from our
want to thank all readers who have taken time to respond to articles
and features that are part of Valley East Today.
you would like to send in a comment, or a suggestion, simply send it
to the email below and it will be published. Valley East Today is a
two-way communication vehicle for the entire community, and your
comments are always welcome.
Valley East Today Community Web Site |
Dear Mr. Kirwan,
I want to thank you for your sincere and meaningful "Food for
Thought" editorials. I share them with my family and friends by
using them as my "signing off" remark at the end of emails.
Personally, they help "remind" me to be Grateful!
Without making a conscious effort to be Grateful for everyone,
every"thing", including all those very hard, hard lessons I
have had to learn, I know I would just not be
"truly" living! Thank you again for the
wonderful "reminders"....
Cheers, Patricia
"An Excellent Life Is Nothing
More Than The Sum Of Many Excellent Moments"
Publisher's Reply:
Thank you for your kind comments, Patricia. I am glad that I have
been able to help in some small way to remind you that you, as well
as everyone you come in contact with, has a lot to be grateful for
in this life. We may not always understand why we are challenged in
so many ways as we go through our day-to-day activities, but each
challenge makes us that much stronger individuals. |
WE enjoy reading your articles that are published. They have been
inspiring and encouraging.
This Christmas we are wondering if you know why Jesus came to
To bring love, and hope. But this love came in the form of Him being
God's only Son, to die on that cross so we might have a way into Heaven.
He was sent and died as our Saviour. Only through His shed blood are we
able to come before the throne of God. He took upon himself all of our
sins. What were and what will ever be. Now we have a mediator. We must
ask Jesus to live inside of us and to make Him Lord of our life. There
is no other way to enter into Heaven. The Bible say's that the only way
to the father is through His son Jesus. It also say's that in order to
be saved "We must confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe
in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead.
That sir is what Christmas is all about..
Thank you for your time.
Have a blessed CHRISTmas..
Publisher's Reply:
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, Susan. We hope that
you, too, have a very happy and blessed Christmas. |
Hello Robert,
Thanks for the newsletter! Some of the links are not working, could
just be
the computer I'm using.
If I may make some suggestions, maybe adding some pictures or logos would
more attractive, and have it set up in a pamphlet style would make it
to read. Great information!
Christie Houle |
Thank you for you comments, Christie.
We will certainly check up on the links.
As for the pictures and logos, we decided to avoid those since many
computers read graphics differently. Also, we wanted to make sure
that all
of the people recieving this newsletter felt safe and secure about
attachments, etc. I know it could look a bit better, but since
everything is
included on the main web site in a sort of "magazine"
we just decided to keep it simple.
The main web site is going to be quite massive, but hopefully, it
contain everything that you would ever want to find out about
Valley East
and people will simply go to the web site when they have a need or
just wish
to browse.
Thanks again for your interest. Please feel free to send in some of
your own comments and articles in the future. |
Just wanted to drop a line and say how I am enjoying this
I especially like to read the articles in the special features section.
Having moved away from Hanmer in 1987, I now live in
and still long for news from friends and family and the
Valley East
community. This is a great website to get local news and hope that
it will be maintained going forward.
Best Regards,
Chantal Pellerin (nee Cyr) |
thank you very much for your comments.
We certainly intend to continue to bring you this newsletter in the
future. |
The following letter was in response to the article below:
Root of All Problems In Minor Hockey Today? Coaches Are Too Well Trained!
I was brought up in
where, like kids with hockey, we played for hours at a time always with
different teams. We never really knew the score. I never learned to skate
but, due to a lack of coaches in the Jane/Finch area in
North York
, I became a hockey coach. The kids and parents knew that I could not
skate but, funnily, I was accepted as a coach. I taught the kids how to do
their best, how to be in the right place at the right time and the true
meaning of "TEAM". Everyone had equal ice time and everyone got
along well. Why? They were appreciated for who they were and for their
efforts. Throughout my coaching career, I coached 5 year olds up to 21
year olds. They may have started the season off at the bottom, but always
rose to the top. I learned what drills to have them complete and
encouraged their individual abilities. It is the kids that make the TEAM
not the coach. Is not a coach someone who guides and encourages? The kids
had pride in their accomplishments. They may not have made the NHL but
they had "FUN". By the way, I would not be able to coach today
because I could not be "Certified" but for 15 years no one cared
about the piece of paper. It was what was in your heart that counted.
Because you cannot do it yourself does not mean that you cannot encourage
another to do it. No matter where the help is needed, go out and
volunteer. You may fall on the ice a few times but have fun and the kids
will too. The kids need your support and encouragement, not your expertise
or "Know It All" attitude. I just feel that we are looking for
too much perfection in the kids today. Lets get back to basics.
Best wishes
Rod Harte |
Thank you for your story, Rod. I couldn’t
agree with you more. |
Putting the newsletter in an email is a wonderful idea!!
And what perfect timing...I was going to email you anyway. I wanted
to let you know that I've been extremely busy since returning to
, but I did take time to write one story. However, before sending it
to you, I submitted it to Canadian Living magazine, and I just received
word that it will be PUBLISHED IN THE MAY 2006 ISSUE!!!! My first
PAID published work!!! (I'm so proud of me!) And it's about
Hanmer...but that's all I can really say for now. So you guys will
have to wait 'til May, but it should be a good boost for the Valley to be
in such a spotlight!
Hope you're doing well. Katie and I enjoyed visiting the
area, and had the opportunity to see the house I grew up in, which,
apparently, Doug Hanson's parents have bought! Small world. I
visited with my old neighbors, the Heimbeckers (you should see THEIR
garden!!) and went to Chenier's store to get a chocolate popsicle.
It was like heaven being up there, and I hope I can get back up in the
next couple of years. I just made the final payment on my vehicle,
but I just started my first night in college in over ten years. It's
an accelerated, adult college (
), five-week courses, so I should be finished in 3 years instead of 4
going the traditional way. Most of the AA degree is online, so that
makes it even easier. I was debating which major I should go for,
but after hearing from Canadian Living this evening, I just might go into
Have a wonderful day, Bob. And my thanks to you and all my other
teachers at St. Anne for having given me such a great education!
~~Wendy |
news, Wendy!
can't wait to see the article in Canadian Living.
luck with your course. It looks as if life is treating you well.
And I
really enjoyed meeting Katie. She is a doll. |