in case you forgot, school begins for elementary and secondary students
on September 5. Check the calendar and you may be surprised that it is
less than two weeks away. Now is the time to begin the ‘Back To School’
preparation so that you are not caught up in the rush during the first
week of September. Remember, it takes much longer than just a few hours
the night before to get ready.
If your child is attending school for the first time, or if you have
just moved into the area, or if your child is attending a new school, it
would be a good idea to take a drive with him/her to check out the
school environment. This is especially important with younger children.
Walk around the school property and familiarize yourself with the
playground and layout of the building. Then when your child tells you
stories about what happened at school you will have a visual image of
the area.
If the building is open, go inside and check with the office to see
if it is permissible to take your child around the inside on a tour.
Again, this is very important if your child is young. It will make him
feel much more comfortable entering the building on September 5 if he
has had a chance to see the school when it is quiet and not filled with
hundreds of active youngsters. School can be quite intimidating when you
are only three feet tall.
If you are lucky, you may even see your child’s teacher preparing
the classroom. Take the opportunity to say hello and introduce yourself.
It is not a time for a parent-teacher interview, but merely a time for a
quick social call. However, if there is something the teacher should be
made aware of about your child or some trauma which he is going through
which may have an impact on his ability to learn, by all means inform
the teacher.
If your child takes a bus to school, check out the bus stop area. It
should be close to your house anyway, but nonetheless, you will look at
things differently this time around. See if there is shelter from the
rain or snow; if the children must stand near heavy traffic; how often
does your child have to cross the road; are there any danger points
along the way; how long it takes your child to walk to the bus stop; and
how long it takes your child to run to the bus stop on days when he/she
is late. Knowing these times may come in handy during the early morning
rush to get children off to school.
Make sure your child has all the information he/she needs in case of
an emergency. Which house can he run to if there is trouble? Who can he
phone if he can’t get hold of you during the day? If he gets off at
the wrong bus stop, does he/she know the streets well enough to walk
All parents know that it is important to get those new school
clothes; the school equipment; to prepare the desk so that your child
has a nice clean area to do his homework. But we mustn’t forget the
other things that will seem like major obstacles to young children. The
beginning of a new school year for a child is just like an adult
starting a new job. It is all new and confusing and the least little
thing can take away all of the fun and excitement. Little problems will
all seem huge on the first day of school.