Students At Confederation
Realize Cancer Is A Disease Their Generation Must Cure
only involving two students and one teacher, a small fund-raising
campaign held at Confederation Secondary School in June held tremendous
significance in the bigger picture in the fight against Cancer.
grade 11 students, Mat Houle, shown on the left in the photo, and
Brandon Beeson on the right, decided to collect donations from family,
friends and fellow classmates in memory of Mat=s aunt, Ruby Russell, 79,
who passed away from this dreaded disease on May 8. Their teacher, Mr.
Pablo Gilfo, offered to shave his head, along with the two boys, if they
raised over a certain amount of money.
June 13, the three met their challenge, collecting $580, and visitors to
the cafeteria that day witnesses a transformation as the hair
two-week campaign took place right before exams, so the boys obviously
had other things on their minds. However, they loved Ruby greatly and
they also realized that this is the disease that their generation has to
cure. They are now part of a very large army of human beings who must
all work together to do their part to help in the fight, and for Mat and
Brandon, this meant a lot. It also meant a lot to the people around them
who were made aware of what can be done by each of us to help out. Mat
and Brandon will do a lot of other things in their lifetime, however, it
is safe to say that they will never forget the feeling of satisfaction
they felt from this campaign.