
The egg hatchery, which is located in a special room of the
club house, will hatch up to 800,000 walleye (pickerel) eggs each spring. |

Each bell-jar contains approximately 200,000 eggs which
will turn into "fries" that will be placed inside holding tanks
such as the ones below.... |

or inside an aquarium. |

Once the fries are hatched and healthy, they are placed
inside one of three rearing ponds on site where they will grow into
"fingerlings" of approximately 1 1/4 inch to 2 1/2 inches. The
main pond is located just outside the club house, in a well secured area. |

The three ponds are supplied with oxygen from the windmill
that pumps fresh air into the pools. Also on the site is a pump house
which is used to harvest the fingerlings once they are ready to be
transported to one of several lakes in the district. |

Picture inside hatchery weighing walleye after being
spawned out. |
Many children visit the hatchery. Here a young girl looks
at the 850,000 walleye eggs being hatched. |