of my main objectives in creating the Valley East Today Community web site
was to help residents become more aware of the goods and services that are
available to them from local merchants.
My goal is to eventually have all of the businesses
featured on this web site with at least a corporate profile and contact
information on the Business
Directory section of Valley East Today.
If you are interested in providing goods and services
to the people living in the community of Valley East,
I would be only too happy to discuss your needs and then determine if we
can help you through some of the strategic marketing options we are able
to provide at this time.
In order to give you an idea of the
general marketing packages available, I am providing you with the
following options at this time. Keep in mind that since the needs of each
business and/or organization are different, the following packages have
some flexibility that can be built into them to accommodate those unique
requirements. |
This package is for businesses and
organizations that provide goods and/or services that meet
the needs of families with respect to education, learning or quality of life
enhancements. The features of this package include:
 | A special Corporate Profile Page will be created for your business or
organization. This page will contain an introductory business profile
with several photos and features of your company. It will also contain all of the
pertinent contact information along with links to email addresses and
to your existing web site, if you have one.
 | A new feature article will be published for your company each month in Valley East
Today providing the public with information and increased awareness about
one or more of the goods and services available through your company. The article may
contain one or two appropriate photos and/or logos to make it more
effective. The publisher of Valley East Today will be responsible for
meeting with you and
writing the article. The complete feature article will be posted in the
main body of the weekly online news magazine for two weeks. It will
also be posted in the Business Section for the entire month. Finally,
it will be added to your Corporate Profile Page and will remain there
for future reference.
After twelve months you will have up to twelve different feature articles about your
business. You may then select one of them to be published each month
in Valley East Today or continue to come up with new articles each
month thereafter.
 | A half-page article will be published in The Vision Paper announcing
to the public that your business or organization has become an official
sponsor of Valley East Today. The article will expand upon the main
services you provide to the local residents and encourage readers to visit
your section of Valley East Today for more information.
 | A 1/4 page Display Ad will be created for your company or
organization. This display ad will be posted in several appropriate
sections of Valley East Today, including the main body of the online
weekly newsmagazine, the Business Page, at the beginning of the
Business Directory, and among the
weekly online human interest articles. The display ad will link directly
to your Corporate Profile Page.
 | We will display and distribute your company brochure in the office of Valley East
Today which is located in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre. We will
take advantage of every opportunity to recommend your company and
distribute your promotional materials to prospective customers. |
The cost for this promotion:
 | A one time set-up charge of $300 will invoiced to prepare the Profile
Page, create the display ad and to write and publish the introductory
article for The Vision Paper.
 | At the beginning of each month you will be invoiced an all-inclusive
charge of $150 for the promotional services outlined above.
 | There is no contract to sign. You will be free to discontinue this
agreement at any time with a minimum of one month's advance notice in
 | The first invoice will will include the fees for the set-up as well as
the fees for the first and last month. The total will be $600 plus GST.
 | The invoice for the second and subsequent months will be $150 plus GST.
 | The monthly fee will be guaranteed to remain at this level for a
period of at least twenty-four (24) months.
 | NOTE: If you do not have an existing web site, we can design one
that can be incorporated into your Profile Page for an additional one
time charge of $300 plus GST. |
If you do not yet have a web site for
your business or organization, we are prepared to offer the following
service if it meets your needs:
 | We will design and store a special corporate web site section for your business
or organization. This web site will contain appropriate information,
photos and logos about your business.
 | A 1/4 page Display Ad will be created for your company or
organization. This display ad will be posted in several appropriate
sections of Valley East Today, including the Business Page and at the
beginning of the Business Directory. The display ad will link directly
to your web site.
 | We will display your company brochure in the office of Valley East
Today which is located in the Hanmer Valley Shopping Centre. We will
take advantage of every opportunity to recommend your company and
distribute your promotional materials.
 | You can visit any of the following to see samples of web sites that have
been done for some of our current clients. These demonstrate the style
of web site that we are prepared to design for you.:
Gladu Photos
Tanning Salon
Mates Family Footwear
Family Dentistry
 | The one time cost of designing a web site similar in nature to those
above is $300.
 | The cost to store, maintain and promote your web site on Valley East
Today is $75 plus GST per month. You will be invoiced an amount of $225
plus GST at the beginning of every three month period.
 | The monthly fee will include making minor
alterations to your web site when requested. Every three months, upon
payment of your quarterly fee, you will
have an opportunity to request major changes and/or additions to the web
 | Your first invoice will consist of the charge for the design of the
web site plus the first quarter monthly fee. (total of $525 plus GST).
After that you will receive another invoice every three months.
 | The monthly rate will be guaranteed to remain at the same level for
a minimum of twenty four (24) months. |
 | The Valley East Today Web Site contains a Business Directory (Click
 | Our ultimate goal is to eventually have this section include a
corporate profile and contact information for all businesses, professional service providers,
and organizations serving the community of Valley East.
This will be one of the sections that is highlighted and promoted on
Valley East Today and in all other strategic marketing initiatives
employed by the company.
The Business Directory is expected to become a main source of
reference for the people living in Valley East.
All advertisers included on the Business Directory will be recognized
as being the primary sponsors of Valley East Today since advertising
revenue generated from this section will be the main source of funding
for the publication.
 | A special Corporate Profile Page will be created for your business or
organization. This page will contain an introductory corporate profile
with several photos of your company. It will also contain all of the
pertinent contact information along with links to email addresses and
to your existing web site if you already have one.
 | A 1/4 page Display Ad will be created for your company or
organization. This display ad will be posted in several appropriate
sections of Valley East Today, including the Business Page and at the
beginning of the Business Directory. The display ad will link directly
to your Corporate Profile Page.
 | Go to the following link for Fantastic
Floors to see the kind of Corporate Profile that you can have done for
your business on the Business Directory.
 | The Annual Fee for the Business Directory package, which includes
the development of a Corporate Profile Page similar to Fantastic Floors for your business,
displaying all of the contact information, and establishing links to
your existing web site and/or email address is only $400 plus GST.
 | When you renew your Business Directory Package for another year, we will
make any changes or revisions (including changing photos) at no
additional cost.
 | If you would like to make changes to your Corporate Profile Page during
the year, you simply have to
contact us and we will make the necessary arrangements. There will be a
flat service charge of $50 for all changes which take up to one
hour to complete, plus $60 per hour for any time over one hour. The fee will be
determined by the time taken for travel to and from your business
location as well as time necessary for taking photos, writing text,
etc. It is expected that most changes can be made over the internet
simply by having you send the request.
 | Your participation in the Business Directory will help current residents and
those who may be considering becoming new residents to get a better understanding of the scope and
nature of the commercial sector of Valley East and will also give your
particular business a higher profile in the community. |
Robert Kirwan, Publisher of Valley
East Today
Contact me if you would like to discuss your options
