Hanmer Chiropractice Centre Conducts
10th Annual Food Bank Drive |

For the past ten years, the Hanmer Chiropractic Centre has
been conducting a special food drive for the Good Neighbours Food Bank in
Hanmer. This year, patients were encouraged to bring in non-perishable
food or cash donations from December 5 through 9. Anne Unwin, Director of
the Good Neighbours Food Bank, is shown on the far left, when she and
Philip Proulx, on the far right, came to collect the donations. Others in
the photo include, 2nd from the left, Dr. Ghislaine Landry; Chiropractic
Assistant Nadine Dussault; and Dr. Dave Welsh. Anne wanted to acknowledge
the support of all of the patients of the Hanmer Chiropractic Centre for
their generousity. |