Many of you have heard the term VoIP (Voice over IP) in the
past year or so and those who haven’t, certainly must have heard about the
possibility of “making calls over the internet".
What you may not realize is that the same technology that is offering
very inexpensive telephone service through broadband internet can also be
accessed through your existing telephone service to make
inexpensive long distance phone calls.
Even more surprising may be the fact that a lot of
you are already using the VoIP for your everyday long distance calling and
don’t even know it. That’s right, those who use a long distance
company other than your local landline carrier, are probably having
they’re calls delivered least in part over a VoIP network. That is why
they can offer you discount rates for long distance phone service.
Edgar Lajambe, owner of Internet Solutions
and Valley Computers advised us that VoIP isn’t a new phenomenon. Many long distance
carriers and large multi-national companies have been using the technology
within private networks to save or make vast amounts of money.
Call centers have used the technology for a number of
years to route calls to their various centers across the continent. Even
overseas and long distance companies have also been utilizing this
inexpensive means of delivery and overcharging consumers for years and
making enormous profits at it until recently.
As VoIP solution providers start to offer regular
consumers access to these enormous networks using the same technology that
has previous only been within the grasp of larger companies it’s not
hard to see why they are shaking the up the entire industry as people
realize that they can easily reduce their long distance charges by as much
60 percent. Internet Solutions is one of those
companies offering VoIP long distance and telephone services.