenever Jeff or Ron purchase a vehicle over the internet, they pay an
extra surcharge to get something called a "Manheim Guarantee".
This is like having your own mechanic at the auction. A complete
inspection and subsequent report is provided to the dealer who then has 48
hours after delivery to return the vehicle without obligation or charge if
there are any surprises.
Ron Masciangelo is still from the old school when it comes to buying
vehicles, so whenever possible he will go to the auction himself if he
knows there are vehicles that he is looking for. This allows him to see
the car or truck himself, but it also allows him to save on delivery and
stocking fees if he can drive them back instead of having to hire the
auction company to deliver the vehicles.
Nevertheless, Ron is absolutely amazed at how the internet has made it
so easy to come up with fantastic deals for his "clients" that
would in the past been extremely difficult to find.

If you are in the market for another vehicle, Ron and Jeff invite you
to stop in and talk to them. They won't try to sell you a car. But they
will try to find out what you are looking for and help you decide what
kind and type of vehicle will be best for your needs. They will then
determine exactly what you feel you can afford to spend on a vehicle and
will find you several options that may surprise you.
"We've had people come in to see us who were convinced that they
wanted to buy a new car or truck. When they see what we can come up with
for the same amount of money that they were willing to spend on a new
vehicle, many change their mind. You can usually be driving a much better
quality two or three year old vehicle with low mileage and plenty of
options that will give you much more satisfaction that a newer, less
expensive vehicle," concluded Jeff. "Just come in and talk to
us. It certainly won't hurt, and like I said before, I am not a hustler,
so don't expect me to try to sell you a car or truck that I know isn't
good for you just to make a sale. We will only sell you a vehicle from
Masciangelo Motors if both of us are going to be happy with the results.
That is our promise."