About Smart Tan
The International Smart Tan Network
The professional tanning salon association promoting the responsible,
life-long skin-care regimen of moderate suntanning for individuals who can
develop a tan and sunburn avoidance for all.
Mission Statement
Dedicated to educating indoor tanning professionals and the millions of
customers they serve, the International Smart Tan Network is a synergetic
worldwide consortium committed to researching and promoting the
responsible, life-long skin-care regimen of moderate suntanning for
individuals who can develop a tan and sunburn avoidance for all.
Redefining the standards of professionalism in the indoor tanning salon
industry, Smart Tan and its members are committed to the following
- Teaching millions of tanners worldwide how to maximize the potential
benefits of sun exposure while minimizing the potential risks
associated with either too much or too little sunlight.
- Encouraging both tanners and non-tanners to examine the scientific
research supporting the benefits associated with sun exposure, while
at the same time respecting the potential risks.
- Supplying indoor tanning professionals with new and unparalleled
educational opportunities to further their understanding of
ultraviolet light and the tanning process.
- Raising consumer expectations of what constitutes a professional
indoor tanning facility.
- Funding new scientific research on the positive effects of
ultraviolet light and promoting this emerging field of evidence in its
proper context.
The Smart Tan Creed
Moderate indoor tanning — for individuals who can develop a tan —
is the smartest way to maximize the potential benefits of sun exposure
while minimizing the potential risks associated with either too much or
too little sunlight.
The Golden Rule of Smart Tanning
"Don’t ever sunburn."