Education-based marketing is one of the
fastest-growing trends being adopted
around the world by major advertising
firms because it is more consistent with
the communication patterns of consumers in
the 21st Century.
Traditional print, radio and
television advertising are not considered
trustworthy by a large segment of the
population today. In addition, traditional
advertising is so expensive that only the
largest companies can afford to use this
form of marketing.
The internet and social media has provided
a new method communication which
replicates what we would call old
fashioned word-of-mouth through the
sharing of messages, photos and videos
between “friends” and acquaintances.
This is what we use with an
education-based advertising approach to
marketing and is what we have implemented
in Valley East. Currently, I am pleased to
offer clients the following two options
which will be promoted through the
Valley East Facebook Community in an
effort to increase the corporate profile
and let consumers know more about your
goods and services: