
1215, rue St-Anthony,
Hanmer, Ontario P3P 1L1
téléphone : (705) 969-2110
télécopieur : (705) 969-2072 |

St-Joseph Students Take Part In Lip Sync Competition |

Recently students at
in Hanmer have participated in a Lip Sync Competition.
Our Grade 1 students won 1st place and our Kindergarten came 2nd
place. We are very proud of our Grade 3 students who did a spectacular
performance. |
This extra curricular activity exposed talented artists from Wawa
through to
Students are given the opportunity to listen to and develop an
appreciation for our French music. They
learn to perform in front of a large audience which encourages them to
gain self-confidence. Finally,
performing in groups, teaches students how to work cooperatively. What a
GREAT opportunity! |
Our students are eager to participate in this competition every
year. As for the parents, they are very proud of their children for doing
such a fantastic performance.
We thank all of the
special people who made this activity possible such as our parents, our
students, our teachers and our School Board!
chaque jour qu’il faudrait dire des
mots d’amour à nos mamans!

amis de St-Joseph ont cherché à combler ce désir en visitant les résidentes
du Centre Elizabeth à Blezard Valley. Les mamans du Centre et le
personnel étaient réjouis d’entendre nos enfants chanter quelques
chansons d’amour. Cependant, leur cœur de maman était encore plus
touché lorsque chaque petit ami leur a remis une carte de souhait
accompagnée d’un œillet. Quel bonheur, quelle joie de nous réunir
autour de toutes ces mamans!
Beavers, Cubs And Scouts
Distribute Apples To Residents of Valley East During Annual
Lynn Lachance, a Cub Leader with the 1st Valley East Scouts, is shown with
her 8-year old daughter, Roxanne, during the Annual Apple Day fund-raising
drive held in Valley East on Saturday, October 7, 2006. Roxanne attends
Grade 3 at Ecole St. Joseph on St. Anthony Street and has been a member of
the organization for 3 years. Roxanne's brother, Andre, is also a Cub. He
was selling apples in another section of the mall at the time the photo was
Lynn speaks very highly of the 1st Valley East Scouting group and feels
it provides an excellent experience for young children. This year there are
36 young boys and girls registered in the organization. There are 15 Beavers
(aged 5 to 8); 15 Cubs (aged 8 to 11); and 6 Scouts (over 11 years of age).
The Beavers and Cubs meet every Wednesday evening at St. Anne School in
Hanmer, while the Scouts meet every Tuesday at the same place. Other
activities and outings take place on weekends during the year which runs
from September to May.
Christianson, shown in the photo to the right, Scout Leader with the 1st Valley East Scouts, holds up a
display board that was used at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre during
registrations which were held in September.
This marked the first time that the scouts have used the mall for
registrations and Debbra was pleased with the response.
"We gained nine new members while we were in the mall, so it was
very worthwhile for us to be there," she explained.
If anyone is still interested in joining this great organization, you can
call Debbra at 969-7095 or Olivia Lobbon at 222-8878.