The 3rd Annual Valley East Sports Hall of Fame Induction
Ceremonies took place on October 7 at the Valley East Recreation Centre.
Over 100 people attended the celebration in honouring five additional
persons for their contributions to sport over the years.
The inductees or their representatives are shown in the photo above.
From the left we have, Ron Dupuis, who organized the ceremony; Betty
Hope, accepting the award for her son, Shannon; George Corneau,
accepting the award for his son, Mike; Rolly Barriault; Eva Lanctot for
Eva Lanctot Realty; and Lou Burns.
Inducted into the Hall of Fame in the Professional Category was European
hockey star, Shannon Hope. Shannon played his career in England where he
participated on the National Team as well as a club team. He is a
member of the England Hockey Hall of Fame and also appears in the Hockey
Hall of Fame in Toronto. His parents, Gord and Betty Hope accepted the
award on Shannon’s behalf. Bev McIver, who has known Shannon since he
played bantam hockey in Valley East called him, “a good guy as well as
a good hockey player”.
In the Veteran’s category, the award this year went to Rolly Barriault,
who has been in the wrestling ring for 38 of his 54 years, going under
the name “Frenchy Lamont”. Rolly has been in the ring with the likes
of Little Beaver, sky Low Low, Little Brutus, Fuzzy Cupid, Andre The
Giant, Edouard Carpentier and the Canadian Half-Pints. He has travelled
all over the world and has been recognized as the Strongest Midget in
his class. He is in the Guiness Book of Records for lifting 500 pounds
even though he only weighs in at 110 pounds. He still wrestles part-time
and is looking forward to bringing wrestling back to Sudbury very soon.
The Sponsor’s Category was awarded to Eva Lanctot Realty for Eva’s
many years of dedication to minor sport in the City. Her real estate
office wall is filled with plaques and photos depicting many of the
sporting teams she has sponsored and provided support to. Master of
Ceremonies, Ron Dupuis, commented that, “We are lucky to have her in
Valley East.” Eva gratefully accepted her place in the Valley East
Sports Hall of Fame and thanked the audience for the honour.
The Volunteer Category inductee was the ever popular, Leo Burns, who was
recognized for over 40 years of volunteer service in a wide variety of
sports activities. Leo thanked his wife, Lou, for her support over the
years and stated that he was grateful for “the privilege of serving
this fine community. I hope we can continue on this fine tradition.”
His award was presented by Jack Paquette, last year’s volunteer
The Amateur Category award went to Mike Corneau, the star of the Rayside
Balfour Sabrecats last season. Corneau won the league scoring
championship with 40 goals and 55 assists for 95 points in 40 games. He
also pitched in with 26 points in 13 playoff games en route to willing
the silver medal in the Canadian Championships, winning the MVP award at
the Central Canadian Championships and being selected to the 1st Team All Star Squad. Corneau is currently
playing for the University of Ottawa.
There are now twenty members of the Valley East Sports Hall of Fame.
They include:
Veterans Category: Frank St. St. Marseille, Ron Duguay, Lucien Chevrier
and Rolly Barriault;
Volunteer Category: Hilda Kingsley, Wilfred White, Jack Paquette and Leo
Amateur Category: Melissa Junkala, Nathalie Menard, Kelly Ann Thompson
and Mike Corneau;
Professional Category: Andrew Brunette, Amanda Maurice, Darryl Lafrance
and Shannon Hope.
Sponsor Category: Marcel Moncion, Richard Tasse, Valley East Lions Club
and Eva Lanctot;