November 15, 2000
You Can't Direct The Wind But You Can Adjust The Sails
My teaching career has undergone several major
changes in recent months. For the past nine years I have been
representing the members of my local bargaining unit as their Union
President. Differences of opinion with my provincial association in June
have resulted in my subsequent removal from that office.
When it came down to a decision over whether the needs of my
local members should outweigh the needs of the province, I stood firm in
my conviction to represent my colleagues and friends and to do
everything possible to protect their best interests. Unfortunately, that
loyalty to my local members has resulted in an upheaval in my
professional and personal life - however, I do not regret the course of
action I took in that I have always felt that the faith my fellow
teachers placed in me was something that I would not risk losing,
regardless of the consequences.
As I was feeling sorry for myself and
wondering how I would cope with the problems I was facing, I stepped
back and took a good look around. My wife
and I are in relatively good health; I still have my job; my
children are healthy and off to a great beginning in their respective
career paths; I am under a lot less stress now that I no longer have the
responsibilities that came along with the union position; I have more
time to take long walks; I am getting back into coaching a men’s
slo-pitch team; and, I find that my friends have stood behind me despite
what the provincial association has done.
It was at that point I realized that I really
didn’t have a problem at all. What seemed to be a situation that I may
not be able to handle actually turned out to be something that has
actually improved my quality of life. It is as if all of the good things
that were waiting to happen to me couldn’t happen until a major change
occurred in my life. I was missing the many blessings of my life because
I was too consumed with everything that was happening to me.
I am sure that many of my readers are going
through the very same thing. As a matter of fact, I am convinced that we
all go through this type of experience many times during our time here
on earth. It is our response to these
life changing situations which not only make us stronger as individuals,
but also more aware of those around us who need someone to reach out to
them and help them get through their own troubles. I know that my own
personal faith - faith that life is what you make of it and that we are
never given a challenge that is too big to handle -
has been strengthened as a result of my experiences.
To further reinforce my feelings, I stumbled
upon a little passage this morning that I want to share with you.
 | “If life happens to deliver a situation to
you that you feel you cannot handle, simply put it in perspective
and let it resolve itself.
 | If you find yourself stuck in traffic, don’t
despair. There are people in this world for whom driving is an
unheard of privilege.
 | If you find yourself having a bad day at work,
think of the person who has been out of work for years.
 | If you despair over a relationship gone bad,
think of the person who has never known what it’s like to love and
be loved in return.
 | If you grieve the passing of another weekend,
think of the person in dire straits, working twelve hours a day,
seven days a week to put food on the table.
 | If your car breaks down, leaving you miles
away from assistance, think of the paraplegic who would love the
opportunity to take that walk.
 | If you notice a gray hair in the mirror, think
of the cancer patient who wishes she had hair to examine.
 | If you find yourself at a loss and pondering
what is life all about, asking what is my purpose? Be thankful.
There are those who didn’t live long enough to get the opportunity
to ask those questions.
 | If you find yourself the victim of other
people’s bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities,
remember things could be worse. You could be one of them.”
So the next time you feel down about life,
just remember, “You can’t direct the wind, but you can adjust the
sails.” There is nothing you can’t handle with a little faith, and
eventually you will experience something good that would never have
happened were it not for the problems you faced in the past.
Have a good week!