

St. James-in-the-Valley
United Church
4510 Tate Boulevard, Val Therese P3P 1S8
(705) 969-5315
email: stjamesinthevalley@gmail.com
Minister John L. Fraser
Regular Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. During
July and August
Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Special Christmas Eve Services
6:30 p.m. Easter Services
(Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Morning Sunrise
Services) are shared with Trinity United in Capreol. Both St James and
Trinity each have their own traditional Easter Morning Worship at
10:30 a.m. |
 | The Men's Club meets at
8:00 a.m.
the first Saturday of each Month at Aggie's
 | The United Church Women meet Monthly, Times may
vary for the Guest Speaker program.
 | The Craft, Conversation and Fellowship group meet
every Tuesday at
10:00 a.m.
(Bring your brown bag lunch) all crafts are
 | The Choir practise weekly but times vary.
All voices are welcomed. (even if you just wish to come and
sing at the practise time) |
James In The Valley Ladies Make A Big Difference In The Community

Bea McFarlane, sitting on the left; Gail Levert, standing;
and Ena Boulay on the right, are three of the over 22 active ladies who
make up the St. James in the Valley United Church Women (UCW). In the
photo they are shown taking care of the Penny Table and Bake Sale during
Valley East Days at the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre. This is always one
of the most popular events of the weekend as hundreds of happy shoppers
walk away with delicious treats made by the ladies. The ladies will hold
their Christmas Tea on November 19 from 12 to 3. That promises to be a
great afternoon for everyone. They also hold a Cookie Walk in the spring.
All of the funds raised by the UCW go back into the Church to be used to
help others in need.
The St. James in the Valley UCW meets once a month to talk about
various projects in which they are involved. More importantly, however,
they meet to keep in touch with each other and to discuss the important
things that are going on in their lives and in their families. This is the
type of comraderie that becomes extremely important for people of all ages
and all walks of life. To be connected to a group of friends who share a
common purpose and who are devoted to giving of their time and energy to
help others is something to be treasured. We not only congratulate the St.
James in the Valley ladies for their accomplishments, we thank you for
making this town a better place to live.
The United Church Women of St. James
In The Valley Are Very Pleased With The Support They Received
At Their Annual Fall Bake Sale & Penny Table Sale |
It was all smiles for Gail Levert on the left and
Gwen McLean as they recorded names and phone numbers of people who
took part in the 2006 United Church Women of St. James In The Valley
Annual Fall Bake Sale & Penny Table Sale which was held at the
Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre on September 8 and 9. |
The table was filled with dozens of wonderful gifts
and prizes from which to choose. |
Sandy George, left, and Ena Boulay are shown above
arranging the delicious baking goods that were donated by the ladies
of the church. The women were constantly re-stocking the table and
some even had to go home on Friday evening to bake some more for
Saturday. |
Sharon Miron, above, was one of the many volunteers
who gave of their time during the weekend. Below, Gladyse Trites
takes time to drop Penny Table tickets into the containers before
beginning her "shift" behind the table on Friday morning. |