November 13 is decision day in the Region of Sudbury. Ward 3 candidates
had their final public opportunity to express their views on major
issues during a very spirited and enlightening Meet The Candidates Night
sponsored by The Vision Paper on November 2.
The nine candidates assembled for a group photo following the debate.
Back row, from the left: Maurice Lamoureux, Marc Landry, Roger Trottier,
and Len Zivny. Front row: Ron Dupuis, Louise Portelance, Nicky Doyon,
Joe Niceforo and Andre Rivest.
A crowd in excess of 150 attended the event and asked many interesting
and thought-provoking questions. The candidates responded well and
handled themselves very professionally.
Two candidates will represent Ward 3 over the next three years in what
is expected to be one of the most challenging periods in the history of
the Sudbury Region.
On behalf of all residents of Ward 3, we want to congratulate all
candidates for showing their dedication to the community by letting
their names stand for election. It takes courage to run in an election
campaign and leave yourself open to criticism and scrutiny. Ward 3 is
indeed fortunate to have such a fine selection of community citizens
from which to choose two people to represent our best interests. We wish
all of the candidates the best of luck and we promise to give our full
support to the successful candidates as they carry the torch for Valley
East and the rest of Ward 3.