100 boys and girls of all ages accepted an invitation to have lunch with
Santa on December 16 at Buddies’ Restaurant in the Hanmer Valley
Shopping Centre. They all took part in a colouring contest sponsored by
the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre, The Vision Paper, Buddies’
Restaurant and Desjardins Food Basics. While the children enjoyed hot
dogs and fries, Santa stopped by to say hello and wish them all a Merry
Christmas. Eric Pukara played a few lively songs of the season on his
accordion and Rene Lacourciere the magician put on a demonstration after
lunch. It was a great afternoon of fun and entertainment which certainly
put everyone in the Christmas Spirit.
Contest winners included:
Jasmine Martin; Gilles Trepanier; Vanessa Bartoli; Adele Lavallee;
Michaela Bartoli; Tiffany Ross; Melanie Paquin; Nicholas Dombek;
Brendann Sequin; John Sime; Natalie DeSantis; Patrick Lajoie; Nicholas
DeSantis; Jessica Klaric; Joshua Sequin; Emilie & Christian Parent;
Christie & Connor McCarthy; Curtis & Kyle Thompson; Chanel
Theriault; Danika & Kayla Forget; Candace Toth; Samantha Pilkey;
Jamie Millard; Nicholas Millard; Dakota Cooke; Cailyn Paul; Jenevieve
Tremblay; Kristian Tremblay; Jesse O’Brien; Kaitlyn Thompson; Ryan
Chaquette; Britteny Reneaud; Sally St.Marseille; Sydney; Eden Omar; Cody
Marinig; Ashley & Carson Scarr; Isabelle Charles; Cassey Mohns;
Brandon Graham; Alexandria O’Neill; Brooklyne Crites; Courtney Crites;
Andre Boulard; Tabatha Bourguignon; Bryanne Paquin; Luc Paquin; Samantha
Demore; Bryan Demore; Kevin Demore; Michelle Henri; Emilie Carriere;
Taylor Beaulne; Samantha Williamson; Briana Godmer; Janelle Quesnel;
Michelle Quesnel; Christopher Cashmore; Stephanie Miller; Megan
Thompson; Mellisa Thompson; Lise Brosseau; Brittany-Lynn Prosser; Matt
Lamoureux; Savanna Lamoureux; Jessica Ballance; Marie-Chantal Nolet;
Alexandre Frappier; Erika Bartlett; Ben Herbert; Justin & Sylvain;
Amber & Tony; Craig Leclerc; Eric & Erika Stokes; Morgan &
Dylan Trites; Carl & Yvonne Bruce; Kyle, Charlotte, Rachel and
Faith; Kyle.
Organizers tried to get as many
of the names as possible. If we missed out on your name or if your name
is misspelled, please accept our apologies. Many thanks to all of the
people who took part in this special event, especially the parents and
children for taking time to visit with Santa.

Vanessa Bartoli was one of
the 111 children who enjoyed lunch with Santa. She is shown here with
the owner of the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre, Val Mazucca. Vanessa is
the granddaughter of Val’s brother, Mario.