George Stock, on the left in the picture, Publicity Chairman for the
Valley East Lion’s Club, officially kicks off the “Raise The Roof”
Campaign by making a personal donation of $1000 to Lion Marcel Servais,
Treasurer of the local organization. Another member, Lion Tom Smith has
issued a challenge to all 77 Lions members to match his donation of
$100. The Leos, a division of the Lions Club which deals with the youth
of the community, have also donated $500. The rest of the $25,000 needed
to pay their share of the insurance deductible on their former Lion’s
Den will, hopefully, come from understanding and supportive members of
the community.
Valley East Lion’s Club has been providing financial and moral support
to virtually every segment of our community for many, many years.
Whenever someone approaches them with a request for assistance,
especially in the area of health and welfare, the club has come through
in a big way. Now, as a result of snow damage to the roof of the
Lion’s Den, located at the St. Joseph’s playground centre in Hanmer,
the very same Lions who have always been there for the community, are
turning to us for help.
City of Greater Sudbury Council has decided to accept a request by the
Lion’s Club to share in the payment of the $50,000 deductible
necessary to rebuild the Lion’s Den. Because of the charter
regulations set by Lion’s International, the organization is unable to
use any of the previously raised funds on building construction. All of
the money raised in the community through bingos, raffles and nevadas,
must be returned to the members of the community. The activities of the
Lion’s have resulted in an enormous amount of money being raised and
donated back to the community. But none of it can be used in the
“Raise The Roof Campaign”.
the 77 members of the Lion’s Club will be knocking on your door,
seeking donations so that they can rebuild the Lion’s Den and once
again provide the community with a facility which can be used for a wide
variety of purposes.
Marcel Servais is certain that the community support will be there for
them, “We have done so much for the people of Valley East in the past
and will continue to support good causes in the future, so I am sure
that when we turn to those people and ask them for help, they will
return the favour. Our home has been destroyed by snow damage. People
know how important that building was to us and to the community. They
will help us rebuild.”
is very difficult for this group of volunteers to have to turn around
and ask for help from the very community they have been committed to
serve in the past.
have always done things for others,” commented Servais, “and many
people have asked what they can do for us. Well, now we have something
you can do for us. Help us raise enough money to rebuild our home and
community centre.”
the campaign, which will take place during the latter part of June and
early July, Lion’s Club members will be approaching homeowners for
donations. For contributions of $20 or more, names will be entered into
a draw for a number of valuable prizes. In addition, a special Nevada
outlet has been established which will be used exclusively in the
“Raise The Roof” campaign. During the campaign, the Lions will
continue to perform their community volunteer work and will continue to
provide support to those who need it.
will have absolutely no impact on our regular fund-raising projects,”
Servais assured us. “It will be business as usual, but we are hoping
that our new home will be ready for us as early as Christmas.”
give you a perspective on just how much of an impact the Lions has on
this community, look at the list of organizations which have received
donations by the Lions in just the past five years:
and welfare individuals; soccer; playgrounds; the Hospital For Sick
Children Foundation; Cambrian College; Lion Youth Outreach Program;
Network North; VON; Down Syndrome Association of Sudbury; Arthritis
Society; Sudbury Family Services; Fire Hall; North Eastern Ontario
Cancer Centre; Extendicare; Minor Hockey; Good Neighbour Food Banks;
Easter Seals; Sudbury Science Fair; Scouts; Diabetes; Catholic Charity
Soup Kitchen; Minor Ball; Sudbury K.G. Unit; The Salvation Army; Leader
Dog of Rochester; School Bursaries; School; NOHA; Camp Quality;
Effective Speaking; Special Olympics; Vision of Canada; Girl Guides;
Cardiovascular Disease & Rehabilitation; Hugh MacMillan
Rehabilitation Centre; Kids Help Line; Down Syndrome; Sudbury Regional
Heritage Fair; Doctors Club; Kidney Foundation; Huntington Society of
Canada; Kins Eyes For Mike; Palliative Care; St. Vincent de Paul; Valley
East Figure Skating; Cambrian College Special Needs; Foyer Notre Dame;
Multiple Sclerosis; MCTV Telethon; Wahnapitae Community Centre; Meals on
Wheels; CNIB; Garson Medical Centre; Sudbury Regional Works Audiable
Lights; Action Sudbury; Valley East Arthritis; March of Dimes; Sudbury
Ringette Association; College Boreal; Christian Children Fund of Canada;
Dystonia Foundation; Canadian Arthritis Society; Ronald McDonald House;
Sudbury Lung Association; Ecole Secondaire Catholique L’Horizon; Human
League Kids Breakfast; Camp Dorset; Sports; Sudbury District Civil Air
Search & Rescue; Library; Sudbury Regional Police Service; and the
Valley East Youth Centre.