
Ward 3
March 28, 2006 |
It is so great coming to you with the sun shining and
temperatures around 8 degrees Celcius.
There are only a few areas that have experienced flooding problems to
date. One particular area was Third and Fourth Streets, where a
significant amount of water accumulated and was causing serious concerns.
The residents as well as municipal employees worked hard and fast to
resolve the problem. I want to thank the residents who worked well into
the night to make sure the water was flowing away from people's
If we continue to experience this type of temperature and with the amount
of snow up North, we could be looking at problems for the next couple of
weeks. The Nickel District Conservation Authority is certainly monitoring
this very closely.
On Thursday night at
7:00 p.m.
, we are going to have a public meeting at
Secondary School
, to discuss the traffic problems at the intersection of
Lasalle Boulevard
Notre-Dame Avenue
. We will also explain to the residents of the area, the plans for the
work that the city will undertake this summer. This busy intersection has
been a cause for concern for a number of years. We must come up with
solutions until the Maley Extension is built.
Last weekend the Valley hosted a number of hockey teams from throughout
the Province, as the annual Renegades Tournament was held. They used four
arenas and had 88 teams participating. My compliments to all the
volunteers, the organizers, and to people like Jim McLaughlin who have
been doing this for a long time. The Renegades Tournament just keeps
getting better and more popular every year. This organization puts all the
money back into the Valley and many teams have benefited from their
genrosity. Volunteers certainly make our community a better place to live.
We are so fortunate to have so many who give so much of themselves.
Have a great week! |
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