January 17, 2001
East Soccer Club Ranks As One of The Top Success Stories of 2000
The 2000 season will go down in the books as
one of the most satisfying ever for the Valley East Soccer Club, which
expressed appreciation to the City of Valley East for their on-going
commitment to promoting soccer in the Valley by presenting representatives
of Council with a beautiful picture which is expected to be hung in a
place of honour in the Recreation Centre. Shown above proudly displaying
the picture, from the left, are: Carole Blanchette (President of the
Club); Mayor John Robert; Councillor Roger Trottier; Regional Councillor
Louise Portelance and Neil Lindenbauch, Store Manager at Moncion’s Your
Independent Grocers.
The presentation was made during the opening ceremonies of the 5th
Annual Moncion’s Invitational Soccer Tournament held this summer.
Tournament Co-ordinator and Vice President, Mike Mallet thanked Dan Yachuk
and his crew for the excellent work they have done this year in grooming
and upgrading the fields at the Recreation Centre. All fields are fully
grassed and truly one of the finest soccer complexes in the entire Sudbury
District. With over 1150 players registered in the league this summer, the
league organizers have a lot of which to be proud. Mayor Robert thanked
Ms. Blanchette for the picture and congratulated her and her entire
volunteer crew for the great work they have done for the community. |